
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs


Xu Jinhai slowly got up from his slumber, feeling the warmth of the morning sun gently kissing his cheeks. He blinked a few times, taking in his surroundings as he became fully aware of his awakening. The room felt cozy and relaxing, and he stretched his limbs, getting ready to start his day.

He got up from the bed and quickly freshened up, splashing his face with cool water to clear his thoughts. After making sure everything was well organized, he packed his belongings and headed downstairs to the common area for breakfast.

The inn was abuzz with life as other guests chatted amongst themselves over their morning meals.

"Young master your table is over there" the innkeeper said.

Xu Jinhai found a spot at an empty table, where a plate of freshly baked bread, fruits, and a steaming cup of tea awaited him. He thanked the innkeeper with a nod, and they smiled warmly in return.

As he ate, he couldn't help but think of his plans for the day.

'Why did even Tsukiyomi Yan bring me here?'

'Does it have something to do with the fallen divine?'

'Who am I supposed to meet?'

Thoughts just kept coming in and he didn't know what to do. He sighed and took a sip of his tea.

'I should go to the town square'

Xu Jinhai finished his breakfast and left the inn, feeling the familiar weight of his sword against his hip. He navigated through the narrow streets until he reached the town square, where a crowd had already gathered

'Good thing I was right on time'

The town square was now overflowing with spectators, eagerly anticipating the execution of the fallen divine. Xu Jinhai had managed to secure a spot near the edge of the crowd, keeping a distance from them.

The fallen divine, dressed in tattered garments, was led out by a group of stern-faced guards. Her hands were bound, but she held her head high, defiance evident in her eyes. Xu Jinhai couldn't take a good look at her face for some reason.

"Dear citizens of Jinsu", the magistrate began, his voice booming across the square, "We have gathered here today to witness the execution of this fallen divine that might bring destruction to mankind!"

The crowd murmured and some people whispered among themselves, recounting rumors and tales of the fallen divine's misdeeds. Xu Jinhai's eyes narrowed as he listened, sensing that something was amiss. Xu Jinhai look back at the woman and his eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he saw Azalea; the same woman he had encountered in his travel to the past.

Her hands were bound and a heavy shackle weighed down her feet as she struggled against her captors. Xu Jinhai couldn't understand how she is here and even standing before him.

His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to make sense of the connection between her and the antidote he sought.

"Could she be the one I was supposed to meet?"

"Yes! I believe she is the one. I mean why would someone like her suddenly appear??"

Despite the urgency of the situation, Xu Jinhai knew he had to be cautious. He couldn't simply reveal his identity or intentions, not with the crowd of onlookers and the stern guards surrounding the platform.

"Kill that monster!" the crowd exclaimed.

Xu Jinhai's mind raced, trying to find a way to help Azalea without revealing his true purpose. He knew he needed to act quickly, for time was running out. He couldn't let her die, not when she might hold the key to the antidote he sought. As the executioner stepped forward, raising his blade, Xu Jinhai's heart clenched. He couldn't stand by and watch Azalea meet her end.

'What are the guards gonna do, huh? Lock me up? As if they can capture me – just rescue her, Jinhai!', he thought.

His instincts kicked in, and without fully realizing what he was doing, he made a split-second decision. In one fluid motion, he leaped onto the platform, startling everyone around him. Gasp and shouts filled the air as the guards rushed to apprehend him, but Xu Jinhai was undeterred. He reached out to Azalea, his voice low but urgent.

"Trust me. I can help you."

Azalea's eyes met his, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

"Why should I? You look meaner than the guards- "

Without wasting any second, Xu Jinhai unsheathe his sword and sliced through the shackles, freeing her completely.

Xu Jinhai carried Azalea away from the town square, leaping from one rooftop to another, the rhythm of his movements almost as if he is dancing across the skyline. Azalea clung tightly to him, trusting his every step, while Xu Jinhai's focus remained sharp, keenly aware of the danger that still lurked below.

As they soared through the air, Xu Jinhai couldn't help but marvel at the feeling of freedom and exhilaration that came with each bound. The wind whistled past them as they reached the edge of the town, the safety of the forest beckoning. With one final powerful leap, he landed gracefully among the dense foliage, hidden from prying eyes.

Setting Azalea down gently, Xu Jinhai moved to inspect her injuries, his hands gentle yet firm.

"Are you hurt?" he asked.

Azalea shook her head, her eyes never leaving his. "I'm fine" she replied softly

"Thank you for saving me back there"

Xu Jinhai nodded, "You don't have to thank me. I saved you for a reason."

Azalea's expression went serious.

Xu Jinhai's gaze met hers, his expression steady yet thoughtful. He took a moment before answering, as if carefully choosing his words.

"It wasn't just about the situation at hand", he explained.

"I saw you in town square, and something about you made me feel that you're different – that you might hold knowledge of certain herbs or anything that could help me on my journey."

Azalea's brows furrowed slightly, a mixture of surprise and understanding flickering in her eyes.

"You mean, you just saved me because you think I know something about special herbs?"

Xu Jinhai nodded.

"Yes" he affirmed.

"In my journey, I've learned that this realm holds many secrets, and that certain herbs possess unique properties that can help my nation's disease."

Azalea's lips curved into a thoughtful smile. "You have keen intuition" she remarked.

"I do have knowledge of some herbs native to this region. They're not easy to find, but they could indeed prove valuable.", Azalea said.

"Which herbs are these that you mentioned?" he inquired, his voice a mix of anticipation and eagerness.

Azalea's gaze scanned the surroundings, as if seeking out the very essence of the plants she was about to describe.

"The first herb is called Silverleaf Fern", she began, her voice firm.

"It's a delicate fern with leaves that shimmer like silver under the moonlight. Its extracts can enhance one's sense and provide mental clarity."

Xu Jinhai nodded attentively; his interest evident.

"What about the second herb?" he added.

"The second herb is called Whispering Breeze Orchid" she continued.

"It's a rare orchid that blooms in the quietest moments of dawn. Its petals emit a soothing fragrance that can calm the mind and induce relaxation."

Xu Jinhai's interest seemed to intensify at the mention of the orchid.

"That could be beneficial for managing stress" he noted.

"However, I seek herbs that not only soothe but also possess healing – something potent enough to help strengthen the antidote I'll make."

Azalea's gaze turned distant for a moment, as if she was mentally reaching out for the plant she was about to describe.

"Starshimmer root…" she explained.

"It grows deep within the heart of ancient trees, absorbing the energies of the stars. Its extracts are said to bestow a temporary surge of strength and resilience."

Xu Jinhai's interest was piqued once more, his contemplative expression changing.

"Starshimmer root… the name itself evokes power" he remarked.

"But how readily available is this herb? And is its strength reliable?"

Azalea's lips curved into a rueful smile.

"Starshimmer roots is indeed potent", she conceded.

"However, its rarity makes it a challenging find. And while its effects can be impressive, they are fleeting – a burst of energy rather than a sustained enhancement."

Xu Jinhai's gaze turned thoughtful, his mind seemingly absorbing the information he had just received.

"I see… Thank you for your help. You're not bad at all", he smiled faintly. "Once I am done with the antidote… I'll make a statue of you and the guardian of the stars" he spoke with a low tone enough for Azalea to hear.

For a moment their surroundings went silent.

Amidst the quiet rustling of leaves and the occasional bird's song, Azalea's voice broke the tranquil ambiance.

"Actually… there is another herb", she began, her tone cautious.

"That holds the power to break curses. It's known as Bloodmoon Blossom."

Xu Jinhai's gaze went fully on her, his expression showing interest and hope.

"Bloodmoon Blossom… What makes it unique, and how does it possess the ability to break curses?" he asked.

Azalea's expression turned solemn, as if she was about to disclose a secret of great significance.

"Bloodmoon Blossom blooms only once in a generation, under the light of a blood-red moon", she explained.

"Its petals are said to carry a resonance with the Eta Carinae – a realm that holds many mysteries."

Xu Jinhai's brows furrowed as he processes the information. "So, Eta Carinae resonates within the petals and can counteract curses?" he ventured, seeking further clarification

Azalea nodded; her gaze focused on the path ahead.

"Yes, but here's the catch – Bloodmoon Blossom is not just rare; it's also exceptionally dangerous. Its powers are not to be trifled with, as they can easily spiral out of control if mishandled."

Xu Jinhai's expression turned grave, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Dangerous…in what way?" he inquired, his voice calm and cautious.

Azalea's eyes held a mixture of caution and concern.

"The astral energies from the Eta Carinae are volatile" she explained.

"If not harnessed with the utmost precision, they can amplify the curse they're meant to break, causing catastrophic consequences."

Breaking curses was undoubtedly important for Xu Jinhai's goal.

"I appreciate your honesty, Azalea" he finally said, his voice sincere.

"The Bloodmoon Blossom holds undeniable potential. Weighing the risks is as crucial as the potential gains…" he mumbled.

"Your determination is admirable, Xu Jinhai", she said.

"But the path to acquiring it is dangerous. Are you truly willing to risk everything, including your life?"

Xu Jinhai went quiet.

"No matter the challenges that lies ahead…" he declared. "I will obtain the Bloodmoon Blossom. I am prepared the face whatever dangers come my way. For the sake of those people, for the chance to break the curse that has plagued that nation for generations, I am willing to make any sacrifice" he affirmed.

Azalea was stunned at his words.

"I understand the risks involved, but I also understand that there are some burdens worth bearing, even if it means facing death itself." He added.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as Xu Jinhai's words lingered in the air. For a moment Azalea's eyes seemed to softened and show a hint of proudness.

"Your nation is fortunate to have someone like you" she acknowledges.

"But remember, Xu Jinhai, that courage is not measured solely in facing danger, but in making the wisest choices, even if they involve stepping back."

Xu Jinhai nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in her words.

"You're right, courage is not recklessness. I will approach this task with caution, using every resource at my disposal. If the Bloodmoon Blossom is meant to be obtained, I will find a way to do so while minimizing the risks."

Azalea nodded, she seemed to hold back her laugh.

"The next blood moon is within 5 days. The location of the herb is at the heart of the Mistveil Forest", she revealed. "It's a place steeped in mysticism and peril, shrouded in a thick mist that conceal its secrets."

"Mistveil Forest" he repeated.

"I've read books about it; it is a tricky place."

Azalea nodded, surprised by his knowledge about it.

"Indeed, the forest is known for its ever – shifting pathways. Its illusions that can lead travelers astray. Many who have entered never returned."

Xu Jinhai's jaw tightened, "Then I shall be different" he declared.

"I will find a way to that forest and you'll see my coming out of it in one piece."

Azalea chuckled.

"I would love to see that but I have to go"

As the wind rustled through the trees, Azalea's form seemed to shimmer, her ethereal presence waning like a fading star. She gazed at Xu Jinhai with eyes that held a mixture of warmth and sadness, as if carrying the weight of a hidden truth.

"You represent her so much" her voice whispered on the breeze; the words tinged with a bittersweet note. The meaning behind those words hung in the air, filled with unspoken emotions.

Xu Jinhai's brows furrowed in confusion; his heart heavy with a sense of longing.

"Her?" he questioned softly, a tremor of uncertainty threading through his voice.

Azalea's form continued to dissolve, stardust swirling around her like a gentle breeze.

"A promise unfulfilled, a story left untold" she murmured, her words a delicate echo of the past.

"May your journey be guided by the strength of your purpose and the echoes of her legacy."

Before Xu Jinhai could grasp the full meaning of her words, Azalea's form fragmented into countless specks of stardust, carried away by the wind. He was left in a profound stillness, the weight of her presence fading like a distant memory.

Xu Jinhai stood there, a mixture of emotions swirling.

'What does she mean by "her"?'