
Tiny Piece of Moon (Chapter 1)

It's dawn, a little time left for sunrise, a beautiful brown long haired, long heightened girl Rosie is standing in the window, waiting for sunrise. Her face has been overloaded with innocence, kindness, and a strange hope for a thing that has perhaps no chance to happen. Her squirrel awaked, "Morning Rosie, Are you again waiting for the sun to rise, as usual?" "No, I'm waiting for the moon to disappear," said Rosie. "You love to see the moon?" asked Squiry (Squirrel of Rosie). Yes, it gives me hope for the future, I always never be held in this room for the rest of my life." Said Rosie in a light voice. "But you have a curse that you won't get out of there but at least one time in your life, but people would put you in prison, why didn't go you have many times chances to go?" again Squiry asked. "I didn't find any purpose to go," said Rosie. "But it's your freedom," said Squiry. "Freedom for a sec, well you let's eat breakfast hope you are hungry." Squiry remains quiet. Rosie lives in a room on the top portion of an ancient castle built for ages. Here is also stairs from outside of the castle to her room, but she couldn't go downstairs, only after every 3 years on the night of a full moon, when the moon is shining on the sky with its full exposed brightness and body. On every full Luna she used to see the Luna, and feels like the moon is saying something to her, she wrote a diary to address the Luna and mention every feeling about the moon. She feels like Luna is also taking to her and giving her hope that one day Luna gonna meet her. One day on a full moon, Squiry saw that the Luna is going red, he shouts "Rosie come here what's happing there to the Luna". Rosie ran and when she came, she suddenly slips and Squiry couldn't maintain his balance she fells down from the window. The moon becomes redder and redder she runs and runs went down the stairs towards the vast ground, and the Squiry fainted. She shouted, "Squiry what happened to you, are you listening?" she is searching for Squiry, suddenly she saw branches she rushes there and by searching in the branches she found the Squiry, "Wake up Squiry, let me search for water" she ran and sees a river on some distance at the end of the ground, she ran towards the water, sprinkles some water on his face, Squiry opened eyes, "wakes up Squiry, thank God you are Okay." The water is red due to the light of the moon, seems like a sea of red lava. Suddenly the Luna again became white and bright, "look, Rosie," said Squiry the moon is white again, and the Luna seems like it is about to land on the earth, the water of the river also turns white and glows up by the light of the Luna. "I haven't seen such a beautiful scene ever in my life it's like a dream, Squiry look, it's my whole world ends here." Suddenly she looks a piece of moon broke and fells in her lap, it was as bright, clean and white as a dreamy divine light. Suddenly a group of people noising and ran towards her, "look she is there after a long time, she has a piece of Luna, we found her, go grasp on her." Rosie started running, "grasp her she is running", said people. Rosie kept running until she reached the stairs of her room, the sun is about to come, it dawn again she goes up on stairs and the stairs disappeared one by one to which she has been crossed.

(to be continued.....)

Here the author is gonna share a dream about the moon, some people love to have surprising happenings about the moon so by imagining this scene you will feel a very amazing feeling about the moon you have imagined ever.

Sayda_Rabiacreators' thoughts