
A Record of Perspectives

This isn't actually a book. Moreso just a record of different types of perspective. The first chapter is my own, how I became me and how me lives. This is not made for entertainment purposes moreso for science and for people to get a look into other perspectives. I would love for this book to have every humans perspective, to help me understand the world. Anyone can submit their own perspective, the prologue holds the simply questions you can type down and submit at anytime. Have you ever wanted to see your own work on a novel, well I can do exactly that.

Anon_ymous_8523 · Urbain
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The First Perspective

Hello, my name won't be disclosed but because I thinks it's important my age is 17.

To understand me, you must understand where my philosophy has come from. In other words, you must learn my past to understand how the present came to be.

I will be brief, but I will mention all of the important events. I live in a privileged household, not overwhelmingly rich but no doubt middle class in a first world country: England for those wandering. That means food, water, shelter has never been an issue. Problems come in the form of homework, exam stress and other generally menial things in the greater world.

My Grandma died when I was, I don't even know, around 8, that kind of age. To young for it to really hit, but it still introduced death to my young mind. She meant a lot to me growing up, sadly memories are as few as that time can get.

School wise, I have experienced both sides of the experience. I have not been bullied, so not extreme ends but I have experienced being a loner whilst also experiencing what its like to be on the sports team, to be in the popular group. Both sides have its benefit, but I think what it gave me most was perspective. The popular people never mean harm, they seek the next laugh to impress their friends. That was my experience anyway, something I have found is humans are a species that hate the word constant, they are like a Pandora's box and so they always break patterns although I still believe patterns can be found and explored.

I read, and I even write. Strange for my generation, I should be doom scrolling but I have never been attached to social media as my peers. I simply care less about other peoples opinions where it will not actively seek validation. My parents are all I need, there are all I care about and perhaps some other family and friends, I see no logical reason why I should care about some strangers opinion.

That gives the impression that I completely immune to social anxiety, I am not, far from it. I just know that logically it makes no sense, sadly that's not quite how emotions work, calling anger dumb doesn't tend to make it go away at will.


Enough of my history, now onto the philosophy part.


The first thing I will mention is an acknowledgement of my age. I am young and I understand I have not suffered nearly at all in my life. For many that will invalidate my opinion instantly, but I do still think every opinion holds some value, for I am happy, not suicidal, and so if my opinion helps someone then its worth as much menial mockery the comments may bring.

God played no part in my happiness; my parents are the reason and so I am an atheist. I figured this would be the part most people would want to hear first as when philosophy is mentioned it always come with mention of belief.

As far as human' life meaning is, my answer to that abyss of a question is rather simple. There isn't one, a cat has no greater meaning than to live so why are humans any different. Our intelligence desperately wants something to separate ourselves from common animals, but we simply are not that different. Even if there is some grand meaning to human life, is clearly not that grand due to the fact it is literally hiding from us. That is one of the reasons I do not believe in god, simply because I have not seen any evidence of a great being ever. Science is my study, and it explains all of what I see.

Moving on before I fall to deep into a specific topic, happiness is what all humans seek, and I think my take on it something quite unique. I am not saying I created this, I am sure scholars thought of this before, but I will still speak of it like an original creation.

Happiness and sadness are relative, an opinion of mine that is almost definitely not true. Dopamine and other chemicals ensure that the human brain continues its happy actions and does not repeat the sad ones. However, I believe that how the human brain responds to these chemicals eventually shifts the balance to where the same happiness before simply doesn't feel the same as before. If you won the lottery, married you lover, and got your dream job all at once, I don't many people would feel the 3x happiness that you would expect if you looked at happiness objectively. You would be happy, but anxiety and other emotions would drag that happiness down to an achievable level.

Like Buddhism I also believe in a balance of things, and this scale works to achieve this. A treat will repeat until it becomes a privilege. The human mind gets used to happiness and comes to no longer provide the same happiness it once did. This the scale moving up in the spectrum. It why humans are simply never happy, and why those at the bottom don't immediately commit suicide. They were born that way and so their happiness scale didn't dip below the required sadness amount. It's a complex idea that's not actually that hard to explain, I'm just not that great at explaining things. I am no professor and again, this is probably out there on the internet somewhere because nearly everything is nowadays.

With this in mind, I would say I live on a constant 6-5 on the relative happiness scale. With the exceptions on special days but mainly those numbers. I am content with my life because I have almost everything I want. Reading is joyfully cheap activity especially because you can pirate so many books. As a writer I understand the annoying aspect of this, but when most readers cannot afford this, and even myself when younger having no income, I do get both sides.

Moving on to something else, I would I am about done. I have said most of what I wanted to say, yes I get the fact that this writing but shut up, the reason I did all this was mostly intrigue. I live on curiosity, and I am shackled by fear and laziness, mainly. Originally this was supposed to be done on video format but both fear and laziness stopped me. My camera doesn't work, but excuses are excuses. As a writer I love hearing about how people live on, how they remain happy and almost how they tick, like a machine. Humans are fascinating animals and its partly why stories about them do so well.

So send me your own perspective. How do you live every day, how do you remain happy and how did you come to that point. It's probably very good for your mental health. You cannot fix a problem before you first find it so give it a try and if you want some validation send it to me and I will post it under this book. Check the prologue before you do so and I thank you for your time.