
A Saiyan In Black Clover

A person who reincarnated in the world of Dragon ball as the father of Broly and Cheelia was born only with a power level of 1, but in return, had the power to sense god ki at birth. The God of Destruction and Angels in all 12 universes fear the child and banish him in a dimensional rift. I do not own any characters from Black Clover, Dragon Ball Super, Duke Pendragon, and others except for my mc. All credits go to their perspective creators. If the owner of this cover doesn't want me to use it, contact me.

Masof · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Beerus Planet

The Seventh God of Destruction was sleeping soundly within his palace, dreaming about the food gifted to him by earthlings, when suddenly a huge flux of power, spread across the cosmos, but what stood odd was that this power, even though it was getting smaller by the second, was very powerful.

Whis who was tidying up Beerus's mess from all the food laying around said.

Oh my! what am I gonna do with you Beerus, good thing I save this leftover sushi when I visited earth.

"Munch, munch, munch"

How magnificent this beautiful aroma, pared with what humans called salmon is wonderful, maybe I should make a quick trip back to get more food for Beerus and me. It's estimated that our food will last for 2 more days before we run out.


Whis and Beerus, who were minding their own business, felt the feinting presence of Ki, judging from their curiosity they wanted to investigate where it was coming from.

===Beerus Pov===


Who was the fool who ruin my nap time, can't a God like myself get my day off.

Stretching his paws, and legs, he starts walking outside his yard where Whis practice his singing.

Whis, find the person who's responsible for disturbing my training!

Ahem, training you say, coldly staring at Beerus's eyes with disgust, but all you do is laze around eating food and sleeping the rest of the day, should we increase your workout.


Come on now Whis, increasing it, even more, could kill me, and don't think that I didn't see you secretly making trips.

HOHOHO, now that you mention it, I have received complaints from the Grand Priest saying how you've been neglecting your work, but thanks to me pulling some strings, to get you good reviews.

What would he imagine, if he finds out your not doing your job correctly?

Beerus sweating profusely, began to think about the worst-case scenario that will happen to him.

Will I get demoted from God of destruction~!


Even worse what if I get erased by the Omni King!

Cough...cough...cough, let's get back to the topic Whis, have you located the entity who caused this problem.

Shrugging Beerus's sly nature, he summons his staff to pinpoint the ki area.

Minutes later he was shocked, in what he foresees. A newborn infant, not even a day old, had the ability to sense GodKi, amazing I have never seen a vessel that is able to hold such pure energy.

Tapping the staff in the ground a huge hologram came out of nowhere that contains, a yellow planet, named Vampa where Broly, Cheelai, and Taro are resting inside the house.

According to my calculation, the energy pole was caused by the Saiyan child, whose father had fought with Goku.

Do you mean that stupid ape, who demolish both Goku and Vegeta?

Yes, In fact, his one of the Saiyans who surpasses Goku and Vegeta in terms of strength, the only difference is the lack of fighting experience and mastery over his transformation.

===Zeno's Palace===

Grand Minister, the one who oversees the universes in Zen-Oh sama place, was currently preoccupied with divination.

Something wrong, I sense an existence whose power is far stronger than we ever face, his emotions riddled with anger, sadness, grief, and sorrow.

Born from calamity itself and destruction, that will only bring chaos in his path, and those who stand against him will be either spared or killed by his hand.

The prophecy has bear fruit and has taken shape, if this prophecy can be changed he could be a valuable ally.

Divination although useful, the vision will always be random, perceiving only bits of fragments to piece together.


In a distant universe, 11 gods of destruction traveled at light speed through Universe 7, notifying Beerus of their existence.

===Beerus Pov===

In the middle of Whis and Beerus's conversation.

Champa, Sidra, Heles, Quitela, Belmod, Rumsshi, Mosco, Iwan, Arak, Liquiir, and Giin, what caught your attention to have you all gathered here at my doorsteps? said Beerus sarcastically.

Well, brother issues keep popping up in your universe first the tournament of power, and then what? destroy everyone in the process, that abomination has to go or else will fight you for it.

You really became stupid did you Champa, is the fat from your body clogging your brain or what?


Vados is there something the matter, this is not the right time to be laughing, and plus I'm not fat this is water weight!

I've heard from Vados that she's been giving you a healthy nutritious diet, and disregarding it just because it didn't suit your taste, only eating fatty foods is no surprise there!

Stop it the two of you, we come to make you an offer to decide that faith of the young boy.

Hmm, offer huh, well sure I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see.

I'll give you the most comfortable mattress.

Highiest quality wine.

A robot that will automatically cook for you.




And lastly Champa, what will you give your dear old brother, if this doesn't appease my taste the deals off.

11 Gods are all staring at Champa, telling him to not disappoint him, or do anything funny to break the negotiation.

As sweat poured down his face, he took a deep breath, and uphold the final verdict, having no choice but to use his trump card.


Shutting his eyes from the anticipation.





So what do you want me to do with the child?

We have discussed that we will send the child in a dimensional rift, that no man has gone. Their exist a plane different from any other universe out there, if the boy survives or dies is up to his faith, along with sealing the memories of his parents and anyone who knows the kid's identity, to avoid future troubles.

Pretty good idea for a bunch of buffoons, I accept your plan.

===Taro Pov===

Opening my eyes, I see my mom Cheelai, feeding me milk, sadly it's not breast milk, while my dad trains like a maniac.

I was scared when I found out I'm in dragon ball super and cried for 10 minutes straight, finally calming down from my mother's voice, slowly growing attached to this new family.

Sadly the happy story didn't last long, because I sense a terrifying power coming in one direction closing in.

The shocking part is time froze and instantly I was in Whis's hands. Shaking in fear I tried to call my parents, but nothing happened, then space started being distorted, and a rift opened.

Whis talks to Beerus telepathically.

It seems like someone after this kid's life, there is no way an infant can survive the intensity coming from the portal.

Not wanting to be toyed with, Beerus told Whis to apply some of his Ki to protect him until he arrives at his destination.

Taro, who's currently in the basket with his name engraved was crying, then something unexpected occur, a warm flow of energy surrounded his whole body, enabling him to block the pressure emitting from the fissure that stops him from crying.

Whispering to the newborn ear that everything gonna be alright and making sure that everything is complete, Whis puts the baby inside and closed the dimensional rift.

Covering their trace they fully recover Cheelai who was once pregnant and go back to their respected universes.

Inside it was pure darkness and silence, floating slowly until finally reaching my destination.


Taro was laying in a place filled with snow and cold air blowing across his face, not being able to take it anymore he cried.

The next thing he heard footstep of a man who was out of breath trying to escape from his pursuer when he saw a baby lying out there in the middle of nowhere not having time to think, he rush in and grab the baby.

Taro who was minding his own business was happy when someone saved him.

Looking at his left he sees a cute baby, with black hair and yellow eyes, but the most noticeable feature was the name engraved on his clothes.


You got to be ######## ## am I in Black Clover!, tired from all the mental stress his been through he pass out.

Hehe, my brain is currently malfunctioning from all of this, hope you enjoy the story.

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