
A Night With My Husband's Best Friend

The life of Michelle Sanders never remained the same after her encounter with the rich Billionaire, Oliver Shane. Oliver Shane was madly in love with Michelle, so much that he could do anything for her. But everything changed on the night before their wedding. Michelle couldn't tell where the raw hatred her husband felt for her all of a sudden was coming from, as she endured maltreatment and resentment from her husband for two years. She was left devastated, as she felt her whole world crumbling, until one night, she decided to cry on the shoulders of her husband's best friend, Robert... this changed her life forever. What happens when Michelle finally found out who the person behind her husband's hatred for her was? Will Oliver regret his actions? Will Robert let Michelle go without a fight? Let's find out.

BellezaJ · Urbain
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7 Chs


Oliver was out of the house before dawn. Michelle woke up in the state she had forced herself to sleep in. Her heart was still heavy and her nightwear remained on her body. She lay on the bed for a while and recounted her woes – the unexpected woes.

Michelle thought about their relationship over and over again, wondering if she had missed an important detail or if she did something wrong that deserved Oliver's anger. She would always backtrack to the night at the Nile, two years ago. Michelle had never picked up an interest in Oliver nor had she been angry with the rich billionaire who took their table. When he had offered to pay for their dinner, and he sat with them, Michelle had offered few words. She remembered speaking only when she was spoken to, and when Oliver dropped his business card, she didn't care to give it a glimpse. Neither did she see him again until the day she walked into Robert's office and found him seated.

"Michelle," he said with a grin. "You never gave me that call."

Michelle was embarrassed and offered an apology to which he said, "The only apology I'll be getting is lunch today and dinner tomorrow. How about that?"

Michelle remembered peeking into Robert's face for help. When she didn't catch his eyes, she replied to him. "If that's what you want, sir."

"Great!" Oliver stood up. "I came just in time for lunch."

He drove her to a simple but fancy restaurant a few blocks away, ignoring the looks of the ladies around. When he noticed Michelle's discomfort, he took her hand and drew her to himself. "You should get used to this," he said.

Michelle was too shy to eat anything so she settled for a can of Coke. Oliver got the same.

"I waited for your call," he repeated. This time, Michelle couldn't avoid giving a reason.

"I'm sorry," she worded. "I lost it."

Oliver Shane chuckled and she loosened up a bit. She glanced at him in his laughing state and noticed the small dimple that formed at the corner of his mouth, the line that appeared underneath his eyes, and the way his eyes sparkled. She knew he was handsome but she didn't know why he was interested in her.

"You're a terrible liar, Michelle. How do you lie in court?"

Their orders arrived and Michelle busied herself with opening the can instead of answering the question. But Oliver wasn't ready to let the topic go. "Your friend – Beverly – she called me. So, I know you didn't misplace the card. But…" He dug his hand into his pocket and took out another business card. "Do give me a call tomorrow. I'll come to pick you up for a date. How about that?"

Michelle dropped the card into her bag. "I will, sir."

"Not sir. Oliver."

Michelle took another gulp and Oliver watched her with a smile. He didn't know what attracted him to the lady before him yet. He knew it was more than her beauty. And it was more than the way her eyelashes flickered against themselves gently when she smiled shyly.

"What should I do if you do not give me that call tonight?" he asked as soon as the can left her mouth.

"I will keep to my promise this time."

The thought of Oliver's interest in her was overwhelming. Michelle was constantly lost in thought and daydreaming in the office. When Robert looked into her eyes, he knew she had fallen for his friend, and he may have lost the opportunity to win her love.

Michelle thought about the right clothes to put on all day. She scanned through the corporate clothes that lined her wardrobe. After finding a knee–length black gown that she hadn't used in months, Michelle took out Oliver's card and contemplated giving him a call. In the end, she sent a text message addressing her appreciation and the venue she would like for a date.

The following evening, she wore her outfit and stared at her reflection in the mirror. "I'm going out," she announced to Beverly.

"With who?"

"Oliver Shane."

Beverly was amused. "I thought you didn't want to have his number."

Michelle sighed. "Well, he came to my office yesterday and I couldn't say no."

Beverly was sore. After inviting him to watch her performance, they hadn't gone out again. The thought that he had gone to Michelle's office just to take her on a date vexed her. "You could've said no," Beverly said. "You're entitled to your choice, babe."

"Well, it's too late to pick up that advice, Bev. I'll be home before you know it."

Just then, they heard the honking of a car outside. Oliver had come to pick Michelle up. Beverly burned with annoyance.

"He's here," she managed with a fake smile.

Michelle's heart raced and she glanced at her outfit again. "How do I look?"

Like a thief, Beverly thought.

"Perfect," she said instead.

When the doorbell rang, Michelle raced to the door. Oliver was dressed in a blue jeans shirt, unbuttoned enough to reveal his chest, and a pair of black trousers. Two white sneakers housed his foot and his hair was combed to give him a more handsome look. The scent of his cologne assaulted her nostrils and his smile made her heart skip a beat. Michelle thought she was the luckiest girl in Chicago. Oliver Shane was by her doorstep, smiling at her.

"You look like an angel."

Michelle had been lost in her stare that she didn't realize he had been staring.

"You look…" Michelle was lost for the right word. "…awesome."

Oliver took her hand. "Can we go?"

The thought of their date had brought smiles to Michelle's face and an unspeakable joy but over the years, it brought nothing but sadness and tears. Questions no one could answer: What happened to the man that loved her so much?

Michelle sobbed as she remembered the evening of their first date. Michelle hadn't chosen an eat-in location. She had a favorite location in town. Just above the Chicago river was a wooden platform that gave a perfect view of the river and the city. Far away from the crowd, the two sat beside each other and enjoyed the pleasantness of the night.

"You love the river?"

Michelle nodded with a smile. The river reminded her of a lot of things. It was the waters that took her father and the waters that contained her tears.

"It's quiet…and calm. Sometimes, turbulent and dangerous."

Oliver watched her as she spoke. "Does it define your personality?"

She stared into the dark clouds ahead. "Just like the river, being strict and hardened comes with my profession."

"You're beautiful," Oliver said instead. He touched her hand and her stomach flipped. "Even though you're calm and soft, I wanna see that fierce energy in the court room." He chuckled. "My Lord! Pardon me, my Lord!"

Michelle watched him and laughed. "No, we don't do that."

He pulled her to himself. "I wanna see you making some major wreckage in the courtroom…just like the sea eh?"

Michelle chuckled. For a moment, they stared at the stars and allowed the cool evening breeze to seep into their skin. When Oliver looked at her, his eyes were dancing with passion. Michelle's heart was beating with the same rhythm of the love song playing in their hearts.

"I love you, Michelle – I know this is awkward for a first date – it isn't our first-" Oliver was stuttering and he looked more charming. Michelle didn't want him to stop talking but she wanted to feel the touch of his lips against hers. Their eyes locked and passion swept them off their feet until they fell in each other's embrace. Oliver neared her and she shut her eyes in expectation. When his lips touched hers, a cold shiver ran through her, and a warm feeling enveloped her. She surrendered into his arms and parted her lips to receive his. Oblivious to the world, they shared a passionate kiss until their tongues were dancing together lovingly. Michelle knew she had found love. Oliver knew his heart had found him a soulmate.

"I love you," he repeated.

Michelle stared into his eyes. It resembled the seas now. And his iris was like the moon hanging over it. She smiled. "I've just realized that I could love you too, Oliver Shane."

Oliver pushed his back to the wooden platform and Michelle rested beside him. With their hands interlocked and their eyes fixed on each other, they counted their blessings. When Oliver moved for another round of kissing, Michelle willingly offered her lips.


Michelle forced herself out of bed, wiping the river of tears from her face. She stopped by the mirror and stared at her reflection.

What had changed?

She pursed her lips and sobbed gently. All she wanted was an answer and all she desired was the Oliver Shane she fell in love with two years ago.