

This seems a peaceful village, but the security is really high, probably due to the vicinity of the forest. I showed some plants that I've gathered during my travel and say that I'm here to sell them and buy basic needs, so they gives me a time temporary pass, one of the guards offered to accompany me, there at lest 80% possibility that he only plan to keep an eye on me and make sure that I don't do anything strange. It can't be helped, by concealing my appearence I look like a quite suspicious person.

I widened a bit my narrow eyes, giving them a more friendly and bright impression and act in the more polite way I'm capable of.

I used to act like this often to socialize with colleagues or simply give a favorable image to others making easier get from them little favors. It's tiring but convenient.

Seeing the polite me, some people think that I'm a kind girl that will never say no,

WRONG, depend with what type of person I have to deal with .

If you are the usual freeloader you may thing that I'm a selfish asshole.


( I can't find a suitable translation for STRONZA, literally mean that the other person is a shit, but the vibe that give is more like BITCHY except that the meaning is different so I think that ASSHOLE is more suitable but it don't sound well on a woman;

I think it's important to search for an insult that fit the target. )


I really hate those who ASK and PRETEND an YES as answer. JUST WHO THE HELL DO U THINK U R.

Even overly expansive / invasive people are annoying, but I have always defended myself behaving politely ,in a cold way, switching my face to the normal one relaxing my facial muscles and keeping me as far as possible from these subjects, the problem comes when they become insistent, then I became a really unlikable woman with serious expression, plus my eye bags didn't make it better, as if I'll slaughter you at any moment and my past violent behavior didn't help either. I'used to have a BIT of problem with my anger during the puberty, and some time I'm really emotional... I really hate that part of me...So problematic...


First, with the help of Dhalkin, the guard, I've selled the plants gaining a lot of money, 4 small gold coin and 27 medium silver, 97 large copper 17 small copper.

The herbalist's shop shopkeeper tried to fool me, but dude... You may don't know by I have a lifetime of experience at dealing with greedy bastard like you when I was helping my mum with the clothes shop... Extra! Dhalkin intimidating aura had helped a lot. Now that big guy is a bit convinced that I'm a traveling merchant, just a little bit. Still suspecting me that I'll do some bad thing.

Of course, I've checked the money value before looking at some stands at the side of the road, searching at the same time from is more convenient to buy my needs.

There' still a few hours before sunset, gotta buy the basic necessities before the stands close.


I bought some whole grain breads and salt and some spices, luckily things like these it's cheap here, then I spent 30 large copper for some decent clothes , of course male clothes, since I'm disguising as a man using my "Batman voce" with the help of my catarrh. Disguising right, well...get used to it, because I'm a disgusting person...some time.

Anyway, I don't think that ya need an explanation di know why I'm doing that, Ya not stupid... Right ?