
A Noble Goal

Everyone has some kind of goal they deem noble. But does everyone see it the same way? To achieve your goal, what are you willing to do? Sacrifice your life? Or the lives of others? Would you do anything to achieve it? Going as far as to start a war? For this Noble goal, how much are you willing to offer? _____ “Chosen ones? That’s a fancy title, but in the end. It’s just a title.” A long time ago, innovation and creation ruled the world. Technology was everywhere, robots and holograms were the norm. However, creatures seen as demons and angels invaded. Human technology is unable to keep up with the supernatural. From manipulating elements to summoning weapons, they slowly lost to the invaders. However, all hope was not lost when humans themselves started to manifest such said powers. Even if it's weaker, they have technology to help them. Right? "Now now, why should I bow to others when I can make others bow before me!" Slowly, the divided human race started to show more cracks. Humans with different mindsets split, all having their own goal in mind, with new powers to back them up. Threats everywhere, but the solution for them doesn't seem to increase any time soon. "I don't want to live so divided anymore! Not only between humans, but the world as a whole." Such a bold idea was spoken after countless years, receiving little to no approval. However, that didn't discourage the brave soul. Causing him to keep finding like minded people. A demon heard of his action, and was fascinated by such a noble yet foolish mindset. "Human, your lifespan is limited. Leave it to the next generation, I shall help you search for those with such a mindset." Without thinking much, he agreed to pass on this Noble Mission to the future generation. Unaware of the demon scheme. ———————————— Chapter will be published every weekday 9 o clock GMT +8 , let me sleep in peace thank you. Save it to library to get notifications when I upload. Thats right, two chapters a day! If you enjoy what you read, comment or give a review. I want funny comments >:( gimme funny comments to reply to

ViYongRay · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
36 Chs

The Painful Past

Lightning struck the ground, followed not long later by a thunder that

The rain started to get lighter, but the lightning isn't stopping.

In a lit up cave, a young man that looked around 20 sat opposite a campfire. The fire shining his blue-grayish eyes, as his black hair still alittle wet from the rain.

He sneezed, shivering in what little clothes covering his body.

His eyes moved on its own, as he turned to look at the cave entrance.


"Hm?" A teenage girl stood there, noticing his gaze. The little light from the fire shone on her, showing her wearing a field jacket that looked like it was used in a war, some parts of it torn and old, with a pair of military grey pants. She is wearing a long jacket that almost reached her knee.

Both of them heard the sound, and they just stated at each other.

"Hey little kid," She slowly walked in, which he slowly back away, turning his nails sharper, "Say, did you had a strange dream not long ago?"

His eyes widened a little, but his head still lowered and stared at her.

"If I want you dead," She tilted her head a little with a small grin, "You would have already died."

His arm lowered a little, as his back met the cave's wall.

She took off her jacket, "Example."

His eyes widened, "Fuck." His body curled up, and he realised the jacket on him, he looked back up and saw she sat on the ground.

"You are not too bad for a fifteen year old." She said, as he felt something dripping from his chin.

He touched his chin, and felt a little pain.

'She cut me? Since when?' He looked at his hand covered in blood.

"Maybe it's just that your sense of danger has increased." She shrugged, "You are clearly too weak to be an ally of mine." She started muttering to herself, and he got confused as time passed.

He slowly sat down, watching her talk to herself. Unknowingly, he started to doze off, before falling asleep.

She noticed it, and also closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes again, and saw herself back in the foggy space.

'Hm?' She saw an almost transparent line that she didn't notice before, looking around, she realised that the other three were further than before. Another two have a thin line connected to the two before.

She looked down and saw one line more obvious than the others, and was connected to one of the figures from far away.

She tried moving her arm, and grabbed one of the opaque lines.

Wirt, who was looking at the city slowly going to sleep, suddenly heard.


His vision became blurry, as he found himself back in the foggy world.

He felt a pull on his chest, and looked down. His gaze followed the string, and saw a figure pulling the string.

'Who is this?' He tried his best to recall who he had met before, many names appeared and disappeared.

Her eyes widened, 'Is it-.'

'Her?' He narrowed his eyes,

'She's alive,' 'He's alive,' Both of them thought.

Without any words, both of them guessed the other's identity.

She clutched the line, and tried to pull it.

Yet nothing happened.

He chuckled in his mind, 'This damn world.'

She woke up, and looked at the rain outside that's coming to a stop, "He's alive." Her fingers dug into the soil, before stopping. She glanced and looked at the boy sleeping soundly.

She grabbed a handful of soil, and walked outside. Throwing it down on the ground, she walked further from the cave.

She looked up at the trees, and climbed up one of them.

When she reached the top, she saw the sun slowly rising.

She glanced and saw a figure sitting on another tree not far from her, the figure wasn't there before.

"Who are you?" She asked, her black eyes seemed to start changing colour.

"Say, wanna fight to the death?" The figure chuckled, "It doesn't matter if one of the chosen ones died, right?"

Her eyes narrowed, "How do you know?" The sound of something tearing could be heard, as she slowly stood up from the tree branch.

"Oo? Going full power from the start?" The figure also slowly stood up, balancing on the branch, "Are you certain you won't kill me?"

Her eyes changed back to black, as she gritted her teeth, 'That's right, I don't even know who this person is.' She glanced at the sun that's rising, 'Damn it, not now.'

The figure noticed her gaze, and looked at the sun rising.

"Ah, the sun. What did (error) say again? 'Demons get stronger when the sun sets. While angels get stronger when the sun rises. Now, it's the time for humans to wake up," They glanced at the cave, "Oh, it's the other half."

"Other half?" She muttered, as the figure pulled down the hood, "Y-you!" She stuttered, "Are you using her face? Or, no…. But I saw you die!"

The figure was Rin, as she yawned, "I've been up all night running here, I ought to go sleep now."

"Stop right there!" Her eyes changed colour, "Who are you? Impersonating a dead person." She glared, light slowly gathering by her hand.

"(Error)," She looked at her, "Let's have a proper chat one day."

"(Error)!" Light flashed around them, shining as bright as the sun, lightning struck down.

"Dumbass." Rin muttered while closing her eyes, as a thunder roared not long after, 'I've told you not to speak of that name.'

When the light dimmed down, a loud shout echoed in the cave.

He woke up, breathing heavily. Clutching the jacket close to him, feeling the warmth of it.

= "(error)? No, he's now called Sanosuke. He shall be made to be the most helpful." A man in white coat said, while holding a phone.

"Sanosuke? That's interesting, very well." Another man beside him said, "Now, let's proceed with the experiments."

"Of course, Sir Yao." The scientist kept the phone, "I've finished recording the necessary information."

"How has he grown?" Sir Yao asked, "Some of the subjects had died. While many slowly have the strength to rebel."

"We will make sure he's loyal before giving him his powers. Just like his sister."

The whole time when they were talking, Sanosuke heard the whole thing as he curled up into a ball.

"He seems to be awake, Sir Yao." Sanosuke's eyes widened, as his body started trembling.=

"Hey hey hey," He heard a soft voice, "You are safe, safe here."

He slowly opened his eyes, and saw the teenage girl injured. Half her face is bloody, with the rest covered in soot, "You're safe her-." Before she could finish, she collapsed on the ground beside him.

He gasped as he saw her back with a bloody hole, while her leg looked broken.

He quickly removed the jacket and covered her, and saw two big holes at the back.

'Can she heal?' He panicked, 'She's gonna die!'

"Hey." He jumped up, turning to see Rin standing behind him, "That's a nasty wound."

"Who are you?" He turned around, nails turning sharper as he let out a low growl.

"I can heal her, she will die if she doesn't get treatment now." Rin simply said, as Sanosuke looked hesitant.

"You know, magic?" He had heard magic existed, but hadn't seen it before.

"Kid, if we keep talking. Even my master can't save her." She raised a brow, "Are you gonna let me save her or not?"

Sanosuke looked down, before slowly stepping to the side.

Rin slowly walked forward while yawning, "I'm gonna go into hibernation after this." She squatted down, and took a deep breath.

Sanosuke suddenly jumped away, using one arm like a shield in front of him as he felt his hairs standing.

"Ha! What a sharp sense kid." Rin commented, as wind started picking up in the cave, "Or maybe it's just natural instinct?"

The wind seemed to gather around her right sleeve, as she slowly lifted up the sleeve that became an arm despite it seeming to contain nothing.

= "Just kill me!"

"No! Your soul is unstable! It will break! You will die!"


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" I hope we meet in the next life, s(error)." =