
A Outsider of the World

Please comment guys I really wana know your opinion and also check out Fictiononlyreader's works I am saying this by my self. So, this story is based on Demon Slayer first of all I need to mention that. I don't own any character of this manga/anime except the main character of my fanfic and some other few. I created. As, I have now mentioned this I am going to give you guys a brief introduction about the story. The MC is older than Tanjiro approximately 2 years and is descendent of Michikatsu/Kokushibo. Because, of this you can expect him to be talented. You may think Michikatsu was not so talented like Yoroichi but, I want to mention than Michikatsu belonged from the Tsukuguni famil. Which was very rich as they owned a sengoku era style mansion which can be compared to the size of a small castle. Because of this. We can assume they were very rich and so, must have hired a very elite trainer for Michikatsu. Which Yoroichi just beat up. But, still that happened because of the Demon slayer mark. That Yoroichi had and that elite trained even appreciated Michikatsu's skills. I like to mention that unlike European trainers the Japanese ones were very strict and drilled skills and honor in them as they were the future lord of their province. And, I am a fan of Fictononlyreader so my story can be based on his stories. English is not my first language so don't expect me to write very shakes peer type English. The chapters can be long as 2 to 3k words. If the owner of the pic. I used for the fanfic want's me to remove it. I will surely do it just message in the first chap. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guts_Rathi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

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