
A Outsider of the World

Please comment guys I really wana know your opinion and also check out Fictiononlyreader's works I am saying this by my self. So, this story is based on Demon Slayer first of all I need to mention that. I don't own any character of this manga/anime except the main character of my fanfic and some other few. I created. As, I have now mentioned this I am going to give you guys a brief introduction about the story. The MC is older than Tanjiro approximately 2 years and is descendent of Michikatsu/Kokushibo. Because, of this you can expect him to be talented. You may think Michikatsu was not so talented like Yoroichi but, I want to mention than Michikatsu belonged from the Tsukuguni famil. Which was very rich as they owned a sengoku era style mansion which can be compared to the size of a small castle. Because of this. We can assume they were very rich and so, must have hired a very elite trainer for Michikatsu. Which Yoroichi just beat up. But, still that happened because of the Demon slayer mark. That Yoroichi had and that elite trained even appreciated Michikatsu's skills. I like to mention that unlike European trainers the Japanese ones were very strict and drilled skills and honor in them as they were the future lord of their province. And, I am a fan of Fictononlyreader so my story can be based on his stories. English is not my first language so don't expect me to write very shakes peer type English. The chapters can be long as 2 to 3k words. If the owner of the pic. I used for the fanfic want's me to remove it. I will surely do it just message in the first chap. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guts_Rathi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

CH-3 The new Sensie (ARC-1)

Kyouku continues to move through the hallway. Still thinking about his stupidity of giving away a perfect chance for getting some well needed information. After walking for minute and so, he finally so a pump like thing and walked towards it.

After walking off the pathway. He realized something he was not wearing anything below his feet. No slippers or anything getting this out of his mind was kind of difficult as he did not like dirt on his feet he just started to walk to the pump like structure. When he reached their, he saw some wooden slippers and quickly wore them as, he did not like the feeling of dust on his feet the sleepers were hard Kyouku thought.

He saw a pump and two pipes near it with wheel like structure and a big wooden tub. He noticed something the pipes with wheel are probably using the pressure system. Sengoku Era Japan did not used pressure system it was brought is from Europe in the Taisho period. This clearly shows that I am in Tanjiro's era.

After figuring out this revelation Kyouku praised himself but the praise got over soon as he realised still I don't know when was born dammit. After he go out of his though he quickly washed his face and hands and remembered. He had to meet his new Dad in the lawn with the training dummies. If my new mother was so strict and hit me so badly my father would surely be stricter than her but I still called her an Idiot women in the Taisho period of japan.

He started to walk but a thought started to horrify me. I don't know where the lawn is oh no!! I just started to walk in one direction hoping to reach it. After walking for a six minutes or so Kyouku saw a broad wooden gate it was big enough that a cart can go through it.

He got near the gateway and saw a path running down on both sides of the path was a very big lawn which bordered another wall with the path ending at the gateway of that wall. ( sorry for the confusion he he. I just mean there are two walls and between them is a great space full of small grass and the distance between the walls is maybe 700 m or near and a path is running between them between the gateways of the both walls.) On the right side of the wall there are bunch of dummies place with sand bags as clothes.

When Kyouku got near for a clear view. He saw two men near the dummies talking to each other one was wearing a Red Kimono which was a little shiny with the sun whose boundary was made out of golden threads as the pattern on it and the man was wearing a green kimono with a tree as the pattern. As soon as he noticed it the man who was wearing a red kimono called out to him Kyouku come here. I see you are not late this you just saved yourself from a fifty round laps around the mansion. The voice of the man was a little rough and from the way he was speaking it was clear he was serious about the punishment.

On the other hand the other man was observing his physique and body. Kyouku quickly figured out who is father from the differences in the dresses of the two men. The first man wore a dress of red colour which was little shiny and the sun on it design also had also had golden threads on its boundary on the other hand the man who wore the green kimono with a tree as the design was simple and as a result a lot less fancy compared to the first man and a head of a wealthy family will surely wear some fancy clothing's. Which means his father was the man in the red Kimono.

Kyouku this is you new sensie Mr Monomoto he is going to teach you swordsman ship from now on said Kyouku's father. Kyouku said as you say father I will look forward to be his student and meet your expectations father and as you have provided me with this teacher I am sure Mr Monomoto must be a master in the art of swordsmanship.

You will not reach anywhere with flattery my son but it was still a good. Now I have to leave Mr Monomoto we can have our talk maybe later with some tea said Kyouku's father. Surely Mr Tusgikuni no problem and I think it's time for my first lesson with young boy Kyouku said Monomoto. After giving a nod to Kyouku Mr Tsugikuni left the lawn.

Kyouku I don't appreciate flattery very much so I suggest you to stop using it and I need to assess your skills So we are going to do a duel said Monomoto sensie. It suddenly became cold for Kyouku as thought of duel started to ravage his mind. He has not thought of it once skills he does not know anything about fighting. He was not a fighter he was not a fighter in his previous life he was sure he cannot beat Monomoto in any way any fight he had years of experience for sure. No don't over think it he is gona go easy on you he just wants to check your skills thinked Kyouku to calm him down but the effort was worthless as another thought came to his mind. My body looks very tough I did not feel much pain when I was thrown down the wooden stairs and after that I ran for like as fast as I can for ten minutes straight and did not feel much tired which means this body has good stamina, pain endurance and good muscle build. Which means it can help me duel that guy but I still am going to get thrashed by him badly because from the looks he has much more strength and skills.

If I lost this duel badly fighting like an idiot he will surely tell my father and I will be very angry that after putting thirteen years of training in me I don't know nothing I will not be a good heir to the family and he may disown me which means I will get eaten by demons thinked Kyouku !

He hid his fears and took a defensive stance he saw from a anime to hide his skill issues. The Duel will start in One! Two! and Three! Begin!