
Can I haz Cheeseburger Pls (edited)

I woke up to find the sun was yet to rise. Beatrice is asleep at the moment so I just decide to go get some breakfast. I knew from fanfictions, the anime, and the game that Gardevoirs like sweet things so first I go get some pecha berries. After getting a small assortment I rush back home to drop it off. This repeats 3 more times before the pile looked big enough. I wish my psychic abilities were more powerful and I had more control, otherwise this would've been a lot easier. I also notice I have been craving meat a lot when I went to go get the berries. As Arceus once said, "'Mon cannot live on berry alone."

Beatrice - "Good morning little one, did you get this by yourself?"

It seems Beatrice woke up and she's looking at me incredulously.

Vergil - "Yes. I did not want to wake you, so I went to go get us some food."

I say with a small hint of pride. I mean I am a newborn after all. It seems simple to others, but it was a difficult task for me, as I was a bit short… for now.

Beatrice - "I appreciate your effort, but please refrain from doing this again without me. There are many dangerous Pokémon that would have loved to snatch you up and eat you, you are lucky you did not encounter anything else in this forest."

Vergil - 'Yeah I guess that was pretty stupid of me.'

Beatrice - "As long as you understand and refrain from doing it again."

Vergil - "Did I-"

Beatrice - "No. My kind are natural born empaths, we can sense other's emotions. I sensed what you were feeling and made a deduction off of that."

I simply nod my head in understanding before she looked back at the pile of berries I had picked.

Gardevoir - "Either way thank you for doing this, most Pokémon would normally wait for their mothers to hunt their food for them at your age. I also see that you picked out my favorite berry. Thank you."

She said looking at me with a beaming smile. At this I puffed my chest up in pride at being praised. We began to dig in and Beatrice stopped eating. I was confused at why so I also stopped. She looked at my teeth and turned away.

Beatrice - "I shall return."

After speaking she teleported off. In the meanwhile I had began to meditate. I know I needed meat, but I just don't think I was ready yet and from what I got from Beatrice's scolding, neither did she. True, I managed to escape the Team Rocket lab, but I was mainly chased by a bunch of weak rattata. I don't know how I'd fair against the Pokémon of the wild yet. After about 5 minutes of meditation Beatrice returns with 3 bodies.

Beatrice - "I hunted you some meat, eat and tell me which one you prefer the most."

She released the 3 bodies from her psychic hold, which all flopped to the ground. I see that they are a pidgey, a rattata, and a caterpie. They all seemed to have died in a similar way, their necks being turned in a 180 degree fashion. Damn she's scary!

I open up the caterpie first. It was kind of like opening up a can of soda. The meat on the inside tasted alright, it wasn't good and it wasn't bad. It's chitin was crunchy and it tasted like corn flakes. The pidgey was pretty good, it was a good mix between muscle and fat. The feathers in the way were tasteless, but it was manageable. The rattata though? It tasted like hot trash. The fur got all over my tongue and the meat in general tasted terrible. I still ate it out of respect to the rattata, but I didn't like it.

Vergil - "I prefer the bird one. Thanks for the meal by the way."

I say as I gnaw in the pidgey's beak. It was just a strange urge I had that I decided to indulge in.

Beatrice - "It was no hassle. I am glad you enjoyed it… well most of it."

She says as she glances at the remaining teeth of the rattata. It seems she sensed my disgust as I ate it.

Damn was it good to itch that scratch though! And I didn't know I could eat raw meat, especially this young. But I guess Pokémon are just built different. For the rest of the day Beatrice and I just trained, played, and ate. Plenty of good times all around.

I awoke the next day and waited for Beatrice to wake up. As she did so we went out to get breakfast and I walked behind her. But I had this strange feeling. There was this eerie feeling, something in the back of my mind telling me about something. I ignored it until I blinked and Beatrice suddenly disappeared. It wasn't a teleport either, as no sound was made. It seemed as if darkness itself was closing in. I heard a sloshing sound from my left and I dared to look. What I saw was a horrifying lump of squirming flesh. It had no skin, but there were protrusions of tendrils, sharp teeth, and eyes all over it's body. I was frozen in place in terror. It made it's way to me as and I began to run in panic. My foot seemed to caught on something on the ground and I tripped. As it reached me one of it's mouths got close to my ear before I heard a mad cackling


(Author's note: cliffhanger-kun strikes!)