
February 6, 2021: Jaksaa

Syn didn't want to believe that her mother had found out what she was actually doing in the city, far from the serenity of their humble home. It was a nightmare in the making, but one that she didn't covet to dream of so soon.

She was fully aware that her mother wasn't one to act on mere impulse and suspicions. Syn's dear mother had come for her, enlightened of every single information that she wanted to know.

"What? What agency are you talking about?" Syn said in an attempt to sound oblivious. Her breathing began to hasten again, disabling her from thinking straight.

Her own lies were burning her conscience. Irregardless of how remorseful she was, Syn had no other choice but to conceal the truth from her mother. If she didn't, she wouldn't be dragged back to their home, barred from taking a single step outside.

Although, the thing that she was most apprehensive of was losing the trust of her mother.