
First Payment

The days went by all the same from the day I downloaded the app called Paid Relationships. I would get up, get ready for the day, if I had classes I would go to class, come home and get ready for my date with Paige, if I had to work I went to work, come home, rinse and repeat. This went on for the last six days and my seven day free trial ended;

I absolutely loved the service, as awkward as I was, I actually liked it. Even though I did like it, I wasn't financially set to spend $350 for one girl for a week. I had to weigh out my options. I could spend $50 a week, every Saturday. I get paid on Saturdays so why not spend $50 of my paycheck to get more services from beautiful women? It costs, but I could do it.

I took my phone out and began to scroll through the many different women. I stopped at one woman who was really pretty. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and a very pretty smile. Her name was Abby Rose and I clicked on her profile. She was available and had a pretty decent profile. It basically said that she is a naturally happy and nice woman who's always up for a date at the fair. I decided she was the one I wanted to spend my Saturday with. I pressed the purchase option and paid $50 for a one day date, more realistically a couple hours of her time. I gave her the location to meet me at and I got a text from her.

Abby: Okay, I will be there soon!

I smiled at my phone then made sure I was good and ready to go. After getting myself ready, I walked out of my dorm and went to meet Abby at a coffee shop nearby. I decided to walk there since it wasn't too far off from campus, only about a five minute walk.

Once I made it, I looked around for Abby and noticed her sitting on a bench. I walked to her and she looked up at me.

"Hey, I'm Ryder." I started.

"Oh! Hi Ryder, I'm Abby, your girlfriend for a few hours." Abby smiled and stood up.

I looked at her and checked her out. She wore a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and wore a blue tie. She wore a black skirt and brown leggings. She wore some black shoes that go along with her outfit.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"Yes!" She giggled and walked with me inside the coffee shop.

We got our table inside the shop and made small talk with one another. So far the date was going well, I was making her laugh with my corny jokes and embarrassing memories. She told me some jokes as well which made me chuckle a little;

After finishing the first part of the date at the coffee shop, we walked over to my car and got in.

"So, wanna go to the zoo?" I asked.

"The Zoo? I would love to go to the zoo!" Abby said happily.

Faked emotion or not, her reactions always put a smile on my face. I started the car and drove off, driving to the zoo;

Once we made it, I parked the car and we got out. Abby held my hand and hurried over to the entrance of the zoo. I hurried behind her and chuckled. We entered the Zoo and we looked around together. She pointed at some animals and went to look at them. I looked at them as well and got a sense of nostalgia as it's been a long time since I've ever been to the zoo. She walked off to see a different animal and I walked with her.

"I've always loved the zoo since I was a little girl. My mama and papa would always take me and my older brother every weekend. Being here just brings back so many memories." Abby said and looked around. "There are always some new animals coming to the zoo, animals that I didn't know even existed."

"I feel the same, it's been some years since I last came to the zoo. My favorite animal to look at was the tiger." I smiled.

"Really? Mine was the lions. My favorite animal has always been the lion. The King of the Jungle." Abby laughed softly.

"They might be the King but I've always felt that tigers were better in their own rights." I chuckled.

Abby giggled and we kept walking around until we entered the aquarium area of the zoo. She looked at all of the aquatic animals and hurried over to a tank that had a dolphin inside. She giggled and placed her hands on the tank and watched the dolphin swim around. I stood beside her and watched the dolphin as well.

"Dolphins are the second smartest animals in the world, some smarter than humans. They have skills that a human can do from what I've seen like problem solving skills and innovation." I said.

"Whoa.." Abby said, sounding interested. "So if I said hey to them, would they respond?"

"Most likely. They are notorious for their mimicking skills as well so they most likely would say hello back." I smiled.

Abby smiled and waved at the dolphin. The dolphin swam in a circle and made a happy noise. Abby took her hands off the tank and giggled then took my hand. Her stomach began to growl and she blushed a little. I chuckled and we walked out of the aquarium area and headed for the entrance to exit the zoo. We walked back to my car and got in once we reached it. I started it up and drove off to get us some lunch. I went through a drive thru at a nearby Wendy's and got us some lunch.

Abby looked out the window of my car and smiled. "So...Have you paid for these kinds of services a lot?"

"No, this is actually my first payment after my seven day trial for being a new member." I said blushing as I looked out my window.

"What made you go down this route? No cute women at your college?" She asked and looked at me.

"I mean there are cute women at my college, beautiful in fact...but I'm the one getting rejected." I chuckled and looked at her. "I am a bit of a nerd, and a loser without my friends. They are like famous around campus, but they are my closest friends. They don't let the fame get to their heads and we always hang out when we get the chance."

"I don't think you're a loser." Abby smiled.

I sighed softly and smiled at her. "You're just saying that. Part of me doesn't feel like that was a genuine compliment."

"No. I'm being serious. Yeah you can be a bit of a nerd like you were in the zoo telling me facts about the animals that I didn't even know, but...that's a part of your charm. I'm a nerd as well when I wanna be. I can tell you everything there is to know about the stars and constellations and things of that sort. I kinda understand how you feel." Abby smiled.

Hearing those words brought me a bit of happiness. I snickered then laughed softly. She tilted her head and I covered my eyes with my hand.

"Sorry...It's just...I never would've imagined you being an astrologist type of person. It's cute in a sense." I said.

Abby smiled and closed her eyes. "I've always been fascinated with the stars. Every chance I get I look at the Moon and try to see if I can find some constellations. The night sky is a beautiful thing that is often unappreciated in today's day and age."

"Well we should look at the night sky later tonight before I take you home." I smiled.

"I would love that." She opened her eyes to look at me.

I nodded and collected our trash then got out of the car to throw our garbage away. I walked back into my car and got in then started it up. We went on a little joy ride around the city. I always loved joy rides on weekends. I go for one with my friends every now and again. It really relaxes me after a week of hardship and stress. Abby seemed to be enjoying herself on the joyride and looked out the window to see all the building zoom passed us. She smiled and looked at me, telling some jokes and laughing. I told some jokes as well and we shared more laughs together.

The sun began to go down and I stopped at a park then we got out of the car. We walked into the park and held each other's hands. We strolled around the park in the moonlight and looked at the sky.

"Look at those array of stars. That forms the constellation of a cat. Oh! And that one is the Big Dipper. And..and that there...is the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31. It's one of the seven galaxies that are visible from Earth on very dark nights like this one." Abby said excitedly as she loved talking about the stars and constellations.

I smiled and listened to her happily talk about them. "You really do know a lot about stars and constellations. I'm impressed and happy that you told me about them."

"I am an astrology major so I want to know all I can about them." Abby smiled.

"What college do you go to?" I asked.

"Oceanview University." She answered. "What about you?"

"Trinity Valley University." I said.

"Wow that's like an hour drive away from my college." Abby said and looked at me.

"And you still have time for this line of work?" I asked.

"I'm only available on Saturdays and Sundays. I work and study throughout the week and this service is just for some extra cash in my pockets." Abby said.

"Nina said your services offered physical services as well. Have you done that kind of stuff, besides hand holding?" I asked.

"As far as hand holding and kissing, yes. Anything beyond kissing, no. I can't. Sex is beyond my level of expertise mainly because I'm still a virgin." Abby laughed nervously. "I haven't even thought of masturbation, I'm very clean."

"Has anyone ever tried to have sex with you?" I asked.

"Yeah a few creeps have...I ended up cancelling their payment and refunding them their money. They tried to use the argument that it's part of the policy, but I just can't..." Abby said. "You're one of the nicer men I've been around if not the nicest. You've treated me with the most respect and showed me a great time."

"I mean, you deserve respect. I don't like leaving bad tastes in someone's mouth, that's not my mojo." I smiled at her.

She smiled back then beeping was heard and she looked at her phone. "Well...I guess we gotta call it a day. It was really fun."

"I had a great time as well." I said.

"Maybe we can do this again sometime, maybe you could rent me out again for longer if you can." She giggled softly.

I nodded and we walked back to my car and got in. I drove her home and before she got out, she kissed my cheek then got out of the car. I blushed and held my cheek then drove back to campus and parked my car then got out. I went back to my dorm then walked inside. Matt had already been asleep and everything. I decided to get some sleep as well. I took off my glasses and it the hay.