
A Pyrotechnics Expert in Naruto

Born into the Uchiha clan as a waste child. No matter how talented he was it wouldn't matter because he was born blind. But then everything changed when he opened .... wait why do they look like that?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Graduation Day

The five kids of greed, lust, wrath, pride, and envy (Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Benimaru, Hiruko) walked towards the academy no matter what happened today they knew that there was 9 of them scheduled to graduate and form 3 advance classes now and the other students would graduate and join the genin reserves. Not every can afford a guide jonin so the genin reserves is mainly for special jonin or elite chunin to take charge of for small missions.

Without knowing who my teammates will be or who will be my guide jonin I couldn't help but wonder about my future image. I mean this was important.

"What ya thinking about Beni?" Tsunade asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

Everyone turned their attention to me as I shrugged and said "My future image. I mean look at Madara, Uncle Tobirama and Uncle Hashirama they all have their Iconic weapons and Armour and they have an image."

Feeling the silent approval around me I continued "I was thinking about what my ninja image will be and I was thinking how to make it look cool with the red bandages?"

"What about armour?" Tsunade asked

"Too bulky, it would slow you down, Maybe a small shield instead?" Orochimaru chimed

"What kind of ninja carries a shield?" Jiraiya asked

"Maybe it's a shield that doesn't look like a shield?" Hiruko chimed in

"Hmmmm about a metal hat? Sharp edges to be used as a projectile while small and sturdy to slip on my arm as a small shield. If we make it red I'm sure it'll suit me, no?"

"A red razor hat.....hmmm it does sound iconic."

"The blind Uchiha with a razor hat? Sounds cool?

We continue chatting while Jiraiya says he wants to find something cool to ride on and Tsunade said it's too troublesome to make special gear and Orochimaru said he's more suitable for hit and run tactics so no Iconic weapons or Armour for him, while Hiruko said he needed time to think.

We made our way into the academy as such and made our way to the last classroom. Our guide jonin were meeting us here and then they would test us to consider us truly graduated. Walking into the class we were greeted by the other 4 graduates, Shiba Aburame, Muzaka Inuzuka, Yumi Kurama, and Kato Dan.

This group of people were all easily Elite Jonin in the future. Shiba was a bit shy but I heard he likes to Breed interesting bugs, Muzaka hasn't contracted a dog yet because he's always worried about their lifespan and he's looking for a special dog he's said. Yumi Kurama is an amazing genius artist although she hasn't beaten their clans curse yet but she has the potential. And Kato Dan something about him irks me and I can't place my finger on it.

"Well looks like the gangs all here?" Muzaka grins and walks over putting his hand onto Hiruko's shoulders.

Yumi walked over to Tsunade and started chatting as I took a seat next to Shiba and chatted with him about his new bugs.

A few minutes later the window opened and I feel a familiar figure walk through. No way isn't he by the borders?


Figure 'slowly' disappeared at a speed we could barely follow as the three of us got up and dashed out the open window after the jonin. We ran for a few minutes before stopping at Elite training ground 5 and saw our guide jonin awaiting us or more importantly it's.

"Good you guys aren't too slow especially you Yumi, I heard about the Kuramas low physical strength so we're definitely going to focus on that. Luckily you all are children and have plenty of time to develop. Anyways my name is Kagami Uchiha and I'll be in charge of Team 5 starting from today. My job is to make sure each of you survive, no matter what happens to you as long as you're alive then I can consider my job somewhat successful. Any questions?"

Yumi raised her hand and asked "Mr. Uchiha are we going to the battlefield?"

The girl asked with so much tension Shiba and I couldn't help but shudder, but luckily good ol pops stopped us and said "No the war has just ended and we're in a delicate peace the 5 Kage and Daimyos have reached an agreement for now so no, no battlefield."

He took a look around and saw no one had anything to say so he continued "Alright now one by one explain your name, specialties and interests. Ladies first."

"Yes sensei" Yumi spoke and jumped up with a pep in her step "Yumi Kurama 8 years old, I like bubbles and horror stories, my specialities include information gathering and genjutsu. My taijutsu is barely average and my ninjutsu is above average. I have water and wind affinities."

Next is Shiba as he speaks "Shiba Aburame,7 years old I like mosquitoes and fruit. My specialties includes medicinal and poisonous mosquitoes for varieties of situations. I'm better at taijutsu than genjutsu or ninjutsu. My affinity is lightning but I don't use it because it messes with my mosquitoes."

And finally "Benimaru Uchiha, 8 years old and I like swords and Mukuro and Chrome my crows. My specialties includes taijutsu and sensing. I can play ninjutsu but it's boring so I rarely do. My genjutsu is alright and my affinities are Fire, Earth, and Lightning."

Alright class today is graduation day so I'll make your test simple really. Inside this envelope is some clues and photos of a spy I found a few days ago and I'm sure he's changed his appearance since then. Your mission is to find and apprehend the spy before sun sets however you choose to do so is your choice but since none of you look panicked I'd say we're on the right track. Team 5 this is your first mission so don't mess up I'll be watching."

As he swished away Yumi picked up the manilla envelope and looked back at the two and said "So? What do we do now?"

We look at each other and all have the same thought. This is gonna be troublesome.