
A Rich Gamer's Life

Truck-Kun has struck again! [7 Chapters per week]

finishme · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: Truck-Kun has struck again!

Ah~ I'm tired. I'm so tired of working my whole life! I know alright! I won't be rich by just working my ass off and doing overtime! The business magnates have preached it already but I never followed their teachings! Forgive me, my life teachers, I'm a failure of a student!


*saw the 11/7 store*


Maybe I'm just hungry, got to eat first, and let these intrusive thoughts get the best of me resulting in handing over my resignation letter, that should not happen at all!


*enters the 11/7 shop*


*Doorbells sound*


*walks toward the instant noodles area*


*grabs a cup of noodle and pays at the counter*


"That's 34." lazily said the worker at the counter.


I paid 50 and got 16 change. 


I walked to the machine to get hot water. After filling it, I sat at the empty table and waited for the noodles to be cooked. I checked my phone while waiting and scanned the posts made by my friends. Most of them posted adventures that I could only dream of, some posted their rants about their co-workers or jobs. 


I chuckled seeing these kinds of posts made by my social media friends and people whom I associated before personally, how envious am I of their lives currently. I closed the social media app and opened my browser to read online novels.


*10 minutes passed*


Ah~ the noodles are cooked now! Time to ea-




I looked outside and saw a vehicle's lights coming towards me. It blinded me and just that, my sight grew dim. I... Did I die?


I wanted to wake up but... 


*beeep* *alarm sounds*


I forcefully opened my eyes, afraid that I'd be trapped within the darkness around me. Thankfully, I was able to open it, but... I saw my surroundings are totally different! I was just at the 11/7 shop eating, a vehicle came, then, everything went dark, then, this!?


What the hell happened!?


I saw the alarm clock beside me that kept ringing, so, I shut it off. I slowly gained clarity as I put myself together. I looked around and found that it was a spacious room! Like those in Gundam animes, minimalistic but looked "high techy". 


Where am I-


Suddenly, I felt pain in my brain! Fughhhhhh~~~ 


This subsided after 10 minutes but the pain lingered mentally. Then, images and weird information appeared in my mind! 


Another beating pain in my head appeared!






*MC dropped dead in his bed again*






I woke up. 


*beeep* *beeep*


Huh? What was that? 


*beep* *Beep*


The sound kept on ringing. I opened my eyes fully and found that I was still in the same room! I'm not dreaming now! I... Did I teleport? But where?


*beep* *Beep*


Ah~ the sound, where?


Ah, from the door? Who? I stood up from my bed and walked slowly towards the door. I opened it and was surprised it was a.... maid? 


"Hello, young master? This is your food for dinner! Can I place it on your table?" the maid smiled at me.


Maid? What? I-


"G-got it. I-I'll do it myself. G-go for now." I said to the maid nervously.


I took the tray with my food on it and closed the door quickly. 


I exhaled my nervousness and closed my eyes. I opened it again, walked towards the table, and placed the tray. 


I sat on the chair and looked at the foot blankly. 


What is going on? I closed my eyes and checked the pictures and videos that appeared in my mind. 


After some time, I opened my eyes again and slapped my face with both hands. 


"I fuckin' transmigrated!?" I blurted out loudly.


So does that mean? That vehicle... Truck-kun!?




After sorting out everything, I am now looking at the mirror and at myself. Goddamn, I looked good. Curly blonde hair, green eyes, luscious eyebrows, red lips, fair and smooth skin! 


So, I came from a powerful family and based on the previous body owner, his family owned the city they were living in! He has 5 other brothers and 2 sisters, and he is the youngest of them all. Where he is currently at is a mansion owned by his family in another continent. In this continent, he was sent to this city due to the school's location, this place was governed by the school itself and he had to attend school until graduation, which would be for 7 years.


Further information, this world is fucking polluted by monsters but the most shocking to me was that this world has a power system like those in massively multiplayer online games! Everyone can have a class by level 20! And there are subclasses too! Not to mention, when I searched my computer, the search bar showed me a whole new world!


Am I in a gaming world!? Like... like those in the novels!?


Surprising to me too was that this world's technology was more advanced than 2023 Earth!


However, there's no nuclear weapon here, I searched and found that it was due to that not being needed at all! There are wizards and other classes that could be nuclear warheads themselves! The search bar showed me that those were at level 300 and above people!


How fascinating!


But I continued searching because it is not all rainbows and sunshine, I need to know how dangerous this world is! And I am right! This world is a fucking disaster without those high-level people! Monsters that appear out of nowhere, monster tides, dungeons that appear anywhere!


God damn, the death tolls too! I checked the news and saw civilians who were at low levels were killed in a recent monster tide in a faraway city. 


Fuck, I need to get strong here in order to survive, anyways, I have my parents and brothers, they might be high-level people too, no matter where, if one dominates a domain, they are fucking strong!


So... I need to learn more!


Thus, I searched more on the internet.




And so, I found more indeed! 


This world is a big fucking massively multiplayer online map!


I can't believe people can choose classes after reaching level 20 and there are a multitude of choices to choose from! I can't wait to choose my own class!


Aside from that, there is that subclass too! I wonder what are the subclasses of my parents and siblings. I'll know that later. Anyway, I will know more from my first class tomorrow! And speaking of my school, the name is "Vermillion High Studies". An unusual name for a school if I say but no matter, I need to learn more. 


The Internet only provided me superficial information and there's no in-depth exclusive knowledge could be found. It appears that this world's governments have put restrictions on such information. Che~ even in this world, it is all the same!




Moving from these new things, I really want to know, how fucking rich my family is!? I checked my phone's bank account application and found that I have a freaking 10 million credit balance! That's right! Credits! It is this world's currency based on the internet's information!


God damn, my poor life is now gone! Thank you truck-kun!!!!!!


*Truck-kun: Thanks!*


I closed the app and ate my food.


After that, I opened my room's window, it was a remote-controlled automatic window so I was really shocked!


I never knew that being rich would be this cool!


As the window fully opened, I saw the sunset sun, it was quite the same as Earth's but felt different at the same time, I could not explain it, anyway, I closed in on my window and saw the city lights. I looked around and saw the buildings below. To tell you, a mansion that was on the top floor of the highest building in the city has the best view!


Finishing my amusement of the view, I retreated and came out of my room. 


I walked towards the hall and found it to be so cozy, like your super luxury hotel room, well, I would say that this is not a hotel room anymore. It's a fucking house, yeah, that is why it was called a mansion alright.


A man approached me and bowed slightly, "Young Master, good evening, did you eat your dinner?" 


Ah, this could be my butler Jason. "Yes, I did Jason, it's quite delicious!" I politely answered him and I noticed his shocked face for a second before it turned back to normal.


Why was that? Ah... I was a fucking snob alright. 


"It is great that you liked the food young master." He smiled, then he stood straight waiting for me to move or order something.


Well... what to do? Shopping? I know that skill books have requirements and skill books are fucking expensive, expensive? Heh~ Who am I? 


I sat comfortably on the sofa, pulled up my phone, and opened the online shopping app. After checking, the skills section, I saw the prices and I gasped for air reading them!






God damn prices! I checked the cheapest ones.






There are lots of skill books available that have price tags of below 20 million credits, but the cheapest of the cheapest was sword, lance, spear, sabe, and bow mastery skills! All of them are passives too!


I need to plan out my choices here right now! What do I want to become? Hmm... what are the classes of my brothers and sisters? I needed to ask them so I decided to send a message to my mother asking about my siblings' classes.


I got an immediate reply from her.




I miss you so much baby boo~ How are you doing? Are you fine? Did you eat your dinner already?


Right, you asked your brothers and sisters' classes? Early planning my dear~? Well... here they are. Good luck baby boo~


Trey - Class: Fighter

Usher - Class: Fighter

Renegard - Class: Ranger

Oscar - Class: Paladin

Klaus - Class: Wizard


For your sisters? Your eldest sister Trisha has yet to have one as well as Mary Anne. 

Hope this helps you my dear baby boo~


Love you!




Ah, how sweet! NOT! 


Well, I miss having a mother but this is really cringe-worthy. 


Anyway, if my brothers are that diverse a bit, only one diverted from being a fighting class, my brother Klaus, I saw in the previous self's memories that this brother was eccentric but wanted to follow in our mother's subclass path, an alchemist, however, it appears that somewhere in the line, he went for a different path, I don't see it in the memories in what it was but it was quite surprising. 


I replied with a simple "Doing good and love you too" and closed the message. I opened the shopping app and bought the sword mastery skill book. Ah, my 10 million credits are gone just like that. 


I stood up from the sofa and notified Jason that there would be a delivery soon. Jason bowed and noted it. I went back to my room and laid on my bed to start sleeping.


But before I fully lost consciousness, a ringing sounded in my ears. 




*To be continued*