
Chapter Four


Pov - Lee



Great power comes with great responsibility. Those were words to live by, though, honestly, I'd be lying If I said I was ready for that kind of responsibility. Yet, here I was. I was the only person on the planet with genuine superpowers. There's no way people more responsible than I were ready for this kind of power, so how the hell was I supposed to be prepared?


No. I had no idea "how" to use these powers responsibly. Perhaps using them on that mugger yesterday had been completely irresponsible. But, there's no small part of me that liked wiping the smug smile off that asshole. I was definitely not the first person in line to deserve these powers, but frankly, I didn't care.


They were mine. They were a dream I longed for and I wouldn't be giving them up any time soon. Still, while I wasn't the most responsible person, I still had some common sense.


"Hey, Fim, do you think you could help me get a better grasp on these powers?" Like it or not, the alien elder god in my mind is not going to be leaving anytime soon. At the very least, being on friendly terms should do some good in helping make it not try and eat my brain.


"Certainly," Fim answers without delay. "But, please, stop saying such rude things. I will not eat your squishy organs unless I absolutely need to!"




Ok. I'm just going to pretend he didn't say that.


"Now, what aspect would you like to focus on?"


Wait, what?


Fim pops out, taking on his little skull mage illusion.


"If we had all the time in the world, I could teach you everything I know, but after tasting some of your memories, I've learned that your kind doesn't live for very long."




"I'm sorry, did you say taste?!"


"Yes," Fim answers. "Why? Am I using that word wrong?" He hums and holds his chin. "To simplify it further, I was viewing your basic memories to get a better grasp of your species."


He pauses for a second and floats a bit closer.


"Don't worry, I've only seen the very basics as you've told me many times that trying to inquire about your own personal memories is a large breach of trust."


Huh... maybe he's actually listening to me. Then again, he could just be lying.


"Telling not-truths? Why would I do that?"




Ok. This conversation is going nowhere.


"Training. Can you help?"


Fim's lips rise into a satisfied smile.


"Yes. Just tell me what you want to focus on and we'll work on that."




"With the energy you gathered, you should be able to push a bit further than you could before."


My eyes furrow as I reach for the golden energy. It curls over my fist, slinking through my fingers like water. It's so much easier to control now, but I can't help but think back how I could barely use it just a day before. A single mistake and I could have died. Like Fim said, I don't have all the time in the world to learn everything right now. I should focus on what I think is most important.


Of the two powers I have now, I'll keep my focus on teleportation for now.





The midnight sun glistens off my sweaty skin. I look up and find its pale light to be very soothing. A full moon, huh?


God, it feels like I ran a marathon!


"Congratulations!" Fim cheers into my ears. "Are you going out on a celebratory walk?"


A walk? Maybe.


"I just needed some fresh air," I answer, taking a moment to catch my breath. "But maybe a walk could do me some good."


A growl has me nearly jumping. I look around, expecting some sort of wild dog or raccoon, instead, all I find is the grumbling of my stomach.


"Might be a good idea to grab something to eat too." Fast food, maybe? There's always something open, even at this time.


"Oh, I would like that," Fim suddenly says. "While you were practicing, I've finally managed to link some of your senses to my own consciousness."




"So, like, you can feel what I feel?"


The little skull nods.


"At the moment, I've only linked your sense of taste."


Huh. Who would have thought that the alien space god in my head wanted to eat normal food?


"I will have you know that while I didn't have a sense of taste as your kind knows it, I did enjoy something quite similar." Fim answers. Curiously, his tone has a bit of cheek to it.


"Right, well, I know a few places we can stop by, any preferences?"


Fim lets out a hum and then shakes his head.


"I know next to nothing about this marble of yours. Please choose something that you think I might enjoy."


He takes a moment to think.


"While we consume some nutrients, I'd very much appreciate it if you told me about these 'other worlds' that appeared within your 'television"


Is he talking about the random anime that was playing while I trained? Eh, whatever. I take out my wallet and check how many loose bills I have. Enough for two hamburgers or maybe something more filling.



"So, Lee, what is this 'Mc Donald's about? What sort of nutrients does it serve?"


A hum rolls off my lip. Nutrients? Probably next to nothing, honestly.


"It's mostly junk food," I say with a dismissive wave. "Still, it's really tasty junk food."


The fries are to die for. God, why does something so salty and chuck full of oil taste so damn good?


"It sounds like the food is paradoxical in nature," Fim hums, gently floating down and coming to rest on my shoulder. Why does he do that?


"I've eaten paradoxes before, but none ever 'tasted' all that good," he says. "A paradox within a paradox? I cannot wait to feel the 'hamburger' on your tastebuds, Lee."


Is he an alien or a little kid?


I shake my head and finally spot the McDonalds just across the street. Waiting for the light, I brush the last bit of sweat that's still on my brow. Even if it was something as simple as teleporting bigger and bigger things across the room, after the hundredth attempt, it felt like my mind was melting.


It was slow, but steady progress. By the time I finished, I had gone from moving pencil-sized objects to something about as big as a shoebox. Unfortunately, the objects had to be whole, so not teleporting half a melon into my hand. Still, that was nuts, especially since it'd only been a single day.


The doors swung open as I stepped into McDonald's. There were only two other people in line. Even at this time of night, there was always someone looking for a quick bite.


"Do you think I should focus on linking your sense of smell next? Or maybe touch?" Fim hummed.


Smell would probably be best. Isn't that like a big part of taste as well?


"Truly? Then I'll endeavour to work on that tonight!"


"Can I help you, sir?" The young boy at the counter calls me up.


"I'd like a quarter pounder with cheese, please." As for a drink- "I'll also take a coke and an extra order of fries."


A minute later and I'm in one of the seats, waiting to be called up. The other two go up, grab their food and leave as I pull out my phone and busy myself checking to see if any of my favourite stories have been updated. Nope.




A smile worms up my face as I'm called up. I quickly grab the small bag and head on out, nearly bumping into the guy that steps through the door. That hat of his must be blinding, cause he sure as heck didn't see me coming. Seriously, some people.


"Aren't young to eat inside?" Fim asks as I grab a seat on a bench just outside the restaurant. "They had perfectly serviceable facilities designed for consumption, yes?"


Serviceable? Maybe.


"Nah," I say. "I like the fresh air and who knows what's been on those tables." I shudder just thinking about it. Wiping them down doesn't mean they're clean.


Anyways, I open up my quick meal and dig in. The bread is a bit flatter than the picture, but that's expected. It breaks apart rather easily, yet it still makes my tongue dance. The fries are just the cherry on top. Honestly, they're much better than the hamburger itself! As for the drink, it's nice and refreshing.


"These sensations are beyond anything I've felt before!" Fim practically moans. "Can you have all of them at once?"


At once?




I stick some fries into the burger and take a big chomp, filling my mouth with a bit of coke at the same time. It's honestly not that good, but Fim shuts up. That in and of itself is a surprise.


"I love these fast foods!" He chirps. "I implore you to eat them every day!"


"No thanks," I shoot back. "I don't want to have a heart attack and die!"


"How can your organs attack you? I thought they didn't have a mind of their own."


Yeah, just like a kid.


I roll my eyes and start preparing yet another lecture on common sense, but something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. There, past the McDonald windows. My eyes narrow as I try and get a better look.


"Oh shit," I curse. "They're being robbed." And at gunpoint no less. Who the hell robs a McDonalds of all places? No, seriously.


The young kid at the counter has his hands in the air and tears streaming down his face. Though, he's technically only a few years younger than me.


I look down at my food and pull out my phone. It should be easy enough to just call the cops and let them do it, but...


The thief shoves the gun into the kid's face, pushing him back. The boy sobs and tries to quickly open the register. His fumbling hands are anything but useful. Just looking, It's obvious that the thief is getting more and more annoyed. He slaps the kid upside the head and grabs him by the throat, smashing his head onto the counter.


Ok, this is clearly worse than I thought. I stand up, mind already made up. It's far crazier than a guy with a knife, but I've got the surprise factor. It should be easy enough to teleport the gun away from his hands and then... and then.




Oh. What the hell do I do then? It's not like I'm some martial arts master. I'm still just a skinny kid.