
New Day, New Problems (edited)

(Author's note - quick announcement, I'm removing the system. I have no real reason to, I just don't want it there anymore. Anyway, enjoy.)

I finish eating my delicious meal and finally start observing my surroundings. The room I am currently in is a blank white room, reminiscent of a stereotypical laboratory. I look and my hands and instead of scales like what I expected, I am covered in a blue, tough, leathery skin. I have claws on every digit, even on my toes. I look at my shoulders and notice what appears to be living pauldrons. My shoulders look like faces with two shut eyes, on the front and back of my shoulders. They have a nose pointing away from me with a mouth full of sharp teeth, and what appears to be a crown of teeth. I further investigate myself to find my appearance to be grotesque. I am covered in eyes and some parts are covered in what appears to be armor made from a chitinous material.

I further investigate my surroundings and notice a window leading into another room. I spot people dressed in white coats writing on some clipboards.

Mason - 'Hmm, am I an anomaly here, or is this normal? Either way, this isn't good, I don't know what kind of world I'm in and I don't want to attract any attention until I have developed enough to defend myself.'

As if God was answering my prayers, a pissed looking man walked into the room with the doctors. He was wearing all black with white boots. I was just a little below his belt in terms of height. He had a big red R on his shirt, but that's not what caught my eye. What caught my eye was his belt, which held red and white spheres.

Mason - 'Are those pokeballs? That isn't good, can I be caught? Do I count as a Pokémon? Is this guy just a cosplayer? Am I a new Pokémon or was there a Pokémon that I didn't know about? So many question so little answers!'

As I was having a little panic attack, the Rocket Grunt entered through a door from my left, that opened vertically with a hiss.

Grunt - "Alright come quietly you little shit."

He said as he approached while the kanji for menacing appear from behind him… wait what? He pulls out a pokeball and throws it at me.

Mason - 'Wait!! No no no stooop!!!'

I mentally yell as I instinctively hold my hand out and close my eyes. When I don't feel anything I reopen my eyes to see the pokeball floating in the air, surrounded by a light blue aura. I was shocked and I begin thinking about the possibilities. As I stop concentrating on the pokeball, it drops to the ground.

Mason - 'Did-… did I do that? Am I really a Pokémon now? Let's try that again.'

I hold my hand out towards the pokeball and will it to float. It starts to wiggle and begins to float to my eye level at a rather lazy pace.

Mason - 'I guess it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. When I'm safe, I need to practice this power.'

The Grunt shakes his head to free himself from his stupor. He looks towards me and says

Grunt - "Alright you little shit, since you want to be so difficult- Go Rattata!"

He tosses a pokeball into the air. It opens with a pop and a beam of white light hits the ground and a white form begins to generate. The light dies down to reveal a purple rat with a cream underbelly.

Mason - 'Shit! It may only be a rattata, but I'm a newborn, level 1! I don't think I can take this thing o-'

Grunt - "Rattata, quick attack!"

Mason - 'Shit!'

I brace for impact and feel a small thing bump into me. It doesn't really hurt, but it's enough to knock me onto my ass.

Mason - 'That was anticlimactic…'

I look up to see the rattata and it's trainer look at me with shocked faces. I use this opportunity and bolt through the still open hydraulic powered door.

Grunt - "Hey, one of you brainiacs stop that thing!"

They were fast, but I was faster. I, however, was not faster than the Pokémon they sent after me, not by a long shot. As I ran down the halls I swatted away Rattata, Ekans, Zubat, and Koffing. One Koffing got in front of me and set up a purple gas cloud. I simply held my breath, closed my eyes, and powered through it. Once on the other side of the gas cloud, I exhaled from my nose to get rid of any that may have snuck in.

An alarm starts blaring through the facility. Someone begins raving through the intercom about an escaped test subject, probably me.

I spot a set of stairs leading upwards. My common sense is telling me this is probably an underground lab, and that it'll bring me to the surface. I run up the stairs as fast as my little legs will allow me and crash into a door settled at the top. The door doesn't budge, so I just elect to turn the knob to see if it's locked or not, it isn't. I open it to see a casino looking place. There's slot machines, blackjack, roulette, and many other games. Luckily, it's empty. Unimpeded, I search through the casino for the exit. I find the entrance and break out of there. I don't have to cover my eyes, as it appears to be late in the night. I look back to see a sign on the building that says "The Game Corner". I look to my right and spot what appears to be the entrance to a forest, and without thinking I fucking book it.

After running for an indeterminate amount of time, I finally start getting tired. I slow down and eventually rest my head against a tree. I slowly begin to close my eyes. I hear a strange sound and see a silhouette looming over me. I try to stay awake, in fear that this thing in front of me was hostile. My resistance is futile, as it appears I have expended too much energy for my newborn body to handle. The last thing I see before I close my eyes is the color cyan.

(Author's note - you know what time it is!)