
A NPC Doesn't Concern Himself with the Male Lead

-- Slow updates based on my motivation -- Miliakos is a NPC in the new popular horror game, [Avery.] The game is an adventure through a [house of horrors] with a romance featuring the male and female leads to capture to the romance desperate girls and the boys who can't get girlfriends. Miliakos is meant to be the NPC with useful information who would eventually sacrifice himself for the lead. However, he wouldn't actually save them and would die trying while the other lead succeeded in the rescue of their computer generated partner. The player playing as the main lead would always be very strong. So why is this male lead so weak and harassing Miliakos when he is meant to when the affections of the other lead? And why is the other lead encouraging the his actions?

kazukichi · Horreur
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2 Chs

Why is [Emery] Flirting with the Wrong Character?

[Emery] walked over to Miliakos, grabbed his right hand, and gave it a kiss. Miliakos stared at [Emery] in confusion.

Usually people in [Uropaea] greet each other with kisses. Although it wasn't specified where the game was set, nobody had the lazy, flirtatious accent [Uropaetes] had.

"Hello~" a deep voice brought Miliakos back to reality. "I'm [Emery.] What's your name, handsome?"

"Ah, my name's [Ben.] What are you all doing here? It's late, won't your parents be worried?" Although there seemed to be something wrong with the game, perhaps it could still be completed properly. And then, Miliakos could redeem his points from this run. All he had to do was follow the game's storyline, right?

"They're out of town," [Emery] said and leaned towards Miliakos. "Why don't we go inside and get a room?" He whispered and Miliakos shivered as [Emery's] breath hit his neck.

He took a step back and smiled politely at [Emery.] What should he do now? Should he say his next line? But it didn't line up with what [Emery] said and Miliakos didn't want to break the immersion of the game.

Luckily, [Ez] came over and saved Miliakos from his dilemma. "Hey, I'm [Ez.] I have no idea what he said but it probably was something s*x related. Anyway, this is [Emery;] he thinks with his d*ck ninety-nine percent of the time."

"Uh, it's okay?" Miliakos wasn't quite sure how he should answer. "I'm [Ben.] You should go home; it's dangerous to be out at this time of night."

"We've come such a long way. Surely you can let us stay the night." [Emery] pouted.

"Oh, sure. Come inside." F*ck! Everything is going wrong!

Look on the bright side, Miliakos! They're here. The plot can progress. So what if [Emery] and [Ez] are out of character? So long as the plot can be finished, all is well!


I've decided not to draw any of the characters for now. I barely have enough time to write so there is no time for me to draw them.

- kazu/Kichi