
A Outsider of the World

Please comment guys I really wana know your opinion and also check out Fictiononlyreader's works I am saying this by my self. So, this story is based on Demon Slayer first of all I need to mention that. I don't own any character of this manga/anime except the main character of my fanfic and some other few. I created. As, I have now mentioned this I am going to give you guys a brief introduction about the story. The MC is older than Tanjiro approximately 2 years and is descendent of Michikatsu/Kokushibo. Because, of this you can expect him to be talented. You may think Michikatsu was not so talented like Yoroichi but, I want to mention than Michikatsu belonged from the Tsukuguni famil. Which was very rich as they owned a sengoku era style mansion which can be compared to the size of a small castle. Because of this. We can assume they were very rich and so, must have hired a very elite trainer for Michikatsu. Which Yoroichi just beat up. But, still that happened because of the Demon slayer mark. That Yoroichi had and that elite trained even appreciated Michikatsu's skills. I like to mention that unlike European trainers the Japanese ones were very strict and drilled skills and honor in them as they were the future lord of their province. And, I am a fan of Fictononlyreader so my story can be based on his stories. English is not my first language so don't expect me to write very shakes peer type English. The chapters can be long as 2 to 3k words. If the owner of the pic. I used for the fanfic want's me to remove it. I will surely do it just message in the first chap. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guts_Rathi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

CH-12 First Mission (ARC-1)

After seeing the colour of Kyo's sword the smith picked himself up and ran out of the HQ. Well that was surely weird thought Kyo. He took his sword and replaced it with his old sword given to him by sanemi. Well I think I sould put this sword in my room. Kyo walked to his room and opened the gate what he saw was a set of Demon slayer corp uniform on his bed. He picked up the uniform and saw it is surely made out of some nice cloth being so durable and soft at the same time.

Kyo changed to his uniform and wore the Kimono given to him by Sanemi above it. A thought came to Kyo's mind why should I just leave this sword here I can use it as an extra if my first one is broken in combat. He went to the the reception of the HQ. There was a reception here in case if slayers needed to ask something and wanted something they can even receive mails there from their fellow slayer and comrades there. Kyo entered it and saw two helpers chatting there they noticed him and both of them had a blush on their face. Kyo knew why this was because and he was very pride of it his looks were like awesome the shape of his face was like of Michikatsu and his hair were naturally of black and bluish in the end they were shorter than Yoroichi and Michikatsu's hair but the shape of his hair were similar them the length was similar to of Kyojuro's. One of the receptionist greeted him. How can I help you today? My name is Kyo Tsugikuni and want a sheath for a sword replied Kyo. After she is gona come back in a minute with the order the lady went away. Kyo took out some money for the order that he received as his first monthly salary. The lady came back with a sheath in one hand and a scroll in another here is your order 10 yen please and here is a mail for you from Sir Sanemi Shinazugawa. Kyo took out 10 yen from his purse and gave it to the receptionist. He stored the sword in his sheath and started to walk out of the building and the HQ.

He opened the scroll and writing of which looked like explanation showing total concentration breathing and some figures too from the looks of it and what he can understand from the minimal he had to get fifty gourds and blow in them one by one and breaking them with his breathing it will increase the concentration of his breathing and it will only work if he did this exercise in an continuous manner without stopping. Well I think back on training again let's get those gourds. Kyo stores the scroll with his sword and when he started to move back to the HQ a rough sharp voice came from behind Kyo Slayer! Mission for you! Demon! Demon! There is a demon between the route of Katsuri and Hatori village! Kyo looked back and saw a crow I think it's time for my first mission. Kyo asked the crow to lead the way.

When Kyo reached the village known as Katsuri village it was night Kyo stopped not because how he was tired or something but because he wanted to have a treat before encountering the demon Kyo looked in the sky and did not find his crow it had just disappeared not expecting hat for sure I did not even notice it Kyo thought.. Kyo believed that on his first mission he does not think that his first demon will be so, difficult just look at the anime. Tanjiro was more than enough to take down his first demon. Kyo walked into the village from the looks of it Katsuri village was a rather small village that worked as a resting place for traders that passed through it because of this it had a large number of ins and dinners. Kyo looks around and saw a lot of wagons. One of the wagons had a rather old and experienced looking man on it. Kyo went to him and greeted him with a hello and asked him if he can tell him anything about the nearest route to Hatori village. He looked at Kyo's swords and told him that there are two routes the one which is the shortest s not used much as it passes near the mountain and has a risk of wild animals so is only used by the people in hurry. Kyo thanked him for his information and went to a cheap looking dinner. He walked in and went to the front desk and asked them for a cup of tea and some dumplings. The man on the front desk nodded and said 5 yen. Kyo took out 5 coin from his pocket and place them on the desk. Kyo went to a nearby table and sat down. This Dinner was rather empty. He placed both of his swords to his right.

Kyo started to think about the mission the demon would be definitely on that shorter route as, from what he has learned many caravans travel through the larger route and there more chances of people escaping from there and telling or alerting the populace. At, that time a man came to his table and put down a plate which had a cup of hot tea and four dumplings of light pink colour.

Kyo picked up the tea and took a sip of the hot tea and stared to eat a dumpling with it. After finishing his little meal Kyo started to move to road he started walking and when he had walked for like ten minutes he started to hear a voice of something starting to rush down the tree covered hill Kyo stopped. Than a blackish humanoid figure jumped out of the bushes towards him Kyo pulled back while taking out his sword. From the looks of itthe figure did not have any hair or a mouth he had an aura of blood lust radiating of him Kyo started his counter attack. Wind Breathing: First Form Dust Whirlwind Cutter the demon's hand were cut down and the demon retreated back his two hand started to grow two legs and two blades as hands. Kyo was a little surprised but he knew if he killed that demon they will be turn to ashes too. Kyo moved towards the retreating demon and attacked he again Wind Breathing: Third form Clean Storm Wind tree. Kyo cuts down the hands and the demon around his neck the demons body falls down and starts to turn into ashes. Well this was kind of easy thinks Kyo I was surely not expecting his crow comes out of nowhere and starts to yell Mission complete! Mission Complete! Slayer gets half a day of rest!

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