
A Moment of Calm

Once everything was settled, Sirzechs and Serafall went back to Agares and inform Ajuka.

They were in the middle of the meeting when the sleeping Falbium suddenly jerked awake and flew straight recklessly, breaking any walls and obstacles in the way.

Seeing that such a lazy man suddenly acting in such a way, the other three couldn't help but panic.

Fortunately, only the four of them were in the meeting, if not, the remaining Pillars would surely be shocked at Falbium's sudden burst of energy.

With the situation resolved, they immediately tended to their other duties, leaving Christina with her father Falbium.

"So, how was your trip?" Falbium asked his daughter as her stroked her hair.

They were seated in one of the sofas in the room, with Christina sitting in Falbium's lap.

Chris' ears went red, "I-i-it was f-f-fine..."

"Hmmm..." Falbium let out an amused sound as he continued petting Chris' head.

This went on for many more minutes.

If anyone would see this scene, they would truly be mesmerized.

A man in regal clothing, with eye full of love and affection. Seated on his lap was a maiden with Silver hair. The man was running his hands on her hair as she leaned her head on his chest.

Sunlight was passing through the nearby broken window, basking the pair in an ethereal light.

The two enjoyed the silence.

Falbium was never the one for overt affection, although he indulges once in a while, usually when he doesn't meet with his daughter for a long time.

Likewise, Christina appreciates the little moments that they share more. The memories of the previous Christina shows how much Falbium loves her.

"Father..." Soon, the silence was broken by Chris as she looked up at her father's face.

Falbium looked down and looked at his daughter with a raised eyebrow.

"If..." Chris opened her mouth as if to say something before closing it.

Finally, a few moments later, Christina opened her mouth once more.

"I have a gift for father."


Christina took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. Her hands clasped Falbium's right hand.

Although Falbium was puzzled, he waited for her daughter to act.

However, he soon felt a warmth running from where Chris held his hand towards his body.

Falbium did not resist this. He fully trusts his daughter. Soon, foreign knowledge flowed into his mind. Closing his eyes, he delved deep into the incoming knowledge.

He was shocked at what he found! It was knowledge on how to manipulate a new ability! An ability given to him by his daughter!

But not just any ability, it was the strengthened form of his former clan's ability!

One should remember that the Glasya-Labolas Clan has the affinity for illusion. Before becoming a Satan, Falbium was the clan head despite not being able to use this special trait!

Now, he received the ability to fully utilize the Realm of Illusions!

Not only that, his power that was at the pinnacle of Ultimate Class Devil soared even higher! At his estimate, he was now a Super Devil, just like Ajuka and Sirzechs!

"T-Tina... This... How? Why?" Falbium found it hard to form words.

"Do you remember how I told you about my other self?"

"Y-yes... Why?"

"In that world, there exist a novel called Highschool DxD. It is about a Breast Obsessed Pervert..." And so Chris spoke of what she knew.

Of the Old Maou faction and the descendants of the Old Satans, of the Hero faction and Cao Cao, of Khaos Brigade and Ophis, of Rizvlem and Qlippoth, of Trihexa.

"I don't want father to get hurt. Although father was not harmed in the story, it never hurts to be prepared..."

After hearing his Daughter's words, he smiled and stroked his daughter's hair.

"Thank you." No more words needs to be said.

"So, what are your plans after this?" Falbium asks, ending the previous topic.

"Tomorrow I'll st off again to find my other pieces."

"Hmmm... How long will you be gone this time"

"I'll be going until one month before the one year deadline."

"Is that so... Remember to stay safe."

"Yes, father..."

With that, the two once more lapsed into the silence, basking in the sunlight.

"On a second though, the window still irritates me."

With a snap of her finger, the window was finally repaired.

Only for it to be broken once more at the arrival of *****

Tehee~ Just kidding!

WatcherOfWorldscreators' thoughts