
Origins Revealed

What?! Me?!

Well… not ME me. Just my pre-evolution.

Vergil - "That's impossible. I know there isn't more than one of my species… oh, but of course. Why haven't I considered this possibility."

I never really questioned my origins. They were, after all, never really all that important. Now that I look closer, that human looks an awful lot like… V?

Giovani looks confused at my words, but then his face shifts in realization.

Giovani - "So, you were one of my many failures. How did you manage to escape my grasp? Any other attempt the biologists said died in the embryonic stage."

He states with a thinking face, rubbing his chin.

Vergil - "I myself do not know. May I ask what you were attempting to recreate?"

I ask. I am quite curious, as I know Mewtwo is supposed to be a stronger Mew.

Giovani - "An interesting story. According to ancient murals my archeologists uncovered in the search for Mew, there was an ancient Pokémon with a monstrous power, a being more powerful than even the progenitor Mew. It's typing was unknown, however, we speculated it was the same typing as the move curse, before it was revealed to be a ghost type move. After that, the theory was thrown out of the window."

Vergil - 'Progenitor Mew? This one is kind of new to me. Could this Pokémon be the fabled ??? typing? Man, that was so long ago, I think they changed it's typing in gen 4 or 5. It would seem I am past the age of Red. Maybe not though, considering Mewtwo is still here.'

Giovanni - "After so long, we finally found an ever-so-tiny sample of it's DNA. We had to fill in the cracks though. DNA this old, no matter how powerful the Pokémon, would begin to decay sooner or later. I must say, for a Pokémon you are quite smart. How are you capable of understanding most of this?"

He asked with a skeptical gaze.

It's likely he noticed me thinking and processing all of this.

Vergil - "Pokémon are smarter than you give them credit for. Speaking of Pokémon, what was the name of this fabled Pokémon, that was so powerful?"

Giovanni - "We were unable to create a 100% accurate translation, however, the closest we have to a name is Sparda."


Giovanni - "Enough of this now. Nero! The apple, give it to Spardatwo."

Mewtwo sounds pretty good, but Spardatwo? You really need to get a better name for us, I refuse to be called 'Spardatwo.' It seems 'Nero' agrees with me, as he visibly cringes while taking a strange thing out of the duffle-bag from his shoulder. It was a massive apple that instead of having skin, had a tough, chitinous, cage-like shell. The inside consisted of a swirling purple liquid flowing with energy and… power. The qliphoth fruit.


I used my psychic power to teleport myself to them and I nabbed the apple from their hand. I then immediately ate it. Was this a bad idea? Probably, they don't have the qliphoth tree, so how did they get it? That's probably a question for later.

As I chew I taste the swirling liquid inside, which brings me immense pain. It hurts but… it tastes so good.

I feel the demonic power of the fruit flow into my core, the thing containing my own demonic power. I felt the qliphoth fruit juices nurturing and making my demonic core grow. It grew and grew until the nucleus surrounding my demonic power and containing it, popped. I fell to my knees as never-before-felt pain coursed through my veins.

Is it really going to hurt this bad every time I get a power up?

It finally reached the entirety of my body and I began to glow once again. 2 evolutions in relatively rapid succession, me likey.

My body, instead of growing, actually began to shrink. My muscle began to compact and combine, something that probably shouldn't be possible. I felt my tendrils all combine into one, singular tendril that transformed into a tail. My strange crown shifted into 2 horns that looks like jets. My claws remained, but my forearms shifted into jets that looked like my horns. However, this was different. Instead of a cyan blue mist coming out, two blades of similar structure, to the mirage blade, but similar in shape to the Yamato, came out of them. 2 pair of wings sprouted from back to replace my tendrils. My teeth became even sharper, and my mouth became more exposed and my lips disappeared. My chest held a Y-like pattern that was glowing cyan blue. I was covered, not in a hard and leathery skin like my previous forms, but an opaque, dark grey chitinous material that formed sharp edges and armor where it wasn't inconvenient for me to move.

Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger form!

But this wasn't the biggest change, not by a long shot. It was my demonic power that changed the most. Instead of being trapped in a nucleus, it flowed freely throughout my body. Now I can use more freely, even mixing it with the converted energies for more powerful attacks.

But there's something else. I don't know how, but I feel something. Deep, very deep within my soul. A… sword. The Yamato. I pull it out of what I shall call my 'soul space' and wield it. At last, I can use my years of training. I put the sword back into scabbard, and get into position.

Now, it's time to shine. To finally say something that I've been wanting to say ever since I got here.

Vergil - "This is power." 'Tehehe, edgy voice lines.'

I give more demonic power to my muscles and nervous system. I pour demonic energy into the environment around me, and will it to slow.

Slowly, everything comes to a halt. To me, it appears that time has frozen… it likely has. Let's get this over with before I piss off Dialga. I begin to jump around like a monkey on crack, using my sword to cut areas that would debilitate them, but not kill them. I return to my spot and seep the demonic power into my body as I slowly begin to return the sword to it's sheath. As the handle guard, or how the weebs would say, tsuba, hit the scabbard, everything returned to normal.

Something, however, was very different this time. Everyone began to fall to their knees in pain, as their Achilles' tendons were shredded. There was more, but details are not super necessary.

The big, non-evolved me, fell to the ground unconscious. I began sapping him of his demonic energy to replenish and strengthen my own by sinking my teeth into his flesh. After I was finished, he died from the procedure. A shame, I didn't mean to kill him.

After mourning the death of my 'brother', I look to Giovanni, who was not harmed, to see him panicked.

Giovanni - "How?! How is this possible?!"

Before he can pull anything, I used psychic on the armor surrounding Mewtwo. He falls to the ground and becomes conscious. He floats up and looks towards me.

Mewtwo - "Thank you friend. What shall I call my savior?"

He asks in a monotone voice.

Vergil - "Call me… Vergil."

I say in an over dramatic way. I have to make a good impression after all.

Mewtwo - "Well, Vergil, join me. Let us escape from these… humans."

He says, he finishes his sentence with an ounce of hatred.

Vergil - "No, we must go our own ways. I do hope that we can meet again."

Mewtwo appears a little downcast hearing my rejection. Oh, if only he knew.

Mewtwo - "Very well, May we meet again."

Vergil - "Some advice before you leave."

Mewtwo turns to me just before he flies out.

Vergil - "Not all humans are bad, but not a lot of them are good. Be careful in differentiating between the good and the evil. Most importantly, Pokémon can be just as evil as humans, should they wish to be."

I am genuinely concerned for him. Poor guy had a pretty shit life, I wouldn't want him to extend this because of foolishness.

Mewtwo - "Thank you for the sage advice, now, if you'll excuse me."

He flies off and as I turn around, I see Diana and Miranda gawking at me, mouths agape.

Diana/Miranda - "How the hell did you do that?!"

Oh boy.

To be continued… maybe…