A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
"Shida Amada, to what do we owe for such an invitation?" A man asked as he wore The Mask of The Romantic.
The man who wore The Mask of Desire leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Both of them wore black cloaks and had their Love Demons beside them.
"Amadeus, Kama. I have called you two here to let you know...LIONS are on the move. Five extremely powerful adversaries have appeared on the scene and one of them is immortal." Shida said as he looked out the window.
"Liao Ru, Ieyasu Umeji, Orishi Ashikaga, Nicholas Doomsday, and Silent Fox, also known as Shina Ashikaga." Kama said. "The Undying Phoenix is what they call Liao Ru. To know she's in America."
Shida stayed silent then turned around. "We also need to worry about Leonidas. He is a massive threat. He is the embodiment of the Sin of Pride. He's practically unbeatable now with Benedict dead. That foolish man..."
"It is to note, Gabrielle betrayed us." Amadeus said.
"I know. She isn't worth my time though. You two are my best allies at the moment. We must not fail. The Alchemists are on their way to capture more of those...Paid Relationship women." Shida said then turned around.
"Why are we using them over a normal civilian? I never understood why Acillia wants them. We could get more done if we just kidnapped the women that are all around the state." Amadeus said.
"It's because they have untapped aura within them. Certain people are blessed with the ability to use Aura, Chi, and Mana. Charlotte is smart when it comes down to hiring her women. Eventually every woman in that organization will become a Super Soldier. Her Agents train their women for combat in the case they do find themselves alone." Shida explained.
"I still don't understand how we lost Paige so easily. That Limit Break was only Level 1. It takes at least a Super Limit Break to defeat an Alchemist." Kama said.
Shida adjusted his mask and closed his eyes. "It's because of his Wrath. His Wrath awakens a demon within him. A Dark Side if you will. He has untapped potential within. If he awakens his potential...tch...damn that Shiro. Ryder will essentially become too strong for us to deal with."
"Ryder has direct access to Love Domain. Shiro helps him unlock his potential bit by bit plus he's bonded with Satan. If he can do that, imagine if he obtains The Mask of the Charmer. Charismari will awaken Angelic Potential and my mask...he would awaken Draconic Potential. There's no avoiding this. He needs to die first." Kama said.
"If he dies first, Paid Relationships is without an Ace. Without a Mask. Without a Hero. We win." Amadeus said.
Shida chuckled softly and sighed. "If you believe that is right...then by all means go after him first. Now begone. Sultry and I have work to do."
Amadeus and Kama left the office. Sultry watched them and sent a distress signal to Talenta and Luckie.
"Come on! I thought you were 'The Man'! Now you're resisting taking ALL FOUR of us out?!" Melody bellowed as she dragged me.
"Come on! You all didn't run by this with me first?!" I groaned.
"We couldn't decide and I'm frankly tired of battling with Penny over this." Dawn smiled as she looked at me.
I sighed then my heart thumped hard and I grunted. Melody noticed and let me go. I looked at my hand then the Wrath Sigil faintly shined on my hand. My hands trembled and my danger sense ran wild.
'What the hell is this feeling?' I asked myself and turned around to look at the man who stood behind us.
"Oh! It's Amadeus!" Tao Sun smiled and bowed toward him.
"Hey Ama!" Dawn smiled and waved.
"Oh yeah! I've seen him before! He's in my art class!" Penny giggled.
Melody and I had an off feeling about him. Neither of us have seen this guy before and yet the other three knew him.
Amadeus had long black hair tied in a ponytail, light red eyes, and a sly smile on his face. He wore a gray button up shirt, a red tie, black slacks, and black business shoes.
"Hello ladies and Ryder." He said, talking to them in a seductive tone.
"Ryder...This guy..." Luckie said.
'Yeah...He is a Mask User.'
"So what are you all up to? I see you're dragging Ryder here." Amadeus chuckled softly.
"W-We uh..." Tao Sun started, but stumbled on her words, enchanted by his beauty.
"We were going to go to AnimeCon with him." Penny smiled, completely immune to his beauty.
Amadeus noticed how Melody and Penny were immune to his presence. 'How are they resisting?'
"He has Mesmerizing Presence. It's the effect of his Mask Power. The Charmer, The Flirtatious, and The Romantic share this ability, but all have different main abilities. The Romantic can induce a woman with love and possibly steal a woman from someone. It is called Love Spell." Talenta said.
'How does it work?'
"It can work in many ways, but the main way is through his Supernatural Beauty and his secondary ability Mind Push. He can convert the mind of his target even if they resist his Supernatural Beauty." Talenta explained.
I noticed him walking to Dawn then I grabbed his arm. "Don't go near her."
"Come on...She's a good friend of mine. A simple embrace won't hurt." Amadeus said.
He made me let his arm go then gave Dawn a hug. Dawn smiled and hugged him back. A Red Love Sigil appeared on her back then disappeared. He then gave Tao Sun a hug as well and the same sigil appeared on her back then disappeared.
"Shall we go to AnimeCon?" Amadeus asked.
"Can he join us?" Dawn asked me.
I looked at Dawn and grunted slightly. Something was off about her now. She didn't call me "My love" or "Babe". She didn't even look that interested in me anymore and Tao Sun was the same way.
"I-" I started then paused. "I guess."
Amadeus smirked and smiled. "Well shall we be off? Follow me."
We made it to AnimeCon, but I couldn't focus. Dawn and Tao Sun was under Amadeus's spell. I had to find a way to save them and get them back into my arms. The group made their way to get their passes while I trailed behind. Melody looked back and noticed my emotionless face. She knew things were dire once she saw my face.
"Ryder." Satan called to me.
I rubbed my chest and felt wrath. "What..?"
"Calm down. Too many innocent people will get hurt if you lose control." Satan said.
I listened to her and took a deep breath and exhaled. I had calmed down and my slight terrifying presence began to die down.
"We will save them. I don't know what he is planning, but I don't like it either. He needs to die." Satan said. "But we need to find a safe place for the battle."
I followed the group as they made their rounds around the convention. I enjoyed none of it. It was supposed to be a date with me and the four women, but Amadeus came in and stole them away. I wanted him dead. The urge to explode grew stronger as I saw Penny laughing with Amadeus.
"Ryder!" Satan called out to me.
Penny continued to laugh at Amadeus's jokes then a red Love Sigil appeared on her back then disappeared. She held his arm and smiled.
'I can't watch anymore...'
A terrifying presence began to loom across a vast area. Everyone felt it and Melody looked at me. She noticed my completely apathetic face and took a step back.
'I won't let him steal them away from me...My girlfriends. I especially won't allow him to take Penny away!'
"Ryder don't do it!" Luckie yelled.
I grunted and held the left side of my face. I panted and felt rage boil over me. Hatred. Anger....Wrath. Tao Sun, Dawn, and Penny looked at me with fear.
"A-Amadeus! What's the matter with him?" Tao Sun asked as she hid behind him.
"What's wrong Ryder?" Amadeus looked at me and smirked. "We're all having so much fun here. Why aren't you..?"
He was taunting me. He knew I was angry. He exploited it with more of his taunting. I was about to explode until I felt someone pat my back. I looked surprised and looked behind me, seeing Noel.
"No...el..?" I said and my terrifying presence slowly died down.
Noel held my hand and shook her head. "Too many people. You can't explode like this."
Melody hurried over to us then explained to Noel everything that's happened so far. Noel nodded and looked at Amadeus.
"Amadeus...or shall I say...Big Brother." Noel said and glared.
"Noel, my failure of a sister. You joined these bastards?" Amadeus asked.
"I did. Meet us on the rooftop." Noel said then dragged me with her.
Melody followed quickly and looked at Noel. "What are you planning, Noe?"
"We will end this as fast as possible. To think another Mask User would appear so soon. Leonidas was right. They are planning to strike Ryder first now." Noel said. "His information was leaked by Benedict before our battle in San Angelo. Two of the strongest Mask Users are here. My brother and Kama. We need to rid of them quickly."
We waited on the rooftop for Amadeus and soon he showed up.
"To think I'd be up here already. It was my plan to come here anyway, but I wanted to spend time with my new lovers." Amadeus said then chuckled.
"They are not yours! They're mine!" I barked and panted in anger.
"Penny. Do you love Ryder?" Amadeus asked.
Penny looked at me then looked back up at Amadeus. "No. No one can compare to your beauty."
Hearing those words broke me. My heart thumped hard and dark aura began to surround my body. Tao Sun, Dawn, and Penny looked at me and felt my dark energy.
"You don't....love me anymore..?" I asked and took a step forward. My eyes shined an ominous blue and my terrifying presence began to grow. "Penny..."
Noel watched and looked worried. "Ryder!"
'She does love me..! Leave her alone..!'
"I don't love you anymore Ryder!" Penny yelled and held Amadeus's arm. "I love Amadeus!"
'Let her go you bastard...Today is supposed to be our celebration...! Let her go!'
"Ryder!" Satan yelled.
"She doesn't love you, Ryder. It's over." Amadeus chuckled.
'I was her first...! You'll never compare to me! Give her back!'
"Now that I have your attention on me." Amadeus smirked then raised his hand then snapped his fingers.
A gunshot was heard, but I dodged the bullet. The sniper looked surprised and took aim at me again. He fired another bullet, but witnessed me dodge it again.
"Amadeus..." I growled softly then my Mask of The Ace appeared on my face. "I will kill you."
Amadeus watched me then grunted as I appeared in front of him. 'He's this fast..?!'
I kicked him away and he crashed into the wall and coughed blood. The three girls were released from their trance and noticed me as The Ace.
"R-Ryder?!" Penny asked in shock then looked back and noticed Amadeus. "E-Ehh?! What's going on?!"
"Damn...one attack released them like that..?" Amadeus asked and stood up, wiping his mouth. His mask appeared on his face then a Love Demon appeared beside him.
The woman had long wavy purple hair, silver eyes, and a spirit marking on her face. She had a body like the other Love Demons, a beautiful body and a set of medium breasts. She wore a spirit dress and had golden rings around her wrist and ankles.
"Romancia!" Talenta called out.
Romancia looked at Talenta then closed her eyes. "I'm sorry we have to fight on the opposite sides of the field."
Amadeus dashed toward me and jumped up, going for a spinning kick. I caught his leg then roared as I slammed him onto the roof then tossed him into the air. I bellowed and palmed his stomach as he fell down, blowing him away with a Wrath Boosted Launching Pressure. Amadeus groaned as he was launched across the sky, crashing through multiple trees then landed on the ground.
I panted and grunted as I couldn't get Penny's words out of my head.
"Ryder!" Penny said then hurried toward me. She held my arm. "Ryder, are-"
"Get off of me!" I roared and pushed Penny off me. Penny fell to the ground and looked at me scared. My eyes shined as I looked at her. "You don't love me..."
"Ryder what-" Penny started then squeaked as I roared at her.
"Shut up!" I bellowed. Lightning crackled around my body and my Wrath aura began to surround my body. My Darker Side began to take over. I looked at Penny with cold, heartless eyes.
"Ryder! What the fuck are you doing?!" Noel asked and hurried toward me.
A sudden realization hit me and my eyes widened as I finally realized what I just did. My mask disappeared and I looked at Penny with regret for what I did. I grunted then closed my eyes and ran away.
"R-Ryder!" Penny cried out and got up to chase after me.
Dawn, Tao Sun, and Melody chased after me. Noel ran after them and grunted. She knew trouble was beginning to start up again and she wanted to keep me from going too far down.
Amadeus slowly stood up and coughed blood. "What...the hell was that..?"
"That was Pure Wrath. You pushed him too far. You reap what you sow." Romancia said.
"Shut up, Demon." Amadeus said and took off his mask, making Romancia disappear. "That ruthlessness. His disregard for human life in that very moment. Clarity State."
Amadeus took out his phone and began to call someone. "Yeah...I wasn't able to kill him. I'm going to try again, but I kinda went in with no plan."
"Idiot." Kama sighed as he talked on the phone. "You have one more chance then I'm taking over."
"Yeah whatever. Later." Amadeus said then hung up. He placed his hands in his pocket then walked off with a smirk. "Seeing how that made him lose his mind...I might have to try the same thing again. I think I know how to exploit him."
To Be Continued....