
A Only One Path

Kaél, a young homeless man with a tragic past, tried tirelessly to find that change that would give his life a meaning, a reason to believe that he has not lived his life in vain. Unfortunately, fate played a bad joke. Helpless, he had to watch all his goals and dreams destroyed in front his eyes. He was forced to wait impotently for his already imminent last moments, with the painful feeling of uselessness as his only companion. ... Until, in his last moments of sanity, he was offered a new beginning. Away from his past, his regrets, and from the life he had so much hated. But, everything has a price. And now, he has to live with it. --- [You are weak] [That became your reality] [Allowing the past to define you] [That weakness turned into fear] [Fear of reliving the past] [Fear of everything staying the same] [That fear consumed you inside] --- Greetings to all readers. As it is my own novel, I am open to suggestions. Psdt: The first chapters were written to develop the MC's personality... Consequently, they are a bit strong. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy my novel, as I did when writing it. All rights reserved.

DemonS · Action
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{"A man who does not have something for which he is willing to die is not fit to live"}

- Martin Luther King Jr




Mission # 5342132435

Location: Planet # 422341 (V$m&# World)

Objective: Total Invasion

Progress: 99%

"¡Almost there!" shouts an unfamiliar voice.

"¡Nice!" Another voice, next to the one that just shouted, comments euphorically.


In an unknown control room, two amorphous creatures celebrate, waving their "limbs" randomly.

"Two more days and we will finish the mission" Says the first creature, looking at the screen with its four eyes, and waving, what appears to be tentacles, around.

" I hope to be promoted after this" Pleads, now depressed, the second creature; leaning back in a chair, with his only twenty-fingered "hand" on his deformed face.

"If it weren't for those stupid mediators we would have already killed all those mortals" Hit the table and exclaims the tentacled creature. "Now we have to wait for them to escape to other planets. ¡what a waste of food!"

"Fool, they will only be poor quality food, they are useless. The mortals are enslaved, in order to create many interesting toys" comments the one-handed creature, baring his putrid teeth, while his deformed face shows a slight vulgar smirk.

'This pig and his fetishes…' Disgusted to see the filthy smirk on his companion's face, the tentacled creature looks back at the screen with data. "Let's wait for the mission to be over and report back to the higher ups"

"uhm" Nods the one-handed creature, still with his vulgar smirk, lost in thought.




"So ... I'm going to die like this... dirty and battered, with nothing to cry about besides my uselessness" A young homeless man says to himself. Lying on his back on a mountain of rubble, trying to hide his glassy eyes with his arm.

Medium-long hair, disheveled and dirty, of a light blue color that is imperceptible through all the dirt.

Blue eyes. Light blue irises, now disconsolately opaque. And pupils... although black, they give the impression of being dark blue, as dark as the depths of the ocean.

Ragged clothing covering a skinny but toned body.

"16 years..." mutters the young homeless man.




Kael, an orphan for as long as he can remember. His parents and family died in a reconnaissance mission on another planet, leaving him in an orphanage a year after his birth.

A baby like any other.

Except... His eyes.

Those blue eyes, brimming with apathy.

An excessive indifference towards everything and everyone. As if a ruler saw ants; Unfazed by anything that may happen to them.

The apathy his eyes emitted frightened his classmates at the orphanage, leaving him alone, even if he didn't want it. Intelligent and calm, he stood out from his peers, but the fear of him prevented them from even looking at him.

A look scared them and a smile made them cry. Without being able to control what his eyes were emitting, whatever expression he showed, would worsen the result.

At the age of five, he already knew by heart all the knowledge for children of his age, even so, he did not receive any recognition.

Hiding his thoughts in his silence, and learning to hide his emotions in an expressionless face, thus innocently hoping to change something.

Alas, nothing was helpful.

At the age of seven, Kael acquired all the knowledge that the orphanage offered for children up to 14 years old. Unfortunately, at that time, his intelligence did not help him to be adopted, his eyes scared or provoked the parents who came to the orphanage.

Already aware that he was not going to be adopted, Kaél decided to go out and see the world.

With his knowledge, even at seven years old, he was already aware of where he was; the slums. He also knew what he needed to survive.

From learning how to steal a piece of bread, to hiding in dark alleys, thus avoiding being caught.

Recognizing potential targets and adults with malicious intentions.

Go back to the orphanage to sleep, knowing that they will not worry about him if he is not present ...

Looking for ways to change his life in a corrupt world, Kaél learned to steal.

At sixteen, Kael was feared and loved in the slums. Feared by the rich and corrupt, and loved by the poor as a means of relief.

He stole from wealthy women, who basked in the envy of poor people; to corrupt fat men, who came to steal, after promulgating flowery speeches.

Unfortunately, even being good at what he does, he still couldn't change something, for one reason: His lack of strength.

Who is strong, will have power and wealth. Who is not strong, will die in uselessness.

Since humans had enough technology to travel in space to other planets, and interact with other civilizations, they won the rights to become a 3rd order planet, according to universal laws.

The achievement allowed them to be recognized by the universe… Their biggest mistake.

Just like, a light in a dark forest would attract insects, a planet full of naive humans would attract unwanted attention.

Greed for what they cannot attain, and selfishness, to grow and expand. There was no lack of reasons to condemn the mistakes made, nor others who, happily, would enjoy the consequences.

Humans suffered countless invasions.

In a fight for the survival of the fittest, where "anything goes." They discovered that their greatest pride; their technology, was useless.

They fought back in a one-sided fight and lost miserably.

Ushering in a dark age for humanity.

Centuries of torment passed before humans found a solution.

Learn to strengthen body and soul, using resources from other civilizations. At the cost of radically changing its current system and order.

In the end, after many years of development and war, their freedom was achieved.

Countries, governments, organizations and powers were born. All with one thing in common: Cultivators, humans who have gained enough strength to be at the top.

Kaél, being an orphan who has survived on his own since he was young, lack of resources prevented him from cultivate, and thus, becoming stronger. As a result, his lack of strength made it difficult for him to find that opportunity for change he needed, forcing him to remain aimlessly in the slums.

A precarious situation that sadly worsened due to the announcement of the imminent invasion of the "Predators".


Universal enemies.

Hated and feared by all civilizations in the universe.

Predators are "corrupted" creatures. They only think of killing; regardless of race, including their own.

Legends corroborate the existence of Predators that can suppress their urge to kill, thus becoming more intelligent and stronger creatures than their counterparts.

It is said that they can control the weak of their race and send them to conquer planets. The conquered planets are used as breeding grounds, or as a source of food; while, the beings of the planet are enslaved or slaughtered.

The Predators' arrival heralded the fate of Kaél's Planet.

Robberies, rapes and killings, the whole planet fell into disarray. Aware of the imminent future of the Planet, and the possible destiny that awaits them, humans gave themselves up to madness and depravity...

Until the "Mediators" arrived.

An organization focused on preventing the extermination of civilizations.

They safeguard survivors and give them the opportunity to leave, offering 'passes' that will allow them to travel to another planet.

Getting a pass depends on the planet you want to go to.

The Planets of 1st Order, those with greater wealth and power. Then come the 2nd and 3rd Order Planets, endowed with less wealth and power respectively.

There is also a Central Planet, where the headquarters of the Mediators is located. It is called 'The Center of the Universe', because it is the point of connection between thousands of planets.

A Central Planet does not fall into the same hierarchy as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Order Planets, because, unlike others, this one is unique. It is home to the best experts, the best institutions, and the best resources.

The "Mediators" offered the passes in every city on the planet, creating "safe zones" for the survivors.

Whether by luck or misfortune, Kaél was in a safe zone.

Such an opportunity was a godsend for the slum people, and Kaél was no exception. No one would want to stay on a planet about to be invaded, least of all he, who still had things to do.

Without hesitation, he went to the exchange center, looking to get the pass.

Unfortunately, a taste of his harsh reality was all he got.

In an open space, three paths were divided by a barrier.

The left and right paths had crowds of people trying to enter the center path. On the center path, rich and noble people could be seen, chatting and laughing while watching the other two paths.

A sea of blood could be seen on those two paths... Humans pushing others, beating, raping, wounding, trampling those who have fallen.

Cries for help, pain and despair were heard from the victims of cruel and inhuman fates. …

Kael saw in the exchange center, all the atrocities and inhuman cruelties that would evoke contempt and hatred for his race ...

Looks of disdain and euphoria showed those on the central path, drinking and chatting as they entertained themselves by watching the happenings on the other side.

He witnessed the cruel reality of his world, his race, and himself. A shock so great that it made his soul throb... though he did not realize it.



The young homeless man, Kaél, still lying on a mountain of rubble, reacts for the first time in hours.

"¡¡¡DAAAMMN IIT!!!" He screams at the top of his lungs, until he runs out of air.

Pain, anger, bitterness, despair. The 16-year-old feels for the first time emotions so intense that threaten to destroy his rationality.


'I am going to die...'

"¡¡¡I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" After a laugh, somewhat maniacal; with his arm, still covering his eyes, he shouts.

Kaél feels more than ever his uselessness.

"¡¡¡I'M GOING TO DIE!!!"

He repeats the same words over and over again, until it becomes an inaudible sob.

He has no choice but to accept that fact; wait helplessly as he does and everything he has fought for disappears.

"I'm going to die..." murmurs to himself, with choked voice.

Impotent, he tries to engrave those words deep in his brain, and thus be able to convince himself.

Convince himself of the bad joke that fate has played on him.

Looking for one last desperate comfort to help him endure seeing all his dreams and goals destroyed before his eyes…

Waiting to surrender; so he can kill all those meaningless hopes that keep hanging over his head.

To get used to despair, and thus, perhaps to be able to get out of that bitter reality he has been living.

Unfortunately, something does not allow it.

Deep within himself, he feels that something prevents him from giving in. More he despairs, more strongly that something prevents him.

As time passes, he senses that something is changing in himself; little by little, and abruptly, the overwhelming thoughts fade away.

In his soul, a unique palpitation is heard, as if announcing a coming.

[H…e…h…] A rustle.


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