


As soon as I walked out of the door I was greeted with camera flashes all over and some reporters advancing towards me all talking at once."Whats wrong?"I enquired.Suddenly I was flocked with a lot of questions shooting from every side"Maam,is it true you spent the night at The Claw?"*"We are informed that you spent the night with a gigolo is that why Peterson called off the engagement?"*"We have heard that your father's company suddenly went bankrupt is this also your fault?*"Are you aware that your father jumped off the roof of the company building?" ...Wait what!! my dad committed suicide ..how come I did not see this coming?? and the company was doing just fine the last time I checked now its bankrupt,something is really wrong I needed to leave the place fast.I pushed through the crowd of reporters and tried concentrating on going home because my headache was getting worse.

When I got to our mansion I found every one of my relatives on the lounge room in grief and they stared coldly at me."What did I do now"I mentally eye rolled everybody was frustrating me today."You are a disgrace to this family and as soon as your father's burial is done I want you to take all your things and leave!!!" shouted one of my uncles.My grandparents could not even spare me a glance.

I stormed towards my room upstairs as the cold gazes of my relatives followed along behind my back.I immediately jumped on my bed and started wailing.My head hurt but not more than my heart.How could they disown me,and they were chasing me out of my own house.Where would I go? Everybody out there was judging me because my news were all over.God,what did I do wrong?

My favourite maid who was motherly walked in."Come now my child ,what happened?"she said in a hushed voice."Auntie,everybody is blaming me for everything and they are even kicking me out"😭"This is my only home,where should I go??"*"Don't worry,you can accompany me to the countryside until everything cools down,okay?"I looked at her and nodded.Maybe it would not be that bad to disappear,furthermore I was a poor disowned daughter.

After my father's burial I left with Aunty to the countryside.They had even fired her,these people were heartless and I hated all of them.I felt guilty that I was not there for my dad when he needed me.Maybe I could have comforted him and diverted his mind from committing suicide..but now it was too late.

My life at the countryside was terrible at first.I did not know how to milk the or plant the wheat but since I studied business I got a job at a grocery store which was owned by Aunty's friend The salary was poor but it was the only way to earn a living.No one could tell that I was once a spoilt rich kid.I also learnt how to cook and ride horses.

One month after I went to the countryside with Aunty I started getting sick.I thought it was as a result of changes in climate and lifestyle until I visited one of the dispensaries in our town and the news almost made me die from a heart attack."Congulaturations madam, you are pregnant"I lifelessly dragged myself home with tears clouding my vision.

Aunty consoled me and promised me that she would be my baby's nanny as long as I was willing to give up the idea of taking an abortion.

During my clinical visits other women would look at me with judgy eyes since I was only 20.Unfortunately the dispensary lacked an ultra sound machine and I could only wait till I gave birth to get a surprise.

During labour I almost died due to excessive bleeding and I gave birth to my beautiful triplets ;Jimmy,Nicky and Emmy.Aunty recieved them with joy and treated them as her grandchildren.I promised Aunty that when we would go to the city for me to look for a job ,I would start paying her to work full time as their nanny and she agreed.

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