
February 7, 2021: L’esprit de l’escalier

Bewildered? No. That wasn't the only emotion that Syn was feeling at that moment. In a way, there was a part of her that had long accepted the fact that her life would never escape the clutches of misguided encounters. At present, the most dominant emotion in her heart was amusement, one tainted by her grievances. 

Syn began to laugh, albeit silently. 

'It's really him. I remember now. That disgusting smile didn't change a bit.' She thought as the mockery in her delight slowly appeared in the smile on her face. 'Fancy meeting you here, newbie. You don't look like you aged, not even a bit.' 

After that occurrence in September, Syn was able to see Rai a couple more instances before her family moved to another city. A long time had already passed. No wonder Syn had forgotten their several, but brief, meetings.