
A Samurai’s Life in Fire And Ice

A journey of a Samurai from another world looking for a Lord to serve. —————————xxx————————— I’m not good at writing synopsis, but do check out my story til chapter 5 before you say something

Noble_K1ng · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

4 Year Timeskip, 3

~~Previously, in the life of a Samurai, Miyamoto plans to create a Northern Militia.~~

>> Year, 253 A.C. <<

Miyamoto P.O.V.—

Miyamoto stood atop the partially constructed towers of Moat Cailin, overseeing the ongoing transformation of the ancient fortress. The blend of Westerosi and Japanese architectural styles hinted at the integration of cultures in this pivotal stronghold. As the first batch of Snowmen trained diligently below, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the changes about to unfold.

The Northern Militia, a concept born from strategic planning and thoughtful consideration, was taking shape. The training regimen, akin to the disciplined routines of the marine corps, focused on honing combat skills, hand-to-hand combat, and the art of swordsmanship etc. Miyamoto's watchful eye, along with Aryon's expertise, ensured that each Centuria underwent rigorous preparation, even engaging in simulated wars to sharpen their tactical acumen.

And when he was in the corridors of Winterfell, Miyamoto engaged in intense sessions with the Stark household warriors. The commitment to strength and skill was unwavering, reflecting the samurai's dedication to forging a formidable force within House Stark's ranks.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Miyamoto found himself engaged in constant combat and training with the Stark household warriors. The demand for strength and skill was paramount, a testament to the samurai's commitment to ensuring House Stark's defenders surpassed all others.

Lord Edwyle Stark, recognizing the need for a secure military headquarters, tasked Miyamoto with overseeing the reconstruction of Moat Cailin. The fortress, with its Japanese-inspired towers, was becoming a symbol of the North's readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead and also a declaration of its changes.

Overseeing the construction of Moat Cailin, with its blend of Westerosi and Japanese elements, Miyamoto envisioned a stronghold that would serve as the nerve center for the Northern Militia. Two towers stood proudly, signaling the beginning of a new era for the Snowmen in training.

As he surveyed the ongoing developments, the samurai couldn't help but acknowledge the significance of the changes taking place. The impending completion of Moat Cailin, the relentless training of the Northern Militia, and the interactive conversations that awaited in the halls of Winterfell hinted at a chapter in the North's story that was about to be written.

## Flashback - Year, 252 A.C., 2nd Moon ##

Miyamoto stood alongside Lord Stark, the Northern Lords taking their seats as the discussion about the Northern Militia commenced. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and Lord Stark, at the forefront, initiated the proceedings.

"So, my lords, today we unite to advance the North. Without further ado, let's begin," Lord Stark declared, signaling to Miyamoto to take the stage.

"M'Lords, the North is vast and formidable. Despite being labeled as impoverished and savage, our strength is undeniable. Yet, we lack a standing army, a force to protect our people," Miyamoto asserted with unwavering confidence.

Lord Mormont voiced the curiosity of the assembly, "What kind of army are you proposing, one for both defense and war?"

Miyamoto acknowledged the question, "Indeed, my lord. This army will not only be our shield in times of war but also a vigilant security force against bandits, Ironborn, and wildlings. We propose the establishment of an army camp, starting with 100 soldiers."

Concern echoed through Lord Glover's inquiry, "Can we afford such an endeavor? The resources required seem substantial."

Miyamoto met their concerns head-on, "That's precisely why I've devised a plan. Allow me to present the details. This army will not only serve in times of war but will be a proactive force to keep the North safe."

Lord Umber's booming voice cut through the discussion, "One year for a hundred men? What's the guarantee this will work?"

Miyamoto responded, "The training plan I'm developing will be rigorous, ensuring these soldiers become adept quickly. They will function as both light and heavy infantry, versatile in various situations."

Lord Stark, who had observed the deliberation, stepped in to elaborate, "To answer Lord Mormont's question, these 100 soldiers will be organized into 10 teams, or 'Centuria,' each led by a captain and vice-captain."

Lord Dustin sought further clarification, "And what about ranks? How will this army be structured?"

Miyamoto detailed the hierarchy, "Each Centuria will be under a Commodore. Ten Commodores will answer to a Grand Commander, and the highest rank, the General, will oversee the entire force."

The boisterous Lord Umber questioned the army's name, to which Lord Stark promptly replied, "'Snowmen.' A fitting title for warriors hailing from the North."

"And we will be reconstructing the Moat Cailin. It will be made to be the headquarters of the Snowmen Army." Lord Stark declared and with it all the Lords cheered hard and banged the table cuz they all realized that North is prospering.

The meeting delved into logistical details— compensation, and other pertinent questions that arose. The atmosphere buzzed with discussions, shaping the future of the Northern Militia.

## Flashback End ##

3rd Person P.O.V.—

Miyamoto stood on the training grounds near Moat Cailin, observing the Snowmen as they went through their rigorous drills. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the soldiers honing their skills. As the first batch of trainees progressed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their growth.

Approaching Lord Stark, who was watching with a keen eye, Miyamoto spoke, "M'lord, the progress of the Snowmen is impressive. Their discipline and coordination have improved significantly."

Lord Stark nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Miyamoto. Your training regimen has proven effective. The North is shaping a force to be reckoned with."

As the two discussed the advancements, Aryon, the seasoned warrior overseeing the training, approached them. "Miyamoto, Lord Stark, the soldiers are showing promising results in both individual combat and team dynamics. They're ready for the next phase."

Lord Stark's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "What's the next phase, Aryon?"

Aryon grinned. "Live combat scenarios, M'lord. It's time for them to apply what they've learned in controlled battles. We'll simulate various situations, from ambushes to sieges."

Lord Stark raised an eyebrow. "Live combat already? Isn't it a bit early?"

Miyamoto considered the question before responding, "It's a calculated risk, M'lord. By introducing live combat scenarios, we assess their adaptability and decision-making under pressure. It's a crucial step in their development."

Lord Stark nodded, acknowledging the strategy. "Very well, Aryon. Proceed with the live combat simulations. Let's see how our Snowmen fare in the face of real challenges."

Aryon saluted and headed back to the training grounds, barking orders to the soldiers. Miyamoto and Lord Stark followed, keen to witness the Snowmen's transition from disciplined trainees to seasoned warriors.

As the live simulations unfolded, Miyamoto noticed the soldiers facing challenges that ranged from surprise attacks to defending strategic positions. The Centurias showcased their teamwork, responding to each scenario with a blend of discipline and adaptability and the Captains' ability to lead. Miyamoto couldn't help but be impressed by their progress.

Lord Stark, his eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle, turned to Miyamoto. "Your vision for the Northern Militia is taking shape, Miyamoto. These Snowmen have the potential to become the guardians the North needs."

Miyamoto humbly nodded. "They still have much to learn, M'lord, but their dedication is unwavering. With time, they will become a formidable force."

Amidst the training, Miyamoto saw Rickerd, Lord Stark's heir, leading one of the Centurias with determination. Approaching him, Miyamoto offered a nod of approval. "You lead with strength and honor, Rickerd. Your progress is commendable."

Rickerd, catching his breath, replied, "I've learned much under your guidance, Master Miyamoto. The principles you've instilled guide me in both combat and leadership."

Encouraged by Rickerd's words, Miyamoto smiled. "Continue to lead with honor, and the Snowmen will thrive under your command."

As the day unfolded, the live simulations continued, providing valuable insights into the strengths and areas of improvement for the Northern Militia. Lord Stark, Miyamoto, and the other Northern Lords watched with a mix of anticipation and pride, envisioning the future of the North with a dedicated and skilled defense force.

###Scene Break###

Later that evening, in the quiet chambers of Moat Cailin, Lord Stark and Miyamoto discussed the day's events. The flickering candlelight illuminated the room as they poured over reports and observed maps detailing the progress of the Northern Militia.

"Miyamoto, the live simulations revealed the strengths of the Snowmen, but we must address any vulnerabilities," Lord Stark remarked, studying the reports.

Miyamoto nodded. "Agreed, M'lord. We'll refine their training, focusing on areas that need improvement. The goal is to create a versatile force capable of handling any threat."

Lord Stark leaned back in his chair. "The other Northern Lords are going to be impressed. We're on the right path. But, Miyamoto, I sense there's more on your mind."

Miyamoto hesitated for a moment before speaking. "M'lord, I've been considering the integration of archers into the Snowmen. A specialized unit that can provide ranged support during battles."

Lord Stark considered the proposal. "Archers could indeed enhance our tactics. Develop a plan for their training and integration. We'll discuss it further."

Encouraged by Lord Stark's openness, Miyamoto continued, "Additionally, M'lord, I've been contemplating the establishment of a scout unit. Swift and agile, they can gather intelligence and serve as our eyes beyond our borders."

Lord Stark leaned forward, intrigued. "Scouts could provide valuable information. Draft a plan, Miyamoto. We'll evaluate the feasibility and potential impact on our defense strategy."

Miyamoto nodded, grateful for Lord Stark's receptiveness to his ideas. "I will present detailed plans for both the archer unit and the scout unit. It's about creating a well-rounded force, adaptable to the diverse challenges the North may face."

Lord Stark smiled, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Continue to shape the future, Miyamoto. The North relies on your wisdom and foresight."

With a deep bow, Miyamoto expressed his commitment. "I shall dedicate myself to strengthening the Northern Militia and ensuring the prosperity and security of the North."

As the night unfolded, plans were drafted, ideas were refined, and the vision of a formidable Northern defense force took clearer shape. The journey of the Snowmen had only just begun, and the challenges ahead would test their mettle, forging them into the guardians the North needed.

[A/N: 1700+ words!! Whatchu all think bout the story so far? Write some reviews.]

[Ps: Drop some Powerstones (Gays can't see this sentence).]