
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


As Xu Jinhai wandered through the docks of the nation of Jinsu, he couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. The sights, sounds, and smells of the new environment were new for him and his germaphobia began to act up in response to the unfamiliar surroundings. He glanced around nervously, trying to avoid touching anything and carefully stepping over puddles and other waste on the ground. The bustling crowd passing by, only added to his uneasiness. He felt like an outsider in this new place, unsure of how to navigate this whole nation.

"Jinsu is really different from that nation…" Xu Jinhai thought as he continued inspecting his surroundings.


"Eh?", Xu Jinhai heard his stomach grumbled.



"I should've asked for some food earlier…" Xu Jinhai sighed, feeling helpless. As he continued to walk, his eyes caught sight of a street vendor selling a lot of colorful fruits.

The aroma of the fresh fruits filled the air, but Xu Jinhai hesitated to approach. His germaphobia made him wary of the food that might not be prepared to his exact standards.

Rawrrrr grumble

Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm and remind himself that not everything was contaminated. After all, he had endured a lot of things and he couldn't let his fear hold him back.

"But it's just fruits, right? Nothing would go wrong… it's healthy"

Summoning his courage, Xu Jinhai decided to give himself a little treat. He approached the fruit vendor and with a polite smile, asked for a piece of fruit that seemed less likely to be touched by multiple hands.

"Ah, excellent choice, young man!" the vendor said with a wink. "Those sugar apples are as sweet as a summer breeze! - How many again?"

"Ah ha ha…, I would like two sugar apples please", As Xu Jinhai bought two sugar apples from the vendor, he couldn't help but notice the man's gaze. The vendor raised an eyebrow and gave Xu Jinhai a sly smile.

"You know", the vendor said, leaning in as if sharing a secret, "You're quite the catch! If you don't have a wife… I've got the perfect recommendation for you."

Xu Jinhai felt completely caught off guard by the unexpected event. He stuttered for a moment before managing a reply, "Oh, um, well, I… I'm not married, but I, uh…, I'm not really looking for… um, a wife right now?"

The vendor chuckled heartily, clearly amused by Xu Jinhai's nervous response. "Oh, don't be so shy! My daughter is quite the catch, you know. She's beautiful, talented, and knows her way around the household!"

Xu Jinhai's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but think to himself, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, this escalated quickly!"

Trying to deflect the conversation, he mustered up a smile and said, "I'm sure she's wonderful, but, uh…, I think I'll stick to eating these sugar apples for now!"

The vendor seemed oblivious to Xu Jinhai's response and continued to insist, "Nonsense! My daughter would be thrilled to meet someone as handsome and polite as you. I'll make sure she knows all about you!"

At this point, Xu Jinhai didn't know whether to laugh or run away. He was not prepared for this scene. "Well… it was nice talking to you, but I really need to go", Xu Jinhai said, trying to maintain his composure.

But the vendor was not easily deterred. "Wait, wait! You can't leave without meeting my daughter!" he called after Xu Jinhai.

As Xu Jinhai picked up his pace, the vendor started to follow him, his voice getting louder. "She's just around the corner! I promise you'll like her!"

Panicking a little, Xu Jinhai looked around for a way to escape this enthusiastic matchmaker. He spotted a side street and made a quick decision. Without thinking, he left the main path and dashed down on the narrow alley, hoping to lose the vendor.

"Come back! Don't be shy!" the vendor shouted, still in hot pursuit.

Xu Jinhai's heart was pounding as he ran through the winding alleys of Jinsu, desperately trying to shake off the determined vendor. He darted around corners, dodged through crowds, and even tried blending in with a group of street performers at one point. But the vendor was relentless, shouting encouragements and praises for his daughter's wonderful qualities. Xu Jinhai couldn't believe the situation he had gotten himself into, and he couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity of it all.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of running and hiding, Xu Jinhai spotted an opportunity to slip into a busy marketplace. He weaved through the bustling stalls and lost sight of the vendor.

Xu Jinhai took a moment to process all of it and chuckled at his own tactics. "Well, that was one way to avoid being set up on a date", he muttered to himself.

Feeling both relieved and amused, Xu Jinhai decided to take a different route as he continued his stroll around Jinsu, trying to find the someone Tsukiyomi Yan mentioned. As he savored the sweetness of the sugar apples, he couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for the new environment. As Xu Jinhai continued to wander through the bustling streets of Jinsu, he couldn't help but be amazed by the vibrant and lively atmosphere. The nation was a stark contrast to the quiet nation of Houxiang he had left behind.

However, despite his excitements, a slight panic lurked within Xu Jinhai. He couldn't deny the feeling of uneasiness at the thought of navigating through this whole new nation. He tried to keep his distance from the bustling crowds, avoiding any accidental brushes with strangers. His hands instinctively clenched around his fabric, Shiro, seeking a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"Alright, Xu Jinhai…You can do this", he muttered to himself, trying to stay calm. "Just take it one step at a time and remember to breathe…", He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. The constant movement and proximity of people made him feel a bit overwhelmed, but he knew he couldn't let such things get the better of him.

As he continued to explore the city, Xu Jinhai found himself seeking out quieter side of the streets and less crowded areas. He found solace in the small pockets of tranquility despite the bustling chaos. He would occasionally find a peaceful park or a serene alleyway, and he would linger there for a moment, soaking in the calmness.

"Maybe I can find a way to balance my need for cleanliness with experiencing all that Jinsu has to offer." He thought, gathering all of his courage. Afterall, if he let his anxiety get the best of him, he'd never gather the ingredients needed for the antidote.

The words of Tsukiyomi Yan echoed in his mind, reminding him of the mysterious encounter he had back in the dream.

"Meet someone at the place of Jinsu…" he murmured to himself, trying to make sense of the cryptic message.

"Who could I possibly meet here?" Xu Jinhai wondered aloud, furrowing his brow in contemplation. "Is it someone I know? Or someone I've yet to encounter?"

He replayed his interactions with the people he had met so far, but no one seemed to hit the spot. Xu Jinhai began to wonder if this was just some pranks of Tsukiyomi Yan.

As he started navigating the city, he observed the people around him, wondering if any of them could be the one he was meant to meet. Faces blurred into a sea of unfamiliarity, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was wandering aimlessly.

"I wonder if this someone knows me or if it's a chance encounter" Xu Jinhai pondered, his thoughts swirling with curiosity.

The city's light began to illuminate the evening sky, casting an ethereal glow over the streets. Xu Jinhai found himself drawn to the stars above, wondering if they held any connection to Tsukiyomi Yan's message. He knew better than to underestimate the divine's playful ways, and a part of him couldn't help but be intrigued by Tsukiyomi Yan's antics.

Xu Jinhai took a moment to pause and collect his thoughts. He knew that he needed a plan, a way to narrow down search and make sense of Tsukiyomi Yan's words.

"I should ask around, talk to the locals, and see if anyone knows about any event or gathering tonight…" he decided.