
A Remnant of the Ancients

The world is a magical - and deadly - place. Arkon, the last bastion of humanity is protected by a barrier erected centuries ago. The city is thriving, thanks to the wizards, warriors and battlemages that risk their lives to eradicate anything that might threaten it before they reach the barrier. In a world where even the sunlight might prove deadly to humanity, they are the heroes that ensure the survival of humanity. Ren has been accepted to Hevron Academy, where young men and women learn magic and choose their path in life. Not particularly skilled in magic, he tries his best to catch up to his mentor. His wish - to see the stars and feel the wind. Follow him on this journey as he meets new people and learns more about not only the world, but also himself and his lineage. * * * We have a discord! Come say hi, chat with me and receive updates on status of my novels! https://discord.gg/2EFthae7XR * * * A Remnant of the Ancients is currently on break - it will come back spring 2021! More details will be announced in the discord at a later date.

Dweia · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

Chapter 6-6: The Howling Winds

He led the prince through the woods, towards the main building.

"This place used to be a lot more crowded back then." Prince Aon softly said as they walked through the woods. "Most students would come here to relax but I don't see anyone here now." He glanced around, then fixed his gaze on Ren.

The young man hesitated. "I've never seen this place, or the northern courtyard used much, aside for Battlemage Warthorn's lessons."

"I see," Prince Aon looked away. He seemed somewhat saddened. As an awkward silence settled in, they arrived at the main building.

"Is there anywhere you'd like to go, your highness?" He asked after a moment's hesitation. Prince Aon pondered a moment before responding. "The library." He softly said. Ren nodded and led him through the long, crowded halls. As they passed through, a small crowd of curious students had started following them. Ren could feel the jealous gazes on his back. Everyone wanted to be the one giving Prince Aon the tour of the academy.

"This place smells the same." Prince Aon said with nostalgia in his eyes as they stepped through the large oak doors of the library. The smell of dry parchment and leather filled their nostrils as they slowly walked among the bookshelves. "I used to spend a lot of time here." He explained, seeing Ren's confused expression. "I was a sickly child back then, no good at anything that required the smallest amount of physical effort, so I spent my time here."

"I had no idea." Ren mumbled. Prince Aon was a frightening wizard, he could obliterate half the academy within seconds if he so pleased. At least, that was what he was told. Having only met him a handful of times before, and all during Council meetings, Ren had never thought of him as a person. Not exactly. He had never thought of him as someone with a past, with a life beyond that of the High Council.

"Of course you didn't. It was never made public. It wouldn't do good for the Imperial Family's image, if their eldest son were sick and weak, would it?" He chuckled, then continued walking. Ren followed him with fixed feelings. It was difficult to sympathise with the prince, he was one of the council members after all. But it was also difficult to blame and hate him, he was kind and thoughtful. He was considerate.

They stopped when they arrived at one of the small rooms in the back. This section of the library had small reading and study rooms lined up. They had nothing but two couches and a table in them. They were useful and comfortable.

"I believe this one is empty." Prince Aon stopped by one of the wooden doors. "And here she comes." He said with a smile as he glanced behind Ren. The young man turned to see who the prince was talking about, only to see Princess Iris approach with Aiden in tow.

"Brother." She said coldly, though her eyes shone with glee. With hastened steps, she approached them. "I'm glad to see you well."

"Likewise." Prince Aon didn't seem to have a problem with showing affection, since his smile was quite clear. "I am also glad to see the young prodigy of the Condor family well." He said, looking at Aiden.

"I am honoured, sir." Aiden said with a mild bow.

"Ren," Prince Aon said as he glanced at the young man. "Make sure no one disturbs us." His tone was quite different now. Ren flinched, placed his hand on his heart and with a deep bow, spoke. "As the Speaker wishes."

Prince Aon and Princess Iris entered the study room and as the door closed, Prince Aon's silver mana engulfed the room.

"Speaker?" Aiden asked after a moment's hesitation. "He wasn't here as the Speaker of the High Council; he was here as the Prince."

Ren shook his head. "For you and the princess, yes. But when speaking to me, he is always the Speaker." He sighed and rested his hand on the hilt of his tachi. "I don't know if I can even explain it in a way that makes sense."

Aiden shook his head. "Don't worry about it. What happened with the-" He paused, looked around and once he was sure no one was listening, spoke with a low voice. "…the thing you noticed before?"

"They'll take care of it. The Archmage is visiting soon." He knew there was no one around since there was no visible mana anywhere nearby. It was still a good idea to be discreet though. "There is nothing any of us can do anyways."

Aiden nodded, though he did seem somewhat lost in thought. "The Archmage…" he mumbled softly. "I have to go." He said as he glanced at Ren. "I'll come to your room later tonight, so don't fall asleep too early, ok?"

Ren raised his eyebrows. Aiden was acting weird. "Sure," He said with narrowed eyes. "Is everything ok?" The young noble nodded. "Yeah, I want to check on something. I'll tell you all about it in the evening. Oh, and let her highness know too, please." With those words, Aiden hurried off. His steps echoed in the silent library.

Ren sighed, if he hadn't been ordered to guard this place, he would have followed the young Condor.

He waited for a while, with thoughts whirling in his mind. He was still processing everything the princess had told him, as well as the information Aiden had added to the pile.

He felt the silver mana covering the room behind him disperse as the door creaked open. Princess Iris was the first to come out. She seemed lost in though as she brushed past him wordlessly.

"Thank you, Ren." Prince Aon's soft voice startled the young man. "It was my honour, sir." He responded with another bow. He wondered, why was Princess Iris in a daze like that?

"Let's go back to the courtyard, shall we?" Prince Aon said as he lightly squeezed his shoulder. "I'm sure the Archmage is there already and I believe you'll benefit greatly from seeing the process of mending the barrier."

"I would be honoured to witness it." Ren responded. He wasn't being just kind this time. It was something he wanted to see. And Yu was going to be there as well. He wanted to ask him some things, about the Archmage's apprentice and that expedition Princess Iris talked about.