
A Reincarnated Tale of Raka

Strength - Endurance = Damage Magic - Resistance = Damage If you defeated anything, you would get experience. The principles in the new world I was living in were simple. Grinding and you would become one of the strongest people in the world. Update 5 chapter a week. Story made using my suck english with help grammarly. The Cover Art made by me.

consiano · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Status :

Name : Raka

Age : 15

Level : 01

Exp : 0 / 100

HP : 20

Strength : 10

Magic : 5

Endurance : 7

Resistance : 5

Element : None

Skill :




The first thing I saw was a message in a hologram not far away. I could see the status I had. The usual thing I saw in the game.

Right now, I was still in a state of shock. The last thing I could remember was that I was busy working on my final project due to graduation from the University. I was working while listening to Vtuber's song and realized I was in this condition.

I didn't remember being stabbed by thieves, getting hit by a truck or receiving bright lights, which were cliches for people transported to another world.

"Damn! What the hell just happened?"

The room I was in now was also very different from the usual. The colours, shapes and atmosphere of this room were more cartoonist. You could say it was similar to the background from anime and games that I often watched or played before.

Reality struck me when I saw my new body from the glass reflection. The image of a teenage boy with black hair and black eyes that gaze back at me. This face was familiar with my old face back on the earth. The difference was that my face right now looked more cartoonish than before.

"...It looked like how my avatar game character would be." I said to myself.

I didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it. At least, I saw something familiar that makes me feel more relieved than before.

"I didn't know what happened to me… but, It's better that I just enjoy my new life."

After thinking like that, I glanced around and realized that the room I was using was like a bit of an apartment that contained one room with just a bed, one table with a chair and a small wardrobe. I could see how bad the room was with many broken floors and some broken walls.

There was an old sword in the nearby wardrobe that I could see a hologram with sword status on it.

Dull Sword : Str + 3

On the top of the wardrobe also lying an old leather armour and the same with the sword, I could see its status.

Tattered Leather Armor : End + 1

"Hm… It looked like poor adventure equipment."

I found an identity card adventure on the table. On the card, it only says my name and rank.

Name : Raka

Race : Human

Party : -

Clan : -

Rank : H

As far as I could remember, Raka in this world was an orphan child that lost his parents when they were doing adventurer things. And now, Raka or I became adventurers like our parents. He just about started one week ago when he became an adult as he became 15 years old. With the money, he got from working as a helper in the Guild. He bought a cheap sword and leather armour.

"Hm… I am in this world really a hard worker."

Too bad, on the last adventure, he got injured and bought some cheap and weird potion. He got a high fever in the night, and just like that, his body has been taken over by me.

Because of that, I didn't have any money left.

"Hm… I don't have any choice other than becoming an adventurer. Since It's the easy way to make money. Also, in this world there is a monster that could kill you easily. I need to become stronger so I can enjoy life in this world. Especially seeing that level 01 really bothered me."

The Adventurer was a job for someone who entered the dungeon in exchange for drop items and sometimes treasures in this world. The dungeon itself in this world was full of monsters that if you didn't defeat in a period of time, it could become dangerous. A parade of monsters could happen. If you beat the monster in the dungeon, you could get a drop item or magic stone that could be exchanged for money.

The dungeon itself was inside the Guild Building. It was a massive building when I entered the Guild. You could say that the security of this building was quite good. I could see a security guard that looked like a soldier guarding the Guild itself. They could have come from the countries to project the Guild.

I entered the building, took a paper and wrote the form before giving it to the receptionist. The receptionist worked very fast before giving me permission to enter the low-floor dungeon the same level as my rank.

They didn't particularly talk since the flow of adventurers needing a permit to enter the dungeon was massive. If they took too much time, the Adventurer more likely complained and reported it to the Guild, and It could cut their wages.

The place I entered. It was a room full of doors, the place more like a world of doors. Which was called the room of travels. Where the door in this room could lead you to the dungeon floor that has been explored before.

As soon as I entered the door, I could feel my body teleported to space before the scenery in front of me changed. It was dark but not pitch black. There were lights. A fire above me. It was a kind of lighting, small ones affixed to the wall and the lights stuck along the wall.

So I could see far away from my place to the end of the corridor of the wall. The wall that I touched was hard and rocky, just like a bare rock. Oh, well. You could say this dungeon floor was a cave.

I nervously stepped forward, keeping my hand on the dagger handles. The ground wasn't smooth but still easy enough to walk on. The cave was quite vast, so I didn't have any difficulties swinging around my danger.

I didn't have to search for a long time to meet my first ever monster. It was a giant rabbit, twice or nearly thrice the size of the rabbit I know on the earth. They were more intimidating with glowing red eyes and such a long bighorn.

Even so, their status didn't look that scary.

Status :

Horned Rabbit

Level : 01

HP : 15

Strength : 8

Magic : 1

Endurance : 3

Resistance : 2

Type: Beast

Rather than run away, the horned rabbit was hissing back at me. It looked eager to attack me. After whizzing several times, it moved or jumped at me. The horned rabbit movement was relatively fast, and it jumped at me and tried to attack me with that longhorn on the head.

It was pretty easy to evade it as long as I concentrated there. No way the horned rabbit attacked would hit me. His attack was relatively straightforward, just trying to stab me with that longhorn as it jumped at me.

This time, I evade the attack and, at the same time, slash my dagger at the horned rabbit.

I could feel my dagger cut the horned rabbit flesh. It was pretty weird as this may be my first ever to attack something alive. I never went hunting or butchered an animal before. I also never took care of fish either.

[ Hit - 8 ]

I could see the negative number above the horned rabbit as my attack connected to it. The horned rabbit HP was decreasing to 7 / 15.

The horned rabbit whimpered before once again jumping at me. This time, I ended the horned rabbit's struggle with the attack near its neck. Their bodies were quite big, so it was pretty easy to attack them.

[ Hit - 8 ]

My attack from strength plus dagger combined was just about 11 points. The endurance from the horned rabbit was just 3 points, so my attack damaged the horned rabbit by just around - 8 with simple math.

The body of horned rabbits slowly vanished into thin air and just left behind one particular thing. It was a small horn that was different from the giant horn rabbits had before. I didn't get any magic stones from this kill. Too bad.

[ You defeated Lv 1 - Horned Rabbits + 5 exp ]

I just got 5 experiences from defeating level one-horned rabbits.

Exp : 5 / 100

This means I need to defeat another nineteen horned rabbit on level one to raise my level from Lvl 1 to Lvl. 2. I didn't know if that was a considerable number or just a tiny amount to kill something to raise your level. But, this new world was quite simple. As long as you kill the monster, you could become stronger.

This means as long as you worked hard, you could become stronger. Our effort would be rewarded as experience, and there would be no failure in this game-like system. As long as I didn't die, I would become stronger and stronger if I grind to level up.

So I took the small horn and stored it in my old dirty bag on my waist. Once again, I embarked deep in a low floor dungeon that most monsters were just a level one.

I'm back I guess.

consianocreators' thoughts