
A Reincarnator’s Guide To Godhood: In A Different Dimension?

After 11 lives, one would expect an experienced Reincarnator to annihilate anyone who dares stand in their path with unmatched power, wouldn't you? Xin Ming, is currently living through his twelfth and last life. Through a series of reincarnations, Xin Ming discovers secret methods, bugs with the system, and millenniums of knowledge of cultivation techniques and mortal affairs, granting him unparalleled power. With his new aptitude he has to make the most of it and ascend this time, however he faces new challenges as he has now become too powerful! [You have broken the natural law of this world] His talent now surpasses human limits to such an extent that even the heavens themselves dare to oppose him. He is cast into other dimensions, forced to confront challenges beyond mortal comprehension! “Just why does this happen to me in my final life…” How would a martial arts perfectionist who is starting from zero again for his twelfth time fare in a fantasy genre world? Or even modern weaponry? Will he survive the relentless onslaught and ascend to godhood, or succumb to the unfathomable forces that seek to thwart his destiny?

ReadMyriads · Oriental
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19 Chs

The City Mortem

"System, what is that thing!?"

[Name: 1038482]

[Race: Ogre]

[Cultivation Realm: N/A]

[Cultivation Base: N/A]

[Cultivation Aptitude: N/A]

[Martial Prowess: N/A]

[Strength: 1300(+120)]

[Agility: 910 (+10)]

[Qi: N/A]


[Commander Lv 3 (Level 0 Martial Power)]

[Battle Cry Lv 2 (Level 5 Martial Power)]

As Xin Ming stared in disbelief at the towering behemoth before me, a gnawing sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach. How could a creature of such immense power exist without a cultivation base?

It defied everything he knew about the natural order of the world. The ogre's sheer strength was evident in the way its muscles rippled beneath its thick hide, each movement exuding a raw, untamed power that seemed to emanate from the very depths of its being. With each step it took, the ground trembled beneath its weight, the earth itself yielding to its overwhelming presence.

Xin Ming couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear creeping into my heart as he realizes that this thing with no cultivation base had the power of that of a regular nascent soul, he was no match for it in his current stage. This creature was unlike anything he had ever seen.

With a feigned bravado, Xin Ming squared his shoulders and adopted a fighting stance, a deceptive glint in my eye suggesting readiness for combat. The ogre, towering before him with a menacing glare, seemed momentarily taken aback by his apparent resolve.

Then, in a sudden burst of speed, Xin Ming dashed forward, closing the distance between them with deceptive agility. But just as it seemed Xin Ming was about to engage in battle, he executed a lightning-fast pivot changing his direction, his feet propelling him away from the ogre with all the strength he could muster. As he fled into the distance, the wind whipped past his ears, carrying with it the echo of the ogre's enraged roar.

"Hah, bye loser!" Xin Ming shouted, his voice echoing through the forest like terrain as I fled.

You thought I was gonna fight that thing?

I never take chances, that monster has the strength of a nascent soul realm cultivator and some weird abilities I had never seen before. The only logical and rational thing to do was to flee, you have to be some delusional idiot to confront it head on.

His focus was now fixed solely on escape. With each stride, he pushed myself to go faster as, behind him, the sound of thundering footsteps echoed through the air, the ogre in hot pursuit. But Xin Ming refused to let panic cloud his judgment, channeling all my energy into maintaining his lead. With every ounce of strength and determination, he raced against the odds, determined to outpace the monstrous threat nipping at his heels.

"Darn it! If only I had my qingong, I could escape with ease!" Xin Ming shouted in frustration, the urgency of the situation gnawing at his nerves.

Glancing over his shoulder, he could see the massive ogre closing in, its thunderous footsteps shaking the ground beneath me."It's gaining ground rapidly," Xin Ming muttered to myself, his mind racing for a solution. "And it's so fast for its size." With a quick assessment of my surroundings, he spotted a denser part of the forest up ahead, its tangled undergrowth offering a potential escape route.

Xin Ming veered off course immediately, plunging into the thick foliage with all the agility ge could muster. Dodging between trees and leaping over fallen branches, he used the uneven terrain to my advantage, hoping to throw off that ogre's relentless pursuit. Despite the strain on his untrained muscles and the burning ache in my lungs, he refused to stop. With each passing moment, the gap between us narrowed, but he refused to surrender to despair, clinging to the hope that he could outwit the beast and escape to safety.

In the distance, beyond the dense canopy of the forest, a faint glimmer caught Xin Ming's eye—a distant city nestled amidst the rolling hills and verdant plains. Its towering spires rose majestically against the horizon, their silhouettes etched against the canvas of the evening sky.

As he pushed forward through the wilderness, the city grew steadily larger, revealing intricate details of its strange architectural marvels. Walls of polished stone encircled the bustling metropolis, their formidable presence flaunting the city's strength and prosperity. Within the city's walls, vibrant market squares bustled with activity, merchants hawking their wares amidst a kaleidoscope of colors and scents. Towering citadels and grandiose palaces loomed overhead, their opulent facades adorned with intricate carvings and glistening mosaics.

Streets teemed with life as bustling crowds navigated narrow alleyways and winding thoroughfares, each step echoing with the rhythm of daily life. Lanterns cast a warm glow upon cobblestone streets, illuminating the nocturnal activities of the city's denizens. Despite the chaos of all the monsters in the forest, the city stood as a beacon of civilization, a sanctuary amidst the untamed wilderness.

They must have some powerful beings guarding that place, I must quickly reach those castle gates.

As Xin Ming approached the imposing gates of the city, his heart pounded with anticipation. The ogre seemed to have stopped chasing me, probably too scared to approach.

I just hope there are some humans I can converse with here.

The sight of the fortified walls brought a surge of relief, but Xin Ming's respite was short-lived, for even as he neared the entrance, a group of patrolling soldiers emerged from the shadows, their weapons at the ready.

Instinctively, Xin Ming tensed, preparing for a confrontation.

Among them was a old man cloaked in robes of a strange and unfamiliar design. With a wave of his hand, the strange old man signaled for the soldiers to stand down, their weapons lowering as they approached me cautiously. As they drew nearer, Xin Ming could sense a mixture of relief and suspicion in their eyes, as though they were unsure of what to make of his sudden appearance.

"Who goes there?" one of the soldiers called out.

Phew, at least there aren't any communication barriers.

It was clear that Xin Ming's attire marked him as an outsider, raising questions about his intentions and allegiance. The soldiers exchanged uneasy glances, their hands tightening around the hilts of their weapons as they regarded him with increasing suspicion.

With a steady gaze, He met their wary stares, offering a reassuring smile despite the tension that hung in the air. "I come in peace," hr said, my voice calm and measured. "I seek refuge within your city, nothing more."

But his words did little to assuage their doubts, their expressions remaining guarded as they exchanged murmured whispers among themselves. It was clear that Xin Ming's presence was an anomaly, and they were uncertain how to proceed.

Before the tension could escalate further, the old man stepped forward, his presence commanding attention as he addressed the soldiers with authority. "Do not judge by appearances alone," he admonished gently, his voice carrying hints wisdom. "Sometimes, those who appear as strangers may hold the key to our salvation."

His words seemed to resonate with the soldiers, their apprehension gradually giving way to curiosity as they regarded me with newfound interest. With a nod from the wizard, they reluctantly lowered their weapons, allowing me passage through the gates. As Xin Ming stepped past the threshold, a sense of relief washed over me, grateful for the old man's intervention.

He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. But before he could reply, the wizard stepped forward, his gaze piercing yet not unkind."Fear not, my friends," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "This traveler is no threat to us. In fact, he may prove to be of great assistance in the days to come."

"Come in, traveler, welcome to the great city of Mortem."

As the old man led Xin Ming through the bustling streets of the city, he explained the dire circumstances that had befallen its inhabitants. His voice carried a somber tone as he spoke of the relentless attacks orchestrated by the demon lord, whose malevolent presence loomed over the land like a shadow of despair.

"The demon lord's forces grow stronger with each passing day," the wizard explained, his words heavy with sorrow. "They lay waste to other villages, pillaging and plundering without remorse. We are on the brink of annihilation even though we look fine from the outside, this city is almost bankrupt from all the money we have spend on defending organized attacks from monsters, with no end to the bloodshed in sight."

As they traversed the winding alleyways and crowded marketplaces he introduced Xin Ming to make places, the city's inhabitants cast wary glances in our direction, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. It was clear that the threat of the demon lord's tyranny weighed heavily upon their hearts, leaving them weary and vigilant against any potential danger.

"But why are you telling me, a stranger all this though?" Xin Ming asked, puzzled by his attitude.

"The saintess foretold of a prophecy," the old man continued, his voice tinged with hope amidst the despair. "She spoke of a savior, a man robed in an unfamiliar garment, who would emerge from the depths of obscurity to deliver us from our plight. Many dismissed her words as mere fantasy, but now...now we dare to hope."

"Will you help us, stranger?" he asked, his eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation.

"Will you stand with us against the darkness that threatens to consume us all?"