
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

New Mission

Author Note: It's been a long time for me to continue this series, but from now, I will continue in my free time. I will change the point of view too.


It was so sudden, I, Ryuga Kiyotaka got transported into a parallel world by a stupid Goddess.

The reason?

Not because Demon Lord go rampaged like in those cliche isekai novels.

Also not because I need to save a country from a monster or dungeon.

But I was summoned to entertain her.

Briefly put, I have a role as Demon King, but at the same time, I am a Human too. I become an enemy of the Heroes and even I probably couldn't recruit Demon Race to become my ally because I am human.

What a stupid troupe.

According to her, this world's name is Laverio. Its size is 4 times bigger than Earth, with similar characteristics.

Due sliver of luck and lack of intelligence of that Goddess, I managed to drag her from the Divine Realm and give her punishment.

Even I already killed her, I still can't go back to Japan.

The goddess supposed to be the last boss right?

That makes me angry, but I still satisfied to kill that wicked goddess. At least, she won't able to summon Hero anymore.

The hero was a special existence, with cheat-like power and skill from Goddess. Usually, in those isekai novels, Hero will be limited to a small number, but in this world, Hero was something common.

As for Demon Lord, there are 108 Demon Lords, to match with Heroes.

I couldn't surely confirm the number, but I found many [Demon-like Castles] with my Drone.

I use my Drone to create a map of Laverio, so I could go anywhere I want with ease. I also can create a decent plan to return.

This world filled with mysterious power, so when I arrived here, I could use magic. My drone already come back to give me the report. With the support of my powerful AI, the data from the drone got transferred into my phone. From there, I could see the surface of Laverio like Go*gle Earth. It also has [zoom] function, so I can get a clear image.

I could see a lot of human settlements on Laverio, but I can't get detail information like the country name (there is a chance, the name would be different, even though Laverio was a copy of Earth).

That was obvious because my drone only flies for three days to scanning Laverio. It's a size bigger than Earth, normally it would take around one week to finish it in detail.

So my drone prioritizes [scanning] task while ignoring anything else to make their work effective.

Even so, my drone also has [recording] function. I could take several information from them. While I inspecting the map, my AI will handle those recording video and take important part to give it to me. Especially Hero and Demon Lord.

Aside from humans, I also find countless monsters lurking in any place. From goblin to Dragon-like creature was existed in this world.

[Master, I found several recording that may help you]

"Got it"

"Hey Ryuga, sometimes you are talking alone. Are you can see the spirit or something like that?"

She is Arcadia, my new companion in my journey. Her long hair had a brown color. That hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a navy blue hooded coat, under it she was wearing a shirt and short skirt, black knee socks, and boots that covered until her knees. According to her, this is the best combination that she has ever seen in Human countries.

Her face is very beautiful with golden eyes, but right now, her eyes are purple. She said that golden eyes are very rare and that will make her stand out from her surroundings. Her figure is full of charisma and dignity, even make me think, she looks like a noble.

But don't let her appearance fools you because she is a dragon. I met with her a few days ago because of my curiosity for Dragon and summoned her. That was a very serious battle with my life at stake. But we ended up make Master-Servant Contract and she decided to follow me in the journey to return to Earth.

"No, this just habit of mine.Nothing to worry about it. Also, Arcadia could you please give me magic to understand the language in this world?"

The existence of AI is very important, but I couldn't trust her yet. I mean, we just meet a few days ago.


Even I was summoned as Demon Lord, I don't have the ability to master the language of Laverio. That was very fatal for someone from a different world like me, so I need to rely on her in this regard.

I check the content with my smartphone. By the way, my phone is charged by using the power of my "special suit" with support from my AI.

{Wohooooo!!!! I am herooooo!!!!! I will make my Harem in this world!!!}

A single boy was shouted inside the forest after killing the orc. I judged from his appearance, he should be a student of Junior High school.

"Haaaah...this boy should be at school and study for his future.", I check another video and get this result.

{Kukuku, finally God, granted my wish!!! No painful death, just normal summoning...It's perfect!!!! I will aim to become the strongest magician}

Another boy also shouted beside the river. He used magic to control water or something like that.

{Harem, Harem, Harem!!!!}

I got sick from watching this stupid trio, they just don't understand their situation and indulge in their desire. I check another video while feeling dejected.

I don't feel anything like that when I first come into this world. How can you so calm and energetic when you summoned into an unknown world.

No electricity

No convenient machine-like Air conditioner, refrigerator, car or smartphone

No internet

No manga, no anime, no social media, no games

Different common sense

Killing is common in this world, do you have the resolve to kill someone?

How about your parents and your friend?

Are you really claimed that you are loner, so you don't have anyone that will think about you?

All those cliche novel was too absurd if the protagonist was easily accepting reality. That probably just a setting to make the novel more acceptable.

"Those boys are saying the same thing like Harem, but what is that?"

"That means, they want to surrounded by girls. Back in my world, a harem is taboo, but since this is a fantasy world, they think they could realize their dream."

"Come to think about it, they are very calm and not panic, even though they were summoned to a different world aren't they?"

She has a point. Normally, modern people from Earth will be shocked and confused when transported to another world.

"There are something like novels and manga, where the idea of being transferred into different world exist in my world and very popular. So probably they get the idea from that novel, though almost all of them is the imagination of the author. Sometimes, I still don't believe that I was summoned here."

"I see, so you have something like that to predict this world and deal with this predicament."


I checked other videos and found the actual Hero.

{Help!!! Please someone help me!!!}

A middle-aged man with the mustache was traveling with carriage but a Giant wolf suddenly comes and attack him.

A single boy comes and kills the wolf easily with his shining sword.

{Hey, are you okay?}

{Ahh, thank you for saving me, Hero-dono}

Ohh, this boy is helping the merchant from Giant wolves. His technique is pretty simple, but he using his power as Hero to move faster and deal with Giant wolf with minimum effort.

At least, I could tell he has experience of fighting a monster before.

{Finally I arrived at Babel!!! I will challenge the Hero and got myself title Champions!!!}


I found a place called Babel is famous for challenge Hero. I called the drone who record the video and ask about the location. I found that the city was in Italy (on Earth)

Babel is a very big city according to Its size, in the middle of the city, there is a wide round-shape arena. This place probably the place for the heroes to fight.

Because of that, Babel attracted a lot of Heroes and merchants. The Babel on video was flooded by people. Even though the street was big, but It's very crowded.

A Heroes match is something that you can see every day after all. In fact, I want to see it with my eyes, how will those clowns fight each other...

Did they forget, they were from Earth and they supposed to help each other?

A place with a lot of Hero gathering huh...

It was really fishy for me because the Hero is very special, so how the country let those Heroes fight here?

Maybe they want their Heroes to get some experience?

From my point of view, this is strange.

Every day, a lot of Hero will visit Babel. Heroes also make other people come to visit Babel. In terms of power, Babel will become very strong. If something bad happens to this city, the Heroes will move to defend this city.


Because they are Hero right?

All people will expect them to protect people.

If those Hero feel the treatment on Babel is better than the country they served before, they could leave them and stay in Babel.

Not to mention, the country needs to train the Hero to another place, it will show how unreliable them for handle Hero. They could hire top adventure or train them in a dungeon or something like that, isn't it?

No need for sending them to Babel. For me, It's clearly a risky move.

"Alright, let's go to Babel."

"You will go to Babel, where the Hero gathered? Are you insane? Do you plan to kill them all?" , Arcadia asked me with a slight interest.

"Depending on the situation, but a place with a lot of Hero is very suspicious. Not to mention, I could dig some information from them you know."

"That is a very bold move, someone with appraisal will reveal your status. If that happens, you will be in trouble."

"Now you mention it. Could you do something for that?"

"....Okay, I will do it."

She comes to me and touches my head casually and chant several words that I couldn't understand.

"I've been making protective layers, so your status won't get revealed unless the Hero have [Eye of Truth]."

That was a crazy name of the skill, so probably it will be very rare.

"Thank yo-", before I could finish my word, my hand move on its own and pat her head.



This is very awkward, but I need to break the ice.

"Hey, my hand moves to pat your head. Do you know something?"

"That probably the reward for the servant."

Hey, that something dangerous!!

I mean, I couldn't control my hands or precisely my body when I give the reward??

I guess I have to ask her carefully from now on.

"My mom always patted my head when I lived in Dragon Nest, so I kinda miss it."

"...Okay, I get it."

After finished our preparation, I use my new feature of Nano-Suit called [Dragon Wing Turbo]. My Nano-suit could imitate the dragon because of her scales were mixing with the Nanoparticles.

Honestly, that was very exaggerating because I just use turbo and fly until I reached the proportional height and use the [Dragon Wing] to glide. This is a new sensation for me.

As for Arcadia, she could fly in her human form. This girl is basically a living cheat.

We arrived at the Babel in a short time and begin my research...


"Your body is so strong and sturdy. Your face is very handsome too, Alex-san", there is a beauty who hugging my arm. Her clothes sticking with her body and radiating a lot of sexual appeals.

This place is similar to a brothel and this girl is a prostitute. There are many men inside this place and got treatment like me. By the way, Alex was my alias.

Do you wonder why end up like this?

"Hahaha...", I gloss it over with a laugh. I don't feel lust or something like that toward the girls here.

It's not like I am gay or swing that way.

Also, I don't have a lover on Earth.

And I am not a siscon and my love toward my sister is familial love

I would like to find my love properly too.

That because I know the girls here are-
