
A perfect world: BREAK

A teenager who just turned 18 and just days ago got his diploma is signing up for the hero program known as Hero Society. The Hero Society is the most famous hero institution in the world, having thousands of people try to sign up and join. This teenager (named Daniel) passes all exams with flying colors and manages to join as one of the most skilled in his class. Daniel trains with his class and the teachers for weeks. After these weeks of training, Daniel finally gets to go out on the field. While scouting, Daniel notices someone getting robbed. Daniel hurried to help make it just in time. He fights the villain, but having a lack of control over his abilities kills the man. Daniel goes to court. He gets released after many eyewitnesses and cameras back him up. about three weeks after court, Daniel gets captured by a villain who claims to be the brother of the person he killed. After Weeks of the worst torturing known to man whipping, cutting, beating, tearing out finger and toe nails, pouring exetremly hot water on him, taking a spoon to his eye and pulling it out, and much more, finally someone finds him and helps him escape. while in the hospital, Daniel gets a vision about a world without heroes or villains. This world was so perfect, but the one thing that he noticed the most about the vision was that he was the one leading this perfect world. Daniel made up his mind that day since heroes couldn't save anyone, and villains kept hurting people he decided. "it's time for a change." ******************************************** I will be uploading a chapter 6 times a week. Also, the book cover is not of my making. If you are the maker and do not want it on there, do tell. ******************************************** Sorry for the lack of updates. Recently, I have lacked the interest to update the book. It's not because of people reading. Actually, this book has grown so much that it's incredible. I just have lost interest in making the book because it takes up two-three hours of my day. Currently, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I just lack time to make the book. I will continue to make the book, but it won't be as much as before.

FG_Frost · Action
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25 Chs

The training arc begins

I slowly lift my head up. Looking around, I notice I'm in Lizy's room.

"Boss!" I hear a female voice say.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder. Looking over at the hand, I notice it's Lizy.

"Are you feeling better?" Lizy asks.

"I feel pretty good, honestly." I answer.

"Well, that's great."

"Am I good to get up and do things?"

"Of course. My ability healed all of your injuries."

"Thank you."

"No problem, boss."

I get up and walk out of her room, walking straight for the exit. When I walk outside, I get a minor headache. If I had to guesse it might be a side effect of getting blown in the face with a grenade.

I walk towards the black van, seeing Reckoning, Zack, and Katelyn standing over Raids dead body. Reckoning seems to be examining the mask, while Katelyn holds Kirihirakimasu.

I hold my palm against my face, covering some parts of it. I quickly head towards Reckoning, snatching the mask away from her.

"What happened here? Boss." Reckoning demands to know.

I hurry and turn away from them, putting on the mask. Inside the mask, it feels like a normal mask, beside the fact that I can see a human heat signature coming from the laboratory. This fact hits me by surprise. What is this mask?

I slowly turn my head back towards them.

"Nothing." I answer.

Their faces light up in fear. This deep, cold, robotic voice. What a pleasant sound.

"Don't lie!" Reckoning demands, loudly.

"That doesn't matter. I'm in a hurry. I have missions for everyone. Katelyn, I want you to deal with any villains or heroes that are in Missouri, all of them dead, no exceptions. Zack, I've already told you this, but I wasn't very specific, I want you to sneak into the Hero Society in Tennessee, use Reckonings Hero Society badge, and your ability. Gather any information you can and relay it to Reckoning. Reckoning, you will be giving Katelyn information about hero and villain sightings while receiving the information that Zack gives us. If anything really, and I mean really important, comes up, tell me, if it's not really important, don't tell me. Everyone got it?"

"What about you, boss? What are you going to do?" Katelyn asks.

"I'm going to be training with that sword you're holding, I'm moving to a different state for a bit, I read an article talking about a guy who is a master of the sword. I'm going to get trained by him."

"What about Lizy?" Zack asks.

"She can do what she wants, as long as she helps anyone in the group when needed."

"Now, does everyone understand?" I ask

Collectively, everyone says, "Yes."

"Then let's get to work." I say, trying my best to hype them up, but I feel like it doesn't work thanks to this voice.

I walk past Katelyn, grabbing Kirihirakimasu from her hands. I open the door to the black van. Turning the key and starting the ignition. I Gently place Kirihirakimasu on the passenger seat.

I reach for the door handle so I can close the door, but before I grab it, someone grabs a hold of my hand.

Reckoning peaks her head into the van, staring at me.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Reckoning asks.

"I have a long way to go." I answer.

"Is that it?"


"Have you felt weird?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I want to know if their are any side effects to the experiment."

"Well, besides puking and exetreme nausea, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


She let's go of my hand, but before she steps away, she says.

"Don't think I forgot about what you did to me. You will apologize someday."

Reckoning walks off after saying this. Quickly, I close the door, not wanting any more interruptions.

Driving off, I notice a picture that lays on the floor. Driving with one hand, I reach down, grabbing it with my free hand. I bring the picture up to my face.

When I see the picture, complete shock runs across my face. The picture is taken in some sorta warehouse. Standing in front of the camera is three people. One of them I recognize as Raid, he stands to the left, wearing the mask I currently have on. The person on the right has a mask that covers his eyes only, but it's painfully obvious he's a male. Standing in the middle, her arms laying on both men's shoulders, stands my mother. No mask, just pure black eyes, staring very intensely at the camera.



14 years ago

I watch while Mama fights two heroes. These two heroes are very famous. One goes by the name Silverthunder, and the other one is named Disrupt.

I have watched both these heroes on TV. Silverthunder has the ability to create silver and shape it to whatever he wants. While Disrupt can make illusions.

Both of these heroes are incredible and are the best in the world. Yet neither of them ever had a small chance against Mama. Mama can absorb corruption around her and do anything with it. She can create an energy blast, use corruption to enhance physical capabilities, make wings and claws, and at her strongest, she turns into a demon of pure corruption. Mama is incredibly terrifying when she does that.

Silverthunder throws a silver spear at Mama, but she dodges. Mama shoots a beam of darkness, corruption, at Silverthunder. When the beam makes contact, Silverthunder disappears.

"An illusion!" Mama yells.

Suddenly, hands surround me, lifting me up.

"Move, and I kill the boy." The voice I recognize as Disrupt says.

Mama looks at Disrupt, fury in her eyes, but she stays still.

I watch Silverthunder walk up behind her, with a silver sword in his hands. Silverthunder holds the sword against Mama's neck.

"Time to die, Tamisra." Silverthunder says.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I scream.

I start wiggling around, trying my best to get out of Disrupts hold. He holds onto me tighter. I grab a hold of Disrupts hand, trying to scratch him, but the second I touch his hand. Splat.

Blood splashes everywhere. I fall to the ground, looking at my bloodied hands and the bloodied concrete road.

I start to shake. My eyes go wide.

"Wha-what di-did I d-do?" I ask myself.

I hear screaming and then silence, except for the footsteps I hear coming my way.

Mama grabs me, holding me up so I look directly into her eyes.

"Good boy. That was absolutely amazing. Let's go get you cleaned off, then we will go and get ice cream."


Present day

I hear a horn going off. Quickly, I look up to see a car coming right at me, I swerve to the right. Barely dodging the car.

"Mother have you changed?"

If you have any thoughts, questions, or theories, put them in the comments. Depending on the question, 100% of the time, I will answer them. Obviously, I ain't going to spoil the whole story completely, but if you ask, I will tell you something. Also, I have decided once every week I'm going to take a one day break. Yesterday was my break for this week. But yeah, I hope you have a good night or day.

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