
A Night in April

This story is about a 15 year old girl who's parent's passed away and a day after she made the biggest mistake she could ever make. Read more to find out what it was and how it was resolved

Foxspirit · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

A drunk night

On a rainy day at dawn, one day after my father had passed away, and mother. I was seeking something to calm my pain. something, like alcohol. Although I was underaged, I took my father's beers into the woods were no-one would see me. hopefully.

I sat down on the soft muddy soil. popping the first beer open. As I popped it open, I stared at it's beautiful golden color in awe. my left hand quivering, and moving to grab the beer and pick it up. I gently pressed it's glassy thick rim against my lips as I took a sip, then a other, and another. not long after my 3rd beer I was drunk. my brain swirled, and crashed into it's sides. I laughed loudly, and quivered. sure. it felt amazing!

as I laughed, a strange man approached me. a strange man with the ears of a fox, horns of a ram, and the tail of a lizard. He sat down, on the soft soil next to me, and started to drink with me. strange he was, but I didn't mind him."what are you doing drinking by yourself?" he said in his soothing, cold, rough voice. "n-othing just hav-in fun haha!" I said, drunk. drunk as the devil. he stayed quiet for while, until he too was drunk.

he started to slowly trail his giant hand up, and down my back. Then he leaned over and bit a spot on my neck causing me to moan softly. "A-ah~ wh-at are y-?" he gently put his finger over my lips to hush me, and left a small love bite on my neck. my heart started fluttering fast, my brain was foggy, and I felt I couldn't move. As his hand moved to strip off my clothes, I just sat there looking at him. He only gave a slight chuckle, before laying me down and spreading my legs. my body was quivering, and I was scared. why couldn't I move?! I saw, and felt him place his finger on my clit. slowly. He began to rub, it causing me to arch my back and squeak. he laughed at my squeaks, and took off his clothes. "you have a nice body, for a 15 year old." how did he know my age?! "you smell like a virgin... perfect. I'll claim you as mine" what did he mean mine? oh I don't care just let me leave please! I thought to myself. Then everything, went black. I slowly woke up in my bed. dressed. "what a nightmare.." I said softly before getting up. I winced and fell on my knees. "what the hell?" why was my nether region hurting so much?! "maybe it wasn't a nightmare.." I said about ready to cry as I looked around. but everything would be the same, even the beer bottles were there in my fathers room. I slowly got up from the woody floor and made my way to the kitchen. my hands would quiver as I slowly reached out to grab a fruit. "why am I so shaky?.." I said to myself before peeling the orange and eating it. as I looked outside it'd still be dark. "that's strange?.." I said, going back to bed slightly confused.

Hope you all liked the first chapter ^o^

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