

The alarm on Ngesa's phone went off and she woke up with start.She had been snoozing the alarm and now she was a hour late."Aaaah,I can believe am late on my first day!!"She ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth,took a quick shower and wore the first clothes she set her eyes on in her wardrobe.She met the children having breakfast already fully dressed for school.She really thanked her stars because Aunty was there to take care of them.She picked a sandwich and kissed her children and shouted Goodbye running like a mad woman."What's up with mummy?"Jimmy asked and they all looked at each other and shrugged continuing to eat their breakfast before Aunty took them to school.Since the company was a walking distance she had run all the way and now she stood at the entrance panting like a dog.She composed herself and walked to the reception and smiled at the lady."Hi,am Ngesa Anderson and am reporting on the first day at work."*"Welcome Miss and I would like you to first fill in this form and sign the contract."*"Okay, thank you"Ngesa picked the pen when she heard someone clearing his throat and she saw the one person she never expected to see."George what are you doing here, I thought my father banished you from this city?"*"Haha, very funny Miss Anderson you still think you are the rich daddy's princess..Well too bad your father committed suicide after he went bankrupt and you should be thanking me for giving you this job.You owe me one." he said smirking.

"What?I owe you nothing you pervert and you better stay away from me and on second thought,I don't want want this job.I can't stand staying in the same environment as you idiot."*"Miss Anderson,this is the only chance you have since all the other companies rejected you,now you better drop your pride or you will. regret"Ngesa turned and started walking away thinking that maybe George was right since her children needed her and she did not have any other choice left.When she lifted her head,she saw a man shouting at the top of his lungs"I want to meet your CEO how could he do this to me,I just accidentally crossed him and he has made me go bankrupt overnight.Where is he!! I MUST SEE HIM!!"Ngesa thought that maybe that is also what happenned to her father but who could do that to him?!

A flashy black Rolls Royce entered and it stopped in front of the man."Ace Robinson,come out you bastard and talk to me!How could you do this to me?!"The man shouted.The man inside the car did a sign to his driver and the car started moving towards the man.Ngesa who was close to the man pulled him and they fell to the ground."Are you okay sir?"*"Yes,am fine,thank you for saving me."*"Please do not do that again its very careless of you to joke with your life.You know that someone really needs you alive and well and if you die you will make them suffer don't you."The man started crying and Ngesa gave him a comforting hug and he left when the crowd started dispersing.

Ngesa decided to get over a pride and take the job and she got back and filled in the form and signed the contact.She was assigned as one if the secretary on the 14th floor.The Robinson enterprises delt with electronics and it had 40 floors where the highest floor was the CEO'S office.When Ace got to his office,his right hand man,Ben informed him that the lady who saved the man at the parking had been assigned as a secretary on the fourteenth floor.

The other workers welcomed Ngesa over the lunch break at the canteen where workers would get free meals from the company and George suggested that they throw a welcoming party for Ngesa at the club and Ngesa agreed and promised that the bill would be on her.She checked her bank balance and calculated seeing that the only extra money that she had not budgeted for was 30,000$ only.She hoped that the workers would go easy on their spending.

During closing hours the other workers waited for Ngesa at the lobby while Ngesa was left finishing her work.She was in a hurry so she pressed the lift's button waiting impatiently while staring at her phone.The lift door opened and she entered without knowing that it was only preserved for the CEO only.Ben stared at her coldly wondering what the stupid woman was doing but before he could speak Ace showed him a sign to let the matter go and he could only obey and keep shut.

Ngesa felt as if somebody was staring at her and she met the eyes of the demon himself.She slowly turned her head and started sweating.The stay in the lift was lengthening and she could only look up at the numbers counting down.Her body felt rigid and she could not dare to turn back.The atmosphere felt really chilly.When she heard the ding sound she could not wait to get out she rushed out tripping on her feet and falling on the floor face down.She now felt really embarassed and she rushed out covering her face.Ace smirked when he saw her childish acts and he set off in his car.