
Adventure time but not really

Orario, also known as the labyrinth city the only city in the world that has a dungeon and in that city a young werewolf boy around the age of 13 was looking for a god to join his familia so he could start his adventure.

"Go away pipsqueak!" Shouted an angry man throwing away the young boy and slamming the door in his face.

The young boy sighed and continued to walk and walk until he found him self bumping into a man with blue hair and eyes

"Oh sorry sir." The boy said after bumping into the man.

"Ahah there's no need to apologise, what seems to be troubling you?" The man asked.

"Ahhh nothing much sir just trying to join a familiar but all of them don't wan't a newbie like me."

"Quite the predicament your in, I would offer you to join my familia but it's in far too much debt to be worth it for you."

"Oh you're a God? I'm sorry Lord?"

"Miach and it is fine."

"Yes lord Miach."

All of a sudden the young werewolf bowed his head and shouted "Please let me join your familia I don't mind if your in any debt please Lord Miach!"

"Oho calm down young one and if you insist in joining my familia follow me and I'll take you to my position shop and I'll give you falna and you'll be apart of my familia.

"Thank you Lord Miach." The boy bowed again.

Half an hour later the boy and Miach made it to the position shop and went into a back room.

"I don't think I got your name what was it young one?"


"Last name?" Miach asked.

"Don't have one!" The boy smiled.

"Ahh that's fine take off you're shirt then lay down I'll begin."

Akita did as the god said laying down on the ground with his top off, the god then knelt down on his knees and pricked his finger and let a drop of blood fall on Akira's back after which markings began to form on his back of which looked like a tattoo.

Miach's eyes widened in shock at Akira's status


Name: Akira #%*#*%

Age: 13

Race: Werewolf

Level: 1







Beastification: enables user to unleash his wild instinct and power, or in other words grow stronger by becoming violent the trigger for a Werewolf to beastify is being under moonlight and all Werewolves are known to have the associated skill.

Battle instinct: The ability to possess an automatic response and intuition for combat.

Skills: None

Magic: none

"Here are your stats my new familia member."

"Thank you Lord Miach." Akira smiled

"Does that mean I can go and to the dungeon now?" Akira looked at Miach with stars in his eyes."

"No I'd wait for the other member of my familia to come and let her educate you of the dungeon before you even think of going there." Miach said.

"Okay Lord Miach."