
A Psychopaths Sanity

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1Deadaccount1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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New Life

I awoke in a strange place across from me was a old man sitting on a chair, the old man said " you have been given a chance to be reborn, I'll grant you one of your greatest desires, the power of Lelouch lamperouge at the cost of your memories".  

Then there was a bright flash of light, suddenly he was hit by a wave of pain. A few moments later a voice was heard "Congratulations Matsumoto-sama it's a baby boy".

--------- Time skip ---------  

      3 years later

Itona watched as his house burned down with his parents inside, listening to their screams while they were burned alive. He didn't mean to do it 

He was just playing with a lighter and the carpet

Caught on fire, he tried to put it out by hitting it with a couch pillow but the pillow also caught on fire, he ran out the backdoor and into the yard and watched as the house went up in flames.

All of a sudden a window broke and out came his mother from the second floor. He watched as she screamed for help and hit the ground begging to be saved, mesmerised with the sight he watched as she burned. 

------ Backdraft POV ------

When I arrived at the house, I spotted a boy in the backyard so I made my way towards him. When I got to him he didn't notice me so I asked him " Are you ok? Can you tell me what happened here?" the boy didn't respond so I went to touch him but, right before my hand touched him he turned and looked at me. And that's when I noticed the charred body in front of him.

I pulled him away from it and brought him in front of where the other heros and police were.

After putting the fire out I turned to question the kid and discovered he was already taken to the hospital

--------- End backdraft POV -------

As soon as Itona woke up in the hospital, he was questioned about his involvement in the fire that killed both of his parents. A detective going by the name Naomasa Tsukauchi explained his quirk, "My quirk has the ability to tell when someone is lying or not" Naomasa explained, "Now I'll be using my quirk throughout this interrogation, I better not catch you lying" Naomasa warned.

"it was an accident," Itona said in defence. That's the only thing they got out of him during the entire interrogation.

Once the interrogation was over, Naomasa left the room to go discuss with his co workers, "We can't get anything out of him, and with him not talking or saying anything my quirk won't work" Naomasa said. "There's no point in continuing the investigation, he's just a kid, he'll be scared out his boots, besides we already know what happened, after all who do you think called the fire department?" asked his Naomasa's Co Worker, that's when Naomasa paused for a second and responded, "The kid?"

--------- Time skip ---------

          3 weeks later 

"Itona dear, can you hand me that shirt so that I can put it in the laundry?" Aunty Jara said, Itona went to pick up the mud stained shirt in the laundry basket, since Aunty Jara hands were already full she asked him, "Aish, these kids know how to work a woman" she then walked to the laundry room to do the laundry.

Itona didn't go with her mainly because his reason for being with her in the first place had already been fulfilled, now he had some time to himself, you see Itona had a hobby a very unpleasant one at that, he would always sneak out at night and find animal's, as for what he did with the animal's, take a guess…. He'd make them commit suicide in varios unpleasant manner's, why? Because he was fascinated with death, on the day his mother burned to death something inside of him just clicked, the scared faces she made, the energy that burst forth inside of her while jumping out of that window in a shallow attempt to live, death can make people do many things, these reasons only bolstered Itona's fascination.

And now that's it's night time, he snuck out of the orphanage, since the other kids were asleep he snuck out of the room, and since Aunty Jera wouldn't be back from doing the laundry for a couple of hours, he had some time to himself, he stealthily went out the backdoor, since it was the only part of the house that didn't have those little door knob restrictors that makes it hard for kids to open doors.

Now that he was outside he went near the backyard, most of the animal's that he caught were squirrels, sometimes if he was lucky he might come across a stray cat lurking in the backyard.

Today he caught the stray dog that had been coming around the backyard's fence for the past few days. He had placed a bowl of the antifreeze he had found in Aunty Jara's office the day before in the backyard.

E/N: fun fact antifreeze tastes sweet to animal's as well as smells good too, coupled with the bright color of it makes it looks tasty. what do you think an animal would do if they happened to come across it?😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

The dog stray dog drank the antifreeze with glee, looking at it, it was dirty and undoubtedly hungry, unfortunately for the dog that meal will be its last, he then tied the dog to a tree, and snuck back inside to get back in bed before Aunty jara finished doing the laundry and came back to check on them.

The next day, after morning lessons, Aunty Jara took the children to the backyard to play. The children saw the dog, so they crowded around the dog out of curiosity, as one of the kids stepped forward to try and touch the dog, it vomited on him, the vomit was an amalgamation of red and blue, the red being the blood and the blue being the antifreeze.

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