
A new World: Dragon Lords rise

'A man dies, and gets reincarnated nothing to special right? ' Where the very thoughts Damien was having as he looked at the big ass planet before him. --------- Getting Murked in an undignified way, Damien must now learn to survive in this harsh new environment with his siblings as a...... dragon? Follow Damien as he learns to kill while uncovering the truth of himself as well as the dark secrets of the false gods. Will Damien loose himself to insanity or will he become the beacon of safety for all the mortal races against the False gods? Read to find out.

Dora_the_Destroyer_0312 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Wolf Rage and Dragon roar

'Oh shi-' Damien did not get to finish his thought as the wolf pounced on him.

Damien dodged the pounce by a hairs margin and lept to the side. The ground that was underneath the wolf was cracked open like an egg.

Damien flinched and took a gulp. That could've been him.

The wolf did not waste time however, as he lunged at Damien again, on his moment of vulnerability. Damien however recovered quickly and used that moment to strike the wolf hard on the face with his tail. It sent the wolf barrelling away into a nearby tree, but did not look like it hurt the wolf much. It did however succeed on pissing it of even more.

'Shit how do I fight that thing? ' thought Damien, as he was desperately trying to think of a solution out of this predicament.

Running away? That wolf was definitely faster than him. Flying away? Damien would've tried it, but he still could not find a way to fly. Fight it? The heck? That wolf cracked a small piece of the earth open with just a simple pounce. Damien would definitely die if he did that.

Damien was snapped out of his thoughts as the wolf readied itself and pounced on Damien again, albeit a bit slower.

Damien tried to hit the wolf mid air with his tail again, but the wolf was seemingly expecting it. The wolf ducked under the tail swipe and lunged again with its hind legs, attempting to bite on Damien's neck.

Damien saw this and lowered his head, pointing his two horns, straight at the wolf's face. The Wolf was too late to dodge as one of the horns dug into on its left eye and the other grazed it's cheek.

Damien was not scratch free either. When he impaled the wolf, in a desperate attempt to get out of the grapple the beast flailed wildly, causing Damien to getting a nasty cut on his cheek, nearly blinding his and his wings. His scales were torn by the wolf like a hot knife through butter.

Damien let go of the wolf from his horns and attempted to bite it in its neck but the wolf leapt back dodging the attack.

After a bit of breathing room, both Damien and the wolf panted to catch their breaths.

After a short unofficial peace treaty for breathing the wolf jumped at Damien again, but this time much faster, as dark clouds manifested on its hind and front legs.

Damien's instincts screamed out in danger, as he narrowly avoided the attack.

Damien looked to the wolf and to his horror, the tree behind him, that took the attack withered away in rapid succession.

'That would've been me. ' Thought Damien as he shuddered. 'Was that magic? Yeah that was definitely magic. '

Damien did not get to ponder on this discovery as the wolf jumped towards him again, this time it hit the dragon in the starting or base of his neck

Damien recoiled back as he felt an intense burning sensation on his neck. There the scales were rapidly disintegrating, but stopped after a while. It seemed that his scales had some sort of property that could counteract the Wolf's magic. But now wasn't the time. That wolf had magic too powerful for Damien to deal with right now, so he fled. But not mindlessly as he had a plan on his head.

Damien had encountered a very high cliff before coming over here. It was not that far from the cave. His plan was to bait the wolf into jumping off the cliff. If his plan worked than the wolf would be paste.

The wolf followed Damien. It moved and coiled around the large trees while directly cutting the smaller trees in half.

After running for a few more moments, they both reached a ginormous cliff. The ground would've been 2 km from the starting of the cliff.

Damien turned around and faced the wolf, and just as he had anticipated, the wolf who was mad due to the death of its mate jumped forward. Damien swiftly dodged the attack, causing the wolf to go tumbling down the cliff.

Damien panted heavily, if he could have sweat he would've. That wolf was strong, not physically but due to its magic.

'I need to learn how to do magic fast. ' Thought Damien as he collected his breath and began to walk over to the wolf den. But he was interrupted when he heard a bowl coming from the cliff.

From the cliff, came the same damn wolf that had fell off. It ran towards Damien hoping to end the fight. Though it seemed like it had sustained damage as it was slower than before.

'Did that bastardo climb back up. ' Thought Damien, as he avoided the wolf. He could not afford to get hit even once.

But the wolf shocked Damien once more. It opened its mouth and there, as dark ball formed. The dark ball was stagnant but was growing larger by the second.

Damien didn't waste this opportunity as he rushed to the wolf to attack in its moment of vulnerability. But then the dark ball formed a beam that headed straight for Damien.

Damien cursed and changed his direction to dodge the beam. He did not know what it will do but he didn't like taking the chances.

The beam was mostly avoided as it grazed parts of his wings and tail. The parts grazed by the beam however had their scales quickly disintegrating.

Damien cursed out loud, before he saw the wolf pounce on his, successful this time pinning Damien to the ground.

Damien had held the thrashing wolf with his legs, barely able to stop himself from getting cut by the deadly magical claws. But the wolf was a tad bit bigger. The claws reached his scales, as the struck started to disintegrate. It also started to try to bite Damien with its claws covered in the same magic as before, but Damien barely dodged those.

Damien cursed out loud but what could he do? The wolf may be physically weaker but the magic was too strong.

Then a claw struck his snout. The pain was unbearable as he felt his scales disintegrating.

'No I refuse to die here. ' Screamed Damien's mind. 'I REFUSE! '

Damien opened his mouth and out came and ear splitting roar followed by a large beam of dark energy.

And the wolf was no more

(Sorry for the delay and for the short chapter. I'm busy with school and can't upload frequently. And don't worry, the next chapter will he longer. )