
A rose by another name is just as fiercer

I found a fanfic that mentioned this but never saw taught I give it a try . ____________________ a man is reborn as .ace Tyrrell with wishes this is about redemption about dieing with regret only to find redemption in death and peace in a new life

Rebel_Royal5 · TV
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War of sin

There is a place covering in blackness,miles upon miles yards yards nothing but pure black.Its daunting sorrowful crushing,but at the same time almost calming its free from judgment.Pressure and above all it is free of blood, of violence he always thought that After death if there .Was no after only Darkness that he would be terrified,but all he feels is peace after so long.

Yes you heard it right he is dead,now your wondering how is it that he has not gone crazy.Not losing his mind even better,how did he die well that story began over one man and one country my name is Robert Saint and this is my story.


It was like any regular day,well not counting the deadly virus that was going around,but Ironically it wasn't the virus that killed me no it was the various circumstances. Mostly three things three things that tore,humanity apart it all started with one man one man started the downfall of humanity.And that man's name Donald Trump,now you maybe wondering oh what had he done.Or if your a supporter you'll say here's another man blaming Trump,but this time it was no one but him him and two other things.

It all started on January 6 2021 when our, nation capital was shocked too its very core.When it was attacked by its own people,this event had far more consequences then anyone realized,you see it showed that America wasn't the prized jewel.That everyone thought,sure it may have had its bad reputation but it was still the greatest,country too the small and feeble looking too make it too the American Dream.

it showed that it was just as or even more,flawed then another country and the ones lurking.Then the second Event came,In the shadows the enemies of America saw this,as an opportunity this shadow took advantage of the. Chaos and they slowly infiltrated, our country from our military then pharmaceutical companies to our politicians.Two years it took them too infiltrate every nook and cranny,of our nation that would make Hydra proud Then they started eliminating people that pose a threat, from military officials to owners of companies, and some celebrities weren't spared they had America by the throat and we had no idea until too late.

The third event that caused the world,too tremble was a cure for covid came out,you see a group of scientists that lost more then. Anyone because of the virus,from loved ones too,unemployment came together with various backers. Too put a stop too this virus and by some miracle,or fluke they did it they found the cure it should of been a day of celebration.

Wrong you see those enemies,in the shadows the one that wanted everything saw this as a opportunity. Or a threat they didn't want the cure,getting out or if they did they wanted too control who gets it. So they approached the scientists,offered them anything from money resources or just too threatened,them the scientists refused they were hurt most of all. Because of the virus and they where going too go public,and we'll we all know how that turned out so the shadows started killing them one by one in tragic "Accidents".

It didn't take long for the scientists to realize,this so the remnants of the scientists now a pitiful. Five people compared too the one hundred, with there last bit of money and resources,by some miracle found out about the shadows and they with. Evidence made it plus the cure public,and needless too say war happened the American,people finding out about this plus the animosity that was Boling under the surface.

Exploted into bombs nukes and bloodshed,leading too the start of the most violent war ever seen. World War three or what some would say the war of sins came full swing,the world was in turmoil military draft came back in full force.For anyone sixteen and up yes you heard right sixteen,the war was so bad that we were recruiting kids kids that barely.Out from there mother skirts they gave guns some basic training, and threw them into the fire they died before they could give the first shot my little cousin among them .

Needless too say the parents,of those children especially my Aunt took too that streets. With there own weapons and in a wraith full vengeance,attack our own government,from the capital too the government facilities. That were leek by some of the last shadows, former soldiers and high ranking officials that disagree.With what's going on a civil war broke out,on top of the word war and I fought in both those wars I was on the front lines.

Of the war after being forcibly drafted, into the marines I was in ciaro Egypt finishing one of my missions with my team .Even tho I was forcibly recruited I fought and earned,my way up the ladder too master gunnery sergeant.The youngest too reach that level in history,I did some horrible things too people even my own comrades,to get too this point from ra*e pillaging small villages too even war crimes.

Stuff that the put the nazi camps too shame,Shane, this was a regular war with a high ranking people and the full government behind them.Like the other wars i would of been Court-martialed, locked up in prison for life but since our government, was still in shock and damage from the shadows and still has shadows in them the military was left In disarray. I said I was a gunnery sergeant but there,was no real high ranking authority too give out orders, he'll most up the time we where just doing our own thing which caused.

Some people too break off,into different factions with in the military from the navy too the Air force.Army rangers he'll even the coast guard,it was one of the reasons I got away with some of the things I did plus my high rank.Our commanding officer of our faction was a psychopath,that rewarded us whenever we did something bad the other factions are those. Who still believes in order rules and the government, It truly was mayhem and me and my squad lived like small kings.

I felt like Drogo from game of thrones,fighting conquering pillaging wherever.And I had like the rest of my squad hatred for the government,with turned worse when they started sending kids in the battlefield. With only two months of training, at least when we where brought in we had several months of training,before they sent us into the sh*t storm.Some of the kids that died were some of the children, of my squad which inflamed the already hatred plus our psychopath of a leader.

We were looking for a chance too strike, back and when we heard of the uprising we rushed. We rushed back to the states,I mean the war was Already reaching its End ,not because of just us but that damn covid reap and killed. Half of the world population even with the cure, covid just spread too fast with this war and the cure came too late. I truly believe the Human race is at an end,and as I lay in bed injured and dieing from two bullets, in my chest from my own commander oh I made him pay with a bullet in the head.

As I lay there thinking about what has humanity,has become what the world has become.There was no life on the panet,plants died and can never grow again Animals such as cows chicken pigs etc are considered almost extent. And whatever clean water that was found was sparse, as is and don't get me started on the oceans I truly feel that this was the war that End all wars the end of humanity.

As I take me final breath,I think of my own sins that I committed I'n this war from the terror I invoked. In the children,the horror I and my man struck into women when we force ourselves on them sometimes after we killed there children.In front of them or when we would take them,infront ofthere husbands and children laughing as we do.Too the crucifixion torture skining people alive, shoving people in warehouses and pouring acid, and chemical waste of them fire bombing hospitals and that was just the tip of the iceberg we committed ever sin.

We showed no mercy we where animals,and it took the fall of our government and seeing own. Family dieing too remember, too wake up my humanity again same for some of my man when they did some didn't care they where far too gone. Into there blood lust there hatred and there sins,the ones that did find there humanity,they where overwhelmed with sorrow and guilt.Chose too bite the bullet,and end there own lives after confessing there sins before,the only church still left standing controlled by the last holy priest in America.

some of them where Aties some Jewish,that's the level of sin and agony that they felt I too wanted too repent. But I couldn't not without, settling things and bringing my own justice so I killed all the men and rare women.In my squad too wash away the sins my men, committed I hunted, all them I gave them a Bible before I put a bullet in them.Then I hunted down my former commanding officer,After so heated and shouting words we fought and fought for what felt like hours.

But in the end he managed too pull a gun, and shot me in the chest as I fell down he got up standing over me.Saying a few words but my hand was going too the fallen, gun by my side I grabbed it he shot me in the chest just as I put a bullet in his head. Heh always aim for the head,I slowly got up in pain and made my way over too the bed. Laying down thinking why, have we as humanity has failed why we kill each other,is it ideals greed arrogance no its our Emotions we as humans have. Emotions weather for evil or good sorrow or happiness, we are beings of Emotions its funny I never feard death, I fear what's on the otherside because this is only one life and its momentary.

The Afterlife that's eternal that is your rest,your salvation or Damnation as I think this as Darkness closes around me.I take a deep breath and close me eyes.

(Flashback End)

So that's why I'm Floating here in this void,of quite Ness because it's the only thing. That's muting the screms and pain of my victims,don't be foolish too think just because I can't feel or hear the sins I committed. Don't mean that they are gone only muted, as I lay here repenting own my sins I see a ball of light appear. And standing infront of my is a being , shaped as a human but standing at 8,1 no characteristics.It spoke too me and a surprisingly calm voice,that sued the voices In my head.

Being-Hello Robert how are you feeling not great I presume he spoke in a calming joking tone

Robert-im fine sir may I ask are you God or some other diety I said.

God-Yes I am the one you know as God ,Allah,Indra,Ra

the being now know as God said.

Robert-So I'm too finally to face judgement for the sins I committed I'm fully prepared too face any punishment so I can pent for my crimes I said bowing down low in sorrow and pain.

God-yes I'm here too judge you for your sins but also too reward you God said

Robert-WHAT no I half too be punished for the sins the pain I committed I said deep sorrow came out of me with the force of a freight train

God feeling the sorrow and anger, was almost overwhelmed by this one soul who's hated and sorrow was so great even he was feeling it.He was truly sad and disappointed, in his creations he gave humanity free will and they, practically destroyed themselves but he doesn't regret doing it because that is part of his plan a race outside his control.

God-No Robert you don't you felt true remorse, you repent so fiercely so deeply that it reached me out of all the souls.it showed you truly care about repenting and you even set your,own comrades free from some of there own sins of course they weren't really. As regretful for there actions,and there paying for it.

Robert Just lays there thinking about what, God said and some guilt that had been in his soul was lifted just a bit it was it was still there but some had been lifted.

God-And for Humanity it was time for them, too come too a end this plague you know as covid was created to wipe out humanity.so I could start again with a new race even at this moment, the chemical and oxygen is slowly spreading over the earth and reaping the lives of the rest of humanity.

Robert just sat there thinking about what God, said and as he comes too grips with what he said and about humanity.the wait of guilt and sorrow,slowly start too dwindling but there is still a lot of melancholy in his soul.

God saw this but chose not too do anything,even tho he said he would not punish Robert from his sins. It doesn't mean he is getting off completely, Scott free this guilt that he feels will be his punishment, unto the next life only when he has fully let go of his guilt and melancholy could he truly be free.

God-So as a came here to say I'm here to reward, you and have a little fun I will send you too a world of your choice with five wishes.

Robert comes out of his reflection hearing what God said he was shocked but a tiny part of him was happy what can I wish for and are there limitations Robert said.

Yes no wishing for omnipotent omniscient, or any of the onmis also if you pick a world if it's a weaker world you can't ask. for something that's gone be stronger then the world, your in so of you chose a world like Harry Potter, and wish for magic power that matches the power of gilgamesh you cant get it. God said

As he here's this he thinks on his wishes,And he taught about the world's and characters.And he made his choice he chooses a character,that like him before the war that wasn't tanking seriously.And was spat on and made fun of,he wants to redeem this character and where he would be born with his war experience it should be easy.

OK for my first wish I want to be reborn, into the world of Asoiaf As Mace Tyrell at the start of his birth. I also want too look like Sabastian Michaelis, from black butler but with Tyrell color and features and more manly look with a twelve inch cock.

Done second wish

OK for my second wish I want the super soldier serem, and demi God affinity towards all kinds of weapons and and have all the knowledge on how to use them.

Done third wish

I want all the knowledge of earth past present, and what would if been the future from Drinks ,ships,food, plants,building music and everything else.

Done forth wish

I want the power of a Earthbender, and control over plants seeds animals everything and I want it to be pass on too my kids with not side effects.

Done but that counts as two wishes God says.

Robert nodded his head glade too have some of his wishes.

so of you go God said and snapped his fingers and all the Mc saw is a white light.