"Isn't that a negative connotation since it was ultimately a punishment?"
"Right, right, I remember now. You give white peonies to a person when you want to be forgiven by them after doing something shameful. Although, most commonly, those flowers are a symbol of beauty. I think your friend gave it to you because of how beautiful you are."
Syn nodded at Rosanna's response, agreeing to every word. The young lady did not even consider that the flower was gifted to her with an apologetic intent.
"You know so much about this flower. Is it a favorite of yours, Rosanna?"
"Oh, I worked as a florist, dear. We have a family shop downtown. My daughter is the one running it now, since I retired a year ago to focus on my health."
"I see. I'm hoping for your full recovery."
Syn couldn't help but smile at the elderly woman, willingly sharing some narratives of her life to a stranger who clearly did not have the same sentiment.
It was refreshingly addicting to a point that she considered having a talk as such once in a while, not with her family nor peers, but with a genuine stranger.
"You have a lovely smile my dear, yet it doesn't seem to reflect in your eyes."
Syn raised an eyebrow at the remark. Her mouth was agape, none the wiser about how to react to the harmless remark.
In lieu of Syn's reaction, Rosanna took it to herself that she offended Syn, owing to young lady's naturally uncordial visage.
"Oh my, I am sorry for showing my rudeness. I did not mean to insult you." Rosanna hurriedly said, fidgeting her hands all the while.
"It's alright. I am absolutely aware that my expressions need some improvement."
Syn wanted to assure her company that it wasn't an issue worth dwelling on. It was effective, to say the least, when Rosanna returned Syn's casual grin as she eased her tensed shoulders.
"Anyway dear, I quite adore you. Do you have a lover?"
There was one person that immediately registered in Syn's mind. The lady assumed that the most appropriate label for her relationship with Tristan, no matter how many times she analyzed with respect to their contract, there had to be some kind of intimate bearing between them.
She couldn't say it outright that they were in a contract. That would be a violation on her part. Still, it was awkward for her to label Tristan as her 'lover' or 'boyfriend' when their relationship was perpetrated by her need for money.
"Fortunately, I have a partner."
She settled on the said vague endearment -- one that she could easily modify in case there was a change in their status.
"I should've thought that someone as gorgeous as you was already taken! Is he good-looking? Did they give you those flowers? When are they going to visit you again?" Rosanna cheerfully spoke without taking a single breath.
It made Syn respire on her behalf before responding.
"Yes and yes. He gave me these white peonies. He did visit earlier, were you not present?"
"Sadly, I was admitted long past the end of visitation hours."
The lady nodded, contemplating thereafter. She wondered if she should ask the woman concerning a question, but could possibly prompt herself to open up. Of course, unwarranted inquisitiveness being a part of her quintessence, she went forth and worded out her query.
"By the way, Rosanna, why did you ask if I have a lover?"
"Oh, I was hoping to set you up with my good for nothing son to straighten up his back. Now that I think about it, you do not deserve a lowly loafer like him!"
Syn's eyes widened, though merely a bit, marveling at how Rosanna could portray her son as a deadbeat but spoke so lovingly when she said 'son'.
"You must cherish him so much."
"Well, at the end of the day, he is my child. What kind of parent are you when you are not the person whom your child can surely depend on during hard times?"
Rosanna had this aura of a seasoned mother, prepared to receive all the hardships that her kids would throw at her anytime. Syn just retained her silence, staring at the elderly woman vacantly for a few seconds.
"Syn? Hello? What is the problem?"
It was only until she heard the voice of Rosanna that she snapped from her brooding.
"Nothing, please do not mind me. At any rate, have you eaten? I'm quite famished myself."
Rosanna quickly realized that the topic was something that Syn, who spoke with a dismissive conviction, wanted to avoid at all cost. Seeing that they were not that close for her to inquire further, she let it go.
"Y-yes. They served dinner around 6."
"Really? Then they should've left my meal on the stand."
"Oh, how forgetful of me. They informed me to tell you to use the call button upon waking up."
"Is that so? Then I will go and do it."
The call button was a white square panel embedded on the wall right above the center of the headboard. It contained four buttons, their purposes printed in a white font; green is for call; orange is for assist; red is for emergency; black is for cancel. It was less than an arm's reach from Syn, so she was able to press the green button right away.
"Let's resume our talk later, dear. We might be interrupted by the arrival of the staff."
Syn laid back down on her bed after returning the IV post to its original spot. Meanwhile, Rosanna put on her reading glasses and picked up a sudoku puzzle book she was answering prior to having a talk with Syn.
Just like that, they bided their time in solitude, save for the sounds coming from the personal televisions mounted on the beds of the two other patients.
Only a couple of minutes had passed when the door to their room was opened. Doctor Henna Birkenfeld emerged from the doorway with a female nurse in tow, pushing a trolley with a single tray of food.
The moment they stepped inside, the two bowed their heads as their sole greeting to not disturb the relaxation of the patients. They then treaded the short distance towards Syn. The Lady pulled herself up to sit, knowing that they came for her.
"Would you like me to set up the tray-table for you?"
"Yes, please."
The nurse immediately procured the wooden tray-table, placed on the lowest rack of the trolley, and fixed it over Syn's thighs. The doctor, on the other hand, went ahead and stood on the vacant side of the bed.
"Good evening, Miss Rosenfeldt."
"Good evening doctor-? Uhm..."
Even though she was tried to recall the doctor's name. Syn couldn't seem to remember. Doctor Henna noticed the lady's struggle. Ergo, she introduced herself for the second time.
"I am Doctor Henna Birkenfeld."
"Ah, yes. I'm sorry for forgetting."
"It's fine. Did you have a good sleep?"
"Yes, I feel well-rested."
"Do you feel any discomfort? Pain?"
"Besides the dull ache in my joints from not moving for hours, there is no more present discomfort."
"That is pleasing to hear. The-"
Syn figured that if she did not seize the initiative, she wouldn't get to accomplish what her conscience was urging her to do. Hence, with her head lowered, she mistakenly interrupted the doctor in the middle of her speech.
"Before anything else, I'd like to apologize for my attitude earlier. I should have understood that you are just doing your job. I behaved unreasonably."
Doctor Birkenfeld was not expecting to receive an apology from a person whom she judged to be self-willed. Withal, she was firm in the belief that there was no place in exercising hatred and inciting unnecessary quarrels within the vicinity of a hospital.
The doctor would never deviate from her oath of giving her best in catering to the patients' needs, despite the abhorrence she was due to gain. Still and all, relief washed over her body when she heard the apology.
"Thank you for ending my day on a wonderful note, Miss Rosenfeldt. You have your own circumstances to think of. I must have made you uneasy pushing all of that information when you have just woken up."
Syn lifted her head and saw the gleeful look on Doctor Birkenfeld. Her conscience finally stopped bothering her and she was able to relax her tensed muscles. They soon went back to business.
"So, are you here to convince me again?"
"Yes, I sincerely wish for you to recuperate from this disease. I don't want you to be constantly agonizing about when you are going to suffer from any of the symptoms. You will have better control of your own body once the treatment is a success."
"I want that too. However, I do not have the liberty to make a decision as of the moment."
"If it is something that can be easily dealt with, then tell us. Though only if you are fine with discussing it."
Once more, Syn sunk into her ruminative mood, debating on and on regarding her next course of action. The instant that she opened her mouth to speak became a source of botheration for the doctor.
"A couple of months."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Give me a couple of months to sort all of my personal matters. Within that timeline, I will either undergo the required tests or provide my complete medical record."
"That isn't quite ideal. A day can create a difference of day and night in your condition."
"Trust me when I say that we are on the same page when it comes to my health, but that is the shortest period I can promise."
Doctor Birkenfeld sighed, a deep one at that. She did not even feel satisfied that she had a built-up tolerance to individuals who were adamant about getting their way.
"Alright, I cannot really oppose you. That's beyond my set boundaries. But on behalf of your primary health care provider, Doctor Sebastian, I request of you not to miss a single one of your regular visits. This will aid us in monitoring your overall condition."
"I am capable of at least that much. I have a request, Doctor Birkenfeld."
"And what might that be?"
The reason why Doctor Birkenfeld remained in the hospital beyond her shift was to exclusively convince Syn on changing her mind. She had no knowledge of any other agenda.
"I want to be discharged tomorrow morning."
With knitted brows, Syn replied, "If your vitals normalize, then you can go."
"What I'm saying is, I want to get out at all cost."
A vexing pain started to brew on Henna Birkenfeld's head. She clutched the edges of her coat sleeve out of pure frustration.
"Miss Rosenfeldt, are you aware of the consequences of your demand?"
"I do not think you are."
"It will help me in my endeavor if I'm up and working."
"You are putting a greater toll on your body."
"I will take the easiest route since I know how it could affect me firsthand."
"What if your condition turns to worse?"
"Then blame me for it. Anyhow, being confined doesn't provide me with any beneficial resources."
The exchange went on without the agreement of either party. Whilst extremely against the idea, the doctor ultimately opted to yield for there to be a consummation.
"I will be the one to hand over your discharge papers tomorrow. To inform you in advance, there is going to be a notation on your discharge papers that it was done against medical advice if ever I observe that you are still not worth letting go. Do you accept that?"
"Yes, wholeheartedly."
Seeing Doctor Birkenfeld heave a sigh over and over with her eyes closed, Syn knew that she was putting the doctor in a tight position.
As she opened her eyes, the flowers caught the attention of Doctor Birkenfeld.
"Excuse me, Miss Rosenfeldt. Are those white Peonies?"
"Yes, that's what I was told."
"Where did they purchase it?"
"I have no idea of that, why?" Syn questioningly uttered, giving the flowers a look herself.
"Winter is not optimal for that flower's cultivation. In this city, I only know of one person who can grow that out of season."
Die Pfingstrosen [German] - Peony
[[[ Song Recommendation: Seungkwan - Kind of Love ]]]