
A Outsider of the World

Please comment guys I really wana know your opinion and also check out Fictiononlyreader's works I am saying this by my self. So, this story is based on Demon Slayer first of all I need to mention that. I don't own any character of this manga/anime except the main character of my fanfic and some other few. I created. As, I have now mentioned this I am going to give you guys a brief introduction about the story. The MC is older than Tanjiro approximately 2 years and is descendent of Michikatsu/Kokushibo. Because, of this you can expect him to be talented. You may think Michikatsu was not so talented like Yoroichi but, I want to mention than Michikatsu belonged from the Tsukuguni famil. Which was very rich as they owned a sengoku era style mansion which can be compared to the size of a small castle. Because of this. We can assume they were very rich and so, must have hired a very elite trainer for Michikatsu. Which Yoroichi just beat up. But, still that happened because of the Demon slayer mark. That Yoroichi had and that elite trained even appreciated Michikatsu's skills. I like to mention that unlike European trainers the Japanese ones were very strict and drilled skills and honor in them as they were the future lord of their province. And, I am a fan of Fictononlyreader so my story can be based on his stories. English is not my first language so don't expect me to write very shakes peer type English. The chapters can be long as 2 to 3k words. If the owner of the pic. I used for the fanfic want's me to remove it. I will surely do it just message in the first chap. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guts_Rathi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

CH-6 Prospect of a Journey (ARC-1)

A month has passed for me grueling stamina training has became more bearable till the point that it only took me 4 hours to complete it from the grueling 7 hours.

Theory lectures or as I like to say them semi physical training is over. It has been 2 weeks since the start of absolute complete hellish training by Mr Monomoto with the use of proper metal katanas. I have already suffered quite a lot of cuts and injuries even bruises when he punches me any time in the name of increasing my instincts well, I am ok with it because it is working thought Kyouku while running to the mountain.

My sword skills have increased very much the results are there for me to see I can kill a Bear at a time. Yea it takes a lot of effort, but I can do it said Kyouku to himself.

At this time Kyouku was on his way to an old, abandoned shrine on the mountain. Why is it abandoned because bears on the mountain frequently come there after they were forced out from some other mountains by Demons this is the reasoning developed by Kyouku. He is not sure about the truth but what can be the other reason of bear families relocating at once. The villagers did not worry much about it because there was no use of the mountain there was no trade route going through it, there was not any mine of sot there, so they did not care about it.

Kyouku started to come here before training to get some real-life threating combat. When he came here for the first time It was difficult, but he was able to kill him by first climbing up the tree and when bear had started to come after him and was above the ground he jumped down facing towards the bear and when he got just behind it while falling, he cut down the bear in exact two halve at the neck.

He had reached the shrine he can already hear some distance movement and roaring and then he saw a bear appearing out of a sudden and looking straight at him. He then begins charging at him Kyouku quickly jumped upon the top of the shrine taking out the sword at the same time and when the bear came closer. Kyouku summer salted behind the bear and slashed its back the bear gave a shriek and tried to slash Kyouku by moving his large claw in backwards motion. Kyouku moved downwards and slashed down his claw the bear in a little fear started to run away from Kyouku. Kyouku let it go away because he did not want to kill the bear who had just come here to find only some food.

After this he quickly started to head back to the mansion before training does not want to miss his lesson. He quickly reached their and saw thinking about something Mr Monomoto. So, you are here Kyouku nice today I am going to teach you about wound bandaging and treatment said Mr Monomoto.

Wound bandaging is very necessary and can potentially save your life. Its and a basic treatment can buy you enough time to reach a doctor. First, I will cover out the treatment part as it will be having to done first said Mr Monomoto and took out green looking herb. He began to say this herb is known as Ikashi it's the most basic and a very useful as it boosts blood clotting of the wound and if there is a poison in it nullifies it to a minimum degree. To use it you just have to crush it and then put it on the wound covering it whole and then also cover it with a clean cloth. There are many herbs that do work in one special case and excel in it but do not affect other wounds this is why Ikashi is very useful, and it can also be preserved in air for 2 months easily.

That's it for wound treatment. Wound dressing is also a very useful thing too I have told you some part of wound dressing in the wound treatment part. In wound dressing you need two cloth straps on should be the cleanest you have and the other on can be dirty the clean one will be needed to put on the wound to stop blood from coming out of it and restricting water and air from making contact with it and spreading infection. The other one should be before the wound and wrapped around tightly to restrict blood from going to the wound.

As soon as Monomoto completed his sentence Kyouku's father appeared and said to them and started to say Mr Monomoto we need to halt Kyouku lesson because my family and me need to attend an important marriage that we are invited in I am very sorry about the halt. No problem Mr Tusgikuni, it will only provide me the time to create a new more productive training schedule. Thanks for your understanding Mr Monomoto. Now can you come with me Kyouku said Kuouku's father. Kyouku came out of his thoughs in a shock with panic gripping his face he said Yes Father.

Family marriage I don't have the memory of this boy whose body I just stole his body. I don't know his family members, his acquaintances or anything. What will I do dam it. Before Kyouku can think any further his father said to him we are departing on the day after tomorrow so we need more people to pack up the gifts and all the clothes fast which will need more people so Kyouku you will help you mother with them but don't worry five of our guards will also be there to reduce the stress. You mother is waiting for you in the hall go meet her.

Before he can reply to his father quickly disappeared. Kyouku is now familiar with the room of his mansion, so he was able to get to the hall very fast and when he reached there and saw many maids and servants and his mother. His Mother was sitting on a raised platform. After seeing him enter she told all the people present there to get up and started to explain. That everyone will be divided in four groups and every group will have one job to assign with one task. The first groups will be the Search group they will take out thing from specific room from specific place that will be mentioned on the list that I will provide to every one of you soon your group will also be there. The second group is the buyer group it will buy certain items told to them and drop them at the lawn which will be picked up by the third group the transport group who will transport the bought items and picked up items and take them to the hall and give them to the last group which is the management group. This group will manage the items and make sure everything is present and nothing is missing if anyone from the other groups have queries, they will ask them and then me.

We need to work hard. We need to show the whole of Japan that Tugikuni famly is the most prestigious family Mito said hese words with a fire in her eyes!

You guys need to vote fast on the breathing styles. In the next chapter I will show the results. You can see the options in chapter 5.

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