
A Night With My Husband's Best Friend

The life of Michelle Sanders never remained the same after her encounter with the rich Billionaire, Oliver Shane. Oliver Shane was madly in love with Michelle, so much that he could do anything for her. But everything changed on the night before their wedding. Michelle couldn't tell where the raw hatred her husband felt for her all of a sudden was coming from, as she endured maltreatment and resentment from her husband for two years. She was left devastated, as she felt her whole world crumbling, until one night, she decided to cry on the shoulders of her husband's best friend, Robert... this changed her life forever. What happens when Michelle finally found out who the person behind her husband's hatred for her was? Will Oliver regret his actions? Will Robert let Michelle go without a fight? Let's find out.

BellezaJ · Urbain
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7 Chs


The firm was buzzing with activities when Michelle walked in. It was a rule at the firm that all PAs and secretaries resumed before the junior lawyers. The senior lawyers could resume before 9a.m and the partners strolled in whenever they liked. Their presence, was, however, never unnoticed. Bernard announced his entrance by finding a fault from the lobby to his office on the second floor. Cole walked in with an entourage of personal assistants and secretaries. Robert Dylan was the youngest partner. He had taken partnership of the firm from his retired father, Donald Dylan, and Michelle Sanders worked directly under him. In her years of working with him, Robert had never misused his position to be tardy. There had been times when she walked into his office and met him seated. Other times, he slept on the couch in the office.

Michelle met Agnes Miller, one of Robert's secretaries, as she walked into the office. She was holding a large folder with an unpleasant grimace plastered on her face. Michelle stared at the name attached to the folder. Mark Grinner. Mark was one of the firm's clients she wished she didn't have to work with.

"Mark wants all his documents assessed today," she announced. "He's threatening to leave if we don't give him what he wants by the end of today."

Michelle eyed the one-foot folder. "I can't sit and do this all day." She pushed through and walked to her cubicle. Agnes followed her. "I've been working on this since 4 a.m. Robert wants it done."

Agnes was a large woman who didn't care about her physique. Her protruding stomach and layered chins never bothered her. And when she was exhausted, her breathing became labored. Michelle could hear her labored breathing as she arranged her table. The large folder in her hands was enough to make her breathless.

"Drop the files, Agnes."

Agnes dropped them with a thud. "Robert said he's coming late. Worked his ass yesterday until 11 pm. I don't think he slept after he got home."

Michelle raised her head from the table now and faced the brown woman. "Is it The Perry's tax fraud?"

She nodded and moved closer for gossip. "The FBI is getting interested."

"Dylan isn't an accomplice." She flipped open the folder and browsed through the pages, hoping Agnes would leave her office. But Agnes loved a good gossip.

"I'm already dropping letters at other companies. If the FBI is interested in the case, we are doomed."

Michelle disliked pessimism and disloyalty. She moved to her seat testily and focused on the files. "Do you have any other errands, Agnes? If you don't, I have a very busy morning." She pointed at the file. "I'll like to get started."

"Sure." Agnes grinned. "I'll be careful with what files I work on if I were you." She dropped her unnecessary words of advice and left the office.

Michelle threw her shoulders to the chair and huffed out. It was just 8 am and there was already too much to process. She worried more for Robert, that for a moment, she forgot about her ordeal.

Perry was a vicious businessman who never wished to go down alone. His businesses all through five states in America were dirty and disguised under the claims of chains of honest businesses. The Bernard, Cole, and Dylan's law firm had handled his tax for all businesses for ten years. Donald Dylan had dealt with him personally, and when he retired, he handed his files to his son, Robert Dylan. If Donald knew about Perry's dirty business, he didn't inform his son when he was handing clean files to him. A week earlier, the CPD found the face of the man they had been searching for. Perry Thomas. A few days later, multiple chains of illegal businesses outside Chicago were discovered. The FBI became interested. Perry Thomas was remanded, and during his interrogation, he mentioned the tax firm. Robert Dylan had been dealing with him personally for five years and he became the subject of the FBI's further investigation.

Robert was worried and Michelle could only feel sorry for him.


Michelle didn't realize the morning had passed until Agnes barged in again. Michelle raised her head from the mammoth folder and frowned.

"If you think I'm here to give you advice, you're wrong." Agnes was always dramatic.

Michelle dropped her hand on the folder and glanced at the time. The realization amused her. Four hours had passed like an hour and a throbbing headache stuck to her head. "What do you want?"

Agnes folded her arms. "You wanted to know when Mr. Robert was in the office."

"Yes," Michelle replied urgently. "Is he busy?"

"He just got in. He's sitting calmly on his chair."

"Thank you, Agnes."

Agnes was leaving when Robert slid into the office. Michelle stood up when she saw him.

"Michelle," Robert started before she could speak. "How are you?"

Michelle forced a smile. "I'm fine, sir. How are you?" She studied his face. "You don't look fine."

"You don't look fine either. What's the matter, Michelle?"

Michelle sighed and sat. She knew it was hopeless trying to lie to him. Robert always knew whenever she was sad. Somehow, he was able to read the sorrows in her eyes. "You already know," she managed. Even as she thought about the answer to his question, unshed tears threatened to pour out.

Robert took a seat. "What did he do this time?"

"That's the problem. I wish he would do something or say something. If I've offended him, he should let me know. I'll apologize…and-" She flipped through the pages of the folder.

Robert watched her solemnly. It was almost as though he could see through her heart. And it hurt him because his friend maltreated her. He even felt worse because he felt Michelle had dated Oliver on the premise that they were friends.

"It's frustrating, you know." She covered the folder. "Let's not talk about it. How are you? Are the police still bothering you?"

"I got a call from a Michael Trent. He said he'll be coming tomorrow. The cops have dwelt on incriminating everyone that is involved with Perry."

Michelle stretched her hand towards him. "I trust you, Robert."

"Thanks, Michelle." He studied her for a brief moment. Despite the sad look in her eyes, she was still beautiful. Michelle had always been beautiful, and over the years, she had grown to become more gorgeous. And it still amazed him how his friend had such a beautiful wife and dared to maltreat her.

If she was mine, he thought…

He pushed the thought aside and dwelt on the folder on the table. "I'm sorry for the urgency. Mark Grinner is always this way."

Michelle offered a weak smile. "I've worked with him for three years. I understand, Robert."

"How is it going?"

"Terrible. I have a headache."

"Maybe you should stop for a while."

"And get queried by the other two partners, whose favor I do not enjoy, for allowing an important client to lose in the market even when the cops are threatening to shut down the firm?"

Robert chuckled and stared at the wall above her. "A new decoration?"

Michelle nodded. "All that's left is a grandfather's clock."

"You should have a break, Mich, and I mean it. There's a snack shop on the next street."

Michelle stood up. "I will have lunch if you will stop starving yourself and eat with me."

"I ate breakfast, Michelle."

"You can't construct a lie and you know it. Come on."

Robert smiled secretly. For a moment, his problems were forgotten…He gets excited always, waking up to know that Michelle was a part of his life…the only downside to it was that, she was his secretary, married to his best friend… if only she knew…