
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantaisie
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445 Chs

Half Vampire - Kaede

While on my travels through the forest, I recall the conversation I had with Oboris. He called me an abomination, a monster, a half-vampire... So my father must've had a baby with a human? I was honestly glad that I wasn't a complete monster, but I feel even more out of place. Oboris looked disgusted yet frightened during our fight when he found out what I really was, and that horned demon that came to his aid; he didn't look like the same race as him, so Oboris must have other allies besides his own kind. I should be careful, who knows what might come out for me.

Thinking so, I treaded lightly through the forest, continuing to make my way to Inasdale. It's been a couple days now as I've been spending my nights sleeping with my back to a tree. Lately I've been getting comfortable being this exposed as I've seen countless times now that wolves and goblins just leave me be, not wanting to get themselves involved. It has really made this journey easier for me, but sadly I had to get myself involved a few times; I have to eat as well of course. So just like I did back in Azalea, I feasted mainly on wolves during my breaks before continuing.

The real problem however, was the weather. Some days it would be nothing but rain, slowing my progress, but today was a clear day so far, so I could make quite a bit of ground.

After travelling for some time, a familiar smell enters my body. "Humans." Strange, usually it took a month after feasting on Silas and that man, I think his name was Dan? But my body is already feeling the urge to feast. The fight with Oboris really must've took a toll on my body. I fight back my urge as I continue on, however the smell only grew stronger, realizing that where I had to go led the same way as the smell. Suddenly, I could hear screams coming in the same direction. My thoughts immediately jumped to the idea of waiting to see if a human dies so maybe I could feast, but that felt just as bad as if I killed someone. Thinking that, I rush on ahead towards the screams, disregarding my urges as I find myself entering a clearing in the forest.

My eyes lock onto where the smell must be coming from, as I see a swordsman wounded at the shoulder. There was a woman with him that looked to be supporting him with spells as what they were facing was something I had never seen before. It looked like a giant humanoid figure made of stone and earth. Watching it swing at the swordsman, I notice it's arm morph into a sharp blade before being blocked by the swordsman, sending him flying in the process. It reminded me of when I transform my nail into sharp claws, but what even is that? How is it moving?

Woman: "H-help!"

She noticed me standing there, crying for help as she tries to defend what I can only assume is her husband who was just knocked into a tree. I try to use my desire to feast on his blood to fuel myself to attack this unknown creature, creating light portals above me before shooting light spears from them, sinking into the back of the stone monster. To my surprise it didn't go down that easily, turning around before beginning to charge at me. I try to use paralysis on it, but also to my surprise, it didn't work. Catching me off guard, I dodge it's attack before making a counter attack of my own, sending a light blade with my arm, chopping off one of its thick stone arms that morphed into a blade.

The battle continued as I easily evaded it's slow attacks, until finally after my 6th light slash, it collapse into a pile of rubble. It wasn't difficult at all, but it sure was durable I'll give it that.

Woman: "Thank you!"

The woman ran up to me, thanking me as I could smell the blood inside her. "Oh god... It's getting worse." I've been using up all this energy against Oboris and now this stone monster that my desire is getting stronger.

Woman: "You're a light user right? Could you help my friend? He's badly wounded."

I really didn't want to even look at the man, I can feel my body heat up inside at the thought of his blood. "Should I just kill them both? No one is around... No one would know..." I can't believe my own thoughts. Snapping myself out of it, I head towards the injured man, resting against the base of a tree.

Man: "Thank you, for saving us-"

I found it difficult to make words as I used all my willpower to hold myself back, trying to imagine this man as Nick from when I had fought that dragon. My heart beats rapidly as I go to heal his wounds with my magic. "Just a drop..." I place my hands directly on his wound as he winces in pain, getting blood all over my hands before closing his wound.

Woman: "...Amazing..."

Man: "There... isn't even a scar."

I try my best to not let any of the blood spill onto the ground in my hands, as I attempt to flee from the scene, but the man reached out to me, grabbing me by the forearm, nearly spilling the blood I collected.

Man: "You must be Kaede right? I've heard about you from my friends at the guild in Clesbridge."

So I'm close to Clesbridge huh? The place where I killed that man...

Kaede: "Y-yes..."

Man: "I can't wait to tell them that I met THE Kaede."

Kaede: "Thank you, but I'm in a hurry right now."

Man: "Ah sorry. But at least let us repay you. Why not stop on by at the bar in Clesbridge? I can treat you something before you go."

All I wanted right now was to drink this small amount of blood in peace. "Come on. Think Kaede."

Kaede: "Okay. But I- excuse me one moment. I've been holding it in for a while."

I put my legs together as if I was holding myself back to pee, putting on a desperate, pleading act.

Man: "Ah right! We'll give you some privacy-"

Immediately, I ran out some distance away, ducking behind a tree before immediately drinking the blood in my palms. The taste was addicting, as It felt like it had only been a second before all the blood was gone, licking my hands clean of any blood that was left over. I need more...

Walking back to the man and woman, the urge to drink their blood was still there, however I felt like I could manage. Hearing that they came from Clesbridge, the place where I murdered, and even inviting me to a bar, felt as if maybe news hadn't spread, or even better; the town didn't know who did it. Coming with them might help alleviate that stress.

Kaede: "I'll accept your offer."

Man/Woman: "Great!"

They looked thrilled to have me join them. I really hope my theory was correct, but if things go south, I'll just have to run, like what I've always been doing...

We moved together as a group, walking along the dirt path instead deep in the forest like I had been doing, all the while suppressing my desires.

Kaede: "So what was that monster back there?"

Woman: "It looked like a golem of sorts. I remember studying about them when I was in school."

School. That word made me recall my school days with Yui back home. Whoever made it so Yui and I could get a second chance together in this world, I thank whatever god it may be.

Man: "They are artificially created. I wouldn't call them monsters as humans can also create them, but the one that attacked us, must of been created by another being..."

Kaede: "Like a demon?"

Man/Woman: "Yes"

Interesting. I wonder how hard it is to create something like that, or what other materials you could use to create one.

Man: "I'm surprised someone like yourself doesn't know about these things. Did you not learn them in school?"

Kaede: "I've never been to school..."

Woman: "You're that strong even without going to school?"

She looked surprised with a hint of anger behind it. It could be out of jealousy, but I was the one jealous here. I wish I had that luxury of going to school to learn all these things.

Kaede: "I've learnt what I knew from my family in Azalea. My sister's have taught me plenty of things."

Man: "Are your sister's also as strong as you?"

Kaede: "They're too busy with their jobs. They leave me to deal with the guild's jobs."

It felt comfortable to say that Fleur and Faye were family. They practically were, as they did raise me after Silas, but I can't help but wonder what my real family was like here. I knew my father was a vampire lord, and my mother was a human. "Wait..." A sudden thought entered my mind when I recall the carriage I was in when Silas found me. All of that blood, who's was it? I can't help but think that my mother's blood was amongst all those dead bodies.

After some time, we finally make our way to Clesbridge. I take a deep breathe before walking beside them, keeping an eye out for any suspicious eyes. It didn't help I was wearing the same black dress as before, but all I can hope for is to pray that I can get through this in one piece.