
A Outsider of the World

Please comment guys I really wana know your opinion and also check out Fictiononlyreader's works I am saying this by my self. So, this story is based on Demon Slayer first of all I need to mention that. I don't own any character of this manga/anime except the main character of my fanfic and some other few. I created. As, I have now mentioned this I am going to give you guys a brief introduction about the story. The MC is older than Tanjiro approximately 2 years and is descendent of Michikatsu/Kokushibo. Because, of this you can expect him to be talented. You may think Michikatsu was not so talented like Yoroichi but, I want to mention than Michikatsu belonged from the Tsukuguni famil. Which was very rich as they owned a sengoku era style mansion which can be compared to the size of a small castle. Because of this. We can assume they were very rich and so, must have hired a very elite trainer for Michikatsu. Which Yoroichi just beat up. But, still that happened because of the Demon slayer mark. That Yoroichi had and that elite trained even appreciated Michikatsu's skills. I like to mention that unlike European trainers the Japanese ones were very strict and drilled skills and honor in them as they were the future lord of their province. And, I am a fan of Fictononlyreader so my story can be based on his stories. English is not my first language so don't expect me to write very shakes peer type English. The chapters can be long as 2 to 3k words. If the owner of the pic. I used for the fanfic want's me to remove it. I will surely do it just message in the first chap. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guts_Rathi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Ch-7 Bloody Forest (ARC 1)

What in those two days after Kyouku's mother's call to arms is one thing that Kyouku will always remember. Kyouku was put in the transportation division which meant he had to carry load after load without stopping for 2 hours and 10 minutes. This led to his back still in pain this morning when they had to leave for the wedding.

It was quite cold and cloudy and Kyouku looked at his dress that he had to wear. It was a black haori with tan coloured sandals. When he reached down he saw Mr Monomoto helping out with loads of luggage that were being put in the cart. There were a lot of samurai, at least twenty five to protect them and the ton of luggage. Kyouku heard a voice calling out to him when he looked back he saw his father when he reached his father.

Son, I have a thing that you will surely be interested in taking a look said Kyouku's father. What is it Father replied Kyouku with a hint of curiosity. You see this sword son. This black colour on it is not just painted on it, this is the colour of a special metal which I know as Nichirin. Well it is extinct today but some swords made from this metal have survived and this one is one of them the metal has different colours and is stronger than Iron after saying this Kyouku's father quickly put back the sword.

Seeing his father talk like this a thought came to his mind how funny it is that they don't know a whole organisation of samurai warriors is using this so-called extinct metal and they don't have an idea about it though Kyouku. A servant came to them and said to his father Sire, the luggage has been loaded on the cart and we are ready to begin the journey. Kyouku's father replied Ok, put this sword in my carriage and tell everyone we are leaving in five minutes.

Kyouku followed his father and sat in the carriage with his mother and father. Their voyage started and the carts began to move. His mother started to talk with his father about his aunt's and how jealous they are of their wealth while Kyouku began to think If his aunt's are jealous of my new family and me and hate being so rich and wealthy they might try to ruin my reputation in front of my mother and father and compared with me not knowing about my relatives. It will work perfectly.

My father can then disown me as I will not be able to build political connections with other families. Oh no! I need to stop this but how will I will not be able to hide a facade for long? They will figure it out fast. I need something else. I was not able to learn even about our family because my dad and mum thought it was a good idea to have me transport loads. Kyouku, you need to stop thinking about these small problems. I need to find a way to reach Urukodaki and make him teach me water breathing so I can at least have a chance in fighting demons with blood demon arts, said Kyouko to himself in his mind.

Right then his thoughts were interrupted by his mother who said to him Son, you have a good chance of taking a break and you should look forward to it. Yes mother replied Kyouku and right than their his cart stopped a samurai came to their cart and said that the road is blocked by an large boulder that probably fell down the hill we have to stop here sir we can't move the obstacle by ourselves so we will send a samurai to the nearest village and ask them for help.

Very well, we can stop here but Kyouku you should go with the samurai as you will have to do this kind of work when you become a warrior so a little experience will benefit you very much, said his father. Let the boy have some moment of rest at least every time you are just making him train and train, said his mother to his father in an irritated manner. It is fine for me mother, you should not worry about it, said Kyouku to his mother in an assuring manner. If you say so son, replied his mother. Kyouku left the carriage and followed the samurai who came to him.

They reached two horses with one samurai already there. Young lord He is Misou he will go with you. He had a black moustache and black short hair, his face was shaped like a square, his skin was fair and his height was short. Misou bowed to him and said in an arrogant tone young lord you should not worry about anything as I will be with you at all times. So, let's get going, Kyouku mounted the other horse. He learned horse riding from his father during his training with Monomoto Sensei.

They started to head towards the road. The horses started to catch up when they were at least 4 km away from the road a yell came from the carriages. Must be some looters young lord. You should not worry, we should get back and support the guards said Misou, moving his horse back and starting to dash back. Kyouku soon followed. A thought started to ravage his mind. How can I be such an idiot? Not at one movement I thought about a demon attack or something, how big of an idiot I am dammit but it still could be just looters oh no!

They reached the camp and started to dismount behind the boulder when they crossed the boulder they saw blood everywhere. Kyouku quickly noticed a greenish humanoid being with horns coming out of its skull. It had a wide mouth filled with sharp teeths and claws that were bigger than that of a bear eating the stomach of a samurai. Kyouku also saw the torn apart legs of his mother and the head of his father. He soon realised all the samurai were dead. The same realization did not hit Misou who yelled You foul creature! How dare you touch our camp I will slay you myself! Get behind me young lord.

You dare to say anything to me human I will punish you by smashing your brain and eating your heart myself. Misou attacked the demon with a katana held high. Rain started soon.

In the heat of battle Kyouku slowly started to move towards his carriage. He reached there and slowly took out the nichirin sword. He looked up at the ongoing battle he saw Misou with his wrist cut off and breathing heavily Misou doged the incoming attack of the demon and cut off the demon's head which he grew back the demon then slashed Misou's head in half. After slashing his head off the demon looked at him you are next kid this is a great night a great feast. Kyouku got on top of the carriage and took a stance. Kyouku began to get nervous and just had one thing in his mind: I am going to die or live?

The demon charged at him like a madman. Kyouku prepared himself; he jumped towards the demon with a frontwards slash; he was able to cut the demon's body in half but also suffered a slash in his stomach. The slash was not so deep but still restraining his body. He gripped his sword tightly and prepared for the other attack. The demon grew his lower body back and looked at Kyouku aren't you a skilled kid for a kid your age? You surely are strong but don't feel good. You still are going to die, said the demon!

The demon began to charge again at him and attacked him with his large claw Kyouku doged the attack and cut down the wrist of the demon. The demon slashes again Kyouku's stomach with his other hand. Kyouku gets back to get some ground grunting in pain now his face was clearly showing signs of fear. The demon again attacked him. Kyouku tried to defend himself by using his swords. The demon clashed against the sword and started to push it back by using his claws. He started to say already in fear boy you are gonna meet you mum and dad soon in heaven laughing maniacally.

Kyouku was trying his best to resist the demon and he saw a carriage behind the demon and a plan started to assemble in his mind. He thought to himself if he is gonna die ultimately why not try this last plan he has nothing to lose and if it works he will at least live to see the another day. A skilled demon slayer will be on his way so he can survive.

Kyouku bent down, throwing the demon off him. He started to run towards the carriage as fast as he could and used all his strength in this last struggle. The demon already yelled you are not going to get away kid , you will not be able to run away and started to run towards Kyouku. when he was just few 20 meters ahead of Kyouku the carriage was pulled successfully by Kyouku the demon not able to stop at time got smashed into the carriage and when he broke out from the other side he was expecting Kyouku to be running away from him in order to save his life but what he found instead was Kyouku ready in a fighting stance there. Kyouku took advantage of the demon's shock and slashed down at the demon's neck with the last bit of power he had the sword swiftly cut the demon's head in two.

The head fell and a yell came from it No! No! You damn kid, How do you have a nichirin blade? Kyouku replied softly that you have to thank my father. The demon turned into ashes. Kyouku started to walk forward, dragging his blade with him. He saw his blade was chipped, said Kyouku to himself.

He heard some footsteps coming from the forest. Kyouku fell on his knees due to blood loss and exhaustion. When he was about to pass out from his exhaustion he saw a figure with Yellow and Red hair approaching him Kyouku could bet his life that the figure approaching him was Kyojuro Rengoku.

Guys the event is here!

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