
A Night With My Husband's Best Friend

The life of Michelle Sanders never remained the same after her encounter with the rich Billionaire, Oliver Shane. Oliver Shane was madly in love with Michelle, so much that he could do anything for her. But everything changed on the night before their wedding. Michelle couldn't tell where the raw hatred her husband felt for her all of a sudden was coming from, as she endured maltreatment and resentment from her husband for two years. She was left devastated, as she felt her whole world crumbling, until one night, she decided to cry on the shoulders of her husband's best friend, Robert... this changed her life forever. What happens when Michelle finally found out who the person behind her husband's hatred for her was? Will Oliver regret his actions? Will Robert let Michelle go without a fight? Let's find out.

BellezaJ · Urbain
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7 Chs


Beverly had no plans of waking up early, but after an engaging moment with Michelle, she couldn't return to sleep. She crawled out of bed and began her daily ritual. Yoga always came first. As a dancer, she understood how flexible she needed to be. And if she wanted to remain relevant in her group, she had to be the best. She was currently the best dancer in Amor and she wanted to retain that until she didn't need to dance before an audience.

Soon, she told herself a locust pose.

After yoga, she jogged a few yards, punctuating her pace with water downing through her throat, and occasional breath–catching. She ended her morning session with a headphone over her head and her body dancing to the rhythm passing through the drivers.

By the time she slid into the shower, she didn't bother about the cold weather. She turned on the cold tap and allowed the water to drain through her body.

At midday, she stopped at Gideon's house where all the team members of Amor gathered for occasional practices. Beverly stood before the team of ten dancers, whining and gyrating.

Later, she picked Edna and Chris. Gideon's stereo blasted Beyonce's Break, my soul, while the trio engaged in applauding dance moves. Beverly remained the undefeated best dancer in the group.

When she left Gideon's place, she called Oliver Shane.

"Michelle isn't coming today until 7. I'm supposed to visit," she announced.

There was a slight hesitation from Oliver. "What did she tell you?"

Beverly adjusted her sling back. "The usual, Oliver. She's getting the hint that you're not interested."

"When are you coming?"

"I'll be there earlier. How about 5 pm?"


Beverly ended the call and made a second call to Michelle.


Michelle was dozing off when her phone began to ring. She pushed her rocking head backward and stared at the screen of her phone.

"Bev," she called. "You just saved me a great deal with this call."

She heard Beverly chuckle.

"I was dozing off and I'm barely done with this. It's Robert's fault, filling my tummy up with too much food."

"You sound better than a few hours ago."

Michelle sighed. "I'm not better. Just occupied. Too occupied to think about my perpetual problem."

"I'll be coming over. Don't forget."

Michelle had forgotten. "Yeah…sure. I should be home by 7. If by miracle, I can finish this mammoth work before then."

"I'll be there before 7. Say, a minute before 7."

"It's fine, Bev. I've got to go now."

Michelle ended the call and heaved a deep sigh. She stared at the files again and resumed work.


Beverly stopped at Oliver's residence at 5 pm. Oliver ushered her into his mansion.

"Is she back?" she asked.


Beverly knew Michelle couldn't close that early. Not today when she had a thousand things to do. She moved to the couch and sat comfortably. Her eyes scanned through the sitting room. The old designs hadn't changed – Michelle had lost her decorative spirit. Oliver who had dashed into the wine parlor returned with a bottle of wine and two glass cups. Beverly smiled her appreciation.

"You look beautiful always," Oliver stated.

Beverly raised her glass cup to her lips and took a sip. "Thank you, love."

Oliver stared at her body. Beverly was not as beautiful as Michelle – it was Michelle's beauty that had attracted her to him two years ago – but now, Michelle's dark soul had covered her beauty, and Beverly looked perfect.

"How's Michelle?" Beverly asked.

Oliver frowned. "She talks to you more than she does to me. You shouldn't be asking me."

Beverly took another sip. "Yeah. You haven't heard about the issues at work."

Even though Oliver was angry with his wife, he was constantly worried about her safety. He peered into Beverly's eyes now and Beverly could easily read the concern.

It wasn't the response she wanted.

"What happened to her?" Oliver worded.

"Not what happened to her directly. What happened to the firm."

Oliver hadn't been paying attention to the news for a while and Robert hadn't told him about any problems.

"The FBI is all over them. Something about helping an illegal businessman thrive in the city."

"How should that affect Michelle directly?"

Beverly took a slow sip. "She handled his tax files directly."

"Is it incriminating her?"

Beverly sighed softly. "I don't want to do this, Oliver."

"Do what?"

"Be the bearer of bad news…be the one who ruins your relationship with your wife."

Oliver's stare was intense now and she could see his face redden. It was easy to tell what he was thinking already.

"You have to tell me, Bev."

Beverly pushed her back to the couch. "I have no evidence this time. She told me with her mouth"

"Just tell me!"

"Perry didn't incriminate her because she went to him."

"What do you mean?"

"Two weeks ago…you remember the sudden trip to Cuba?"

"Yeah." Michelle had told him she was going on a business trip to Cuba with one of Robert's PAs and she had stayed there for three days. "It was a business trip," Oliver added with assurance.

"It was no business trip." Beverly sat up and emptied the glass cup. Instinctively, Oliver refilled the cup. "She met with Perry there. It was an exchange…three nights for an exemption."

"What do you mean?"

"Perry didn't mention her name. He only called Robert Dylan."

It wasn't hard to doubt. Michelle had done it and would keep on doing it. Beverly didn't need to bring any evidence.

"I'm sorry, Oliver," Beverly added. "I feel bad because she's my friend." She dropped her hand on his and caressed it softly.

"She's never going to change, is she?"

"I was trying to tell you, but you never listened because you were so much in love."

"I want to hate her so much, Bev. How could she lie to me and have sex with a criminal in Cuba?"

Beverly had created the perfect mood. She pulled his head to her shoulder and Oliver willingly rested his heavy head on it. Beverly stroked his back until he was lost in the moment. Then she kissed his forehead. Oliver raised his head, and for a moment, they gazed at each other, both warming up with passion. Oliver cupped her face and Beverly drew her face closer. Their lips touched and Oliver kneaded his lips against hers carefully. When Oliver hesitated, Beverly pushed herself forward and did the kissing.

Oliver lost the remaining ounce of consciousness and cupped Beverly's breasts. Michelle wouldn't be back until 7. She had enough time to pleasure the man she desired. Oliver wasted no time in undressing her. Sleeping all night with Michelle beside him, he wanted to touch her, make love to her. But the photos kept appearing in his subconscious mind. He kept thinking about the things Beverly had said. It was difficult trying to resist her, especially in her nighties. But most nights, the thoughts of her betrayal kept his desires astray.

Beverly was moaning and sighing pleasurably to the rhythm of his passionate moves as Oliver lifted his body over her and pulled out his member. In successive strides, he dived into her, leaving her screaming with elated joy. Later, they fell into each other arms, exhausted and satisfied.

Beverly brushed his wet and scattered hairs off his forehead. "What are you going to do?"


"About Michelle."

The mention of his wife's name brought a myriad of feelings within him. Even though he was angry with Michelle for her unfaithfulness, he felt guilty that he was cheating on her with her best friend. And again, he felt she deserved to get hurt too.

He sat up. "There's nothing to do."

Beverly sat up too. "What about me? What happens to me? What happens to us? Doesn't this mean anything to you?"

Oliver brushed his hair backward.

"If you love her the way she is, that's great. But we can't keep doing this."

He faced Beverly and took her hand. "It's you I love but…divorce is a long process…and if I want to divorce her, I need to have solid evidence against her."

Beverly scowled. "What about the photos?"

Oliver stood up and paced around the room. "That was two years ago, Bev. I saw those photos and still went ahead to marry her."

Beverly walked to him and caressed his shoulder. "You were blinded by love then. I understand. But if you can't divorce her after all these things she's done while married to you, you'll never get a better opportunity."

Oliver sighed.

"I need more evidence. I'm a public figure, Bev. A divorce is going to get to the public. If I want to divorce Michelle, I must have a strong reason for doing so…not you standing in the witness box and recollecting what she told you a couple of days ago…and the next Saturday, I'm wedding you."

"You'll get the evidence you need, babe. You deserve to be with a woman who loves you…and that woman is me." She ran her hands through his hand and pulled him closer to her body. "We should be together." She kissed his back. Oliver held her hand.

"Give me a couple of weeks. I'll sort this out."