
Fragments of Excalibur


Shuri slowly entered the Yokai faction, kept a smile on her lips waving at all cuts mind

Her steps were slow and caused slight sounds in the hall of the mansion, she didn't take long to notice Yasaka who was standing in front

Shuri: "Is he here?" She asked cautiously

Yasaka smiled to ward off Shuri's worries "He retired a few minutes ago, you're lucky huh, but ... You should fix this problem soon"

Both women looked at each other and nodded, doing things behind their husband back was quite unsettling

One of them could be harmed, Shuri let out a sigh and started to follow Yasaka

Yasaka: "How are things going with your Clan?"

She had learned about what happened with the Himejima Clan, and everything was sealed in a report by the fairies, after all, every activity done by Yukio was informed and recorded

Shuri: "Oh, actually it's going very well, Suzaku-chan wanted to transfer me the leadership but I certainly know I'm not made for it"

Yasaka: "Uhm? ... Or simply because you don't admit that you are too lazy to be the leader of the clan?" She smiled

Shuri also laughed a little. "That's true, aren't you also doing the same? Do you already have someone in mind?"

Yasaka: "I thought of Sun Wukong, although there are others, I should think about it later"

She had been looking for someone to transfer her leadership, after all, she wanted to take her free time too

, living a quiet life with her daughter and husband was what she most wanted now

Shuri: "I'm surprised you speak so loosely of the poor Sun-san... haven't you been a lot recently with our husband?"

It was true that Yukio ignored 'respect' for others and simply called them as he pleased.

Yasaka showed a smile and stopped at a door "Leaving that aside ... I think you should take care of your problem first"

Shuri sighed and then opened the door slowly while being followed by Aogi


Yukio was received by his two lovers Lilith and Liana, both embraced him in an affectionate way while complaining that he didn't come to visit them

He had to apologize and just let them do whatever they wanted, but he notices Scaron looking at him coldly.

Yukio: "Come on, friend, why do you have that look?" He felt quite confused

Scaron: "Friend?! Bastard! I tell you why, you left me on this site and....."


Scaron flew out and landed a few meters away

Scaron: "SEE, it's your fault!" He began to complain infinitely again

But Yukio ignored him and fixed his eyes on Liana who was smiling "What's wrong?"

Liana: "Uh? Nothing, just a little spell, it's quite annoying to hear him complain about you"

She spoke as if it really was nothing, but Yukio could only laugh bitterly

Meanwhile, Scaron got up and then walked towards Yukio

Scaron: "We have to talk!"


After the strange reception, Yukio and co entered one of the wooden houses

He could see that this possibly belonged to his two lovers since the decoration was feminine and something cozy by the way

He sat on a chair and in front, there was a round wooden table, the other three sat on a piece of furniture opposite, staring into Yukio's eyes, waiting for his words

Yukio: "Just as we had agreed, I have obtained three fragments of Excalibur ... But is it really useful for our plans?"

He had had a plan years ago when Irina returned to retrieve the fragments of Kokabiel's Excalibur, but those plans were useless because their strength grew unparalleled

But he heard from Lilith, that with three fragments he could improve the 'Abysmal Lance'

And if it was not enough ... With three fragments he could use them to recreate a body for the three

of them, the problem is that he had to find three strong bodies that can support these fragments

Lilith saw Yukio's expression and tried to reassure his doubts "It's like I told you, with a fragment you can try to make a body for us, the problem now is ... Will you use it for it or to strengthen the spear? "

Liana: "It's true if you strengthen the spear you can extract more powers from us, as well as from the angel and the devil ... It would be very advantageous for the future battles that you are about to witness"

Although the two of them wanted to have a body and finally be able to leave here to visit the world again, they preferred that their 'lover' become stronger, it was the Abysmal Dragon and it was his duty to take the throne when his moment arrived.

However, Yukio simply shook his head "It would be quite interesting to improve the spear, but I don't really need it now, I prefer to keep them for your bodies, besides ... I have a feeling that I will soon be able to create such bodies"

He didn't speak empty words, he had a feeling that he would find a good strong body to give life to his lovers ... They would spend a lot of time with him after all

Although they met strangely, they helped him and explained his power to him in detail.

Lilith and Liana smiled and felt warm inside, at least Yukio thought a lot about them and not just their strength

And Scaron had no doubt, Yukio was his sworn brother and without doubt, he would fulfill his promise, although he was angry because he was locked in here with two such powerful beings

Actually, he felt quite happy, this showed Scaron the confidence that Yukio had in him

Suddenly Liana remembered something "how much of our power can you use at the moment?"

Yukio raised both hands and two circles began to grow, one was a white halo that shone quickly, while the other was a dark halo that seemed to give off a demonic aura

Yukio: "Currently I can only use 20%, if I use more my body can suffer some damages, except when I release my true form and it is possible at least 50%"

Lilith: "In that case ... I do not think you'll find problems in trying to create a holy body and a demonic one, and about the dragon powers?"

This time Yukio smiled confidently and his body began to change "Undo spell"

A tyrannical aura came from his body and began to change shape

His body seemed to grow a little higher and his muscles tensed, his skin became somewhat pale and from his forehead two huge black horns were present, a long tail of a jet dragon came out from his back and waved in the air, his golden eyes turned purple with dragon irises on them, it was quite interesting.

Also, his 'Mark' resembling a dark black cross appeared on his forehead

He had released the spell that hides his true appearance, waved his hands and spread his fingers, a huge dark orb was created and a ring seemed to surround it, it was like seeing a mini Saturn on his fingers

Yukio: "I am currently in control of 96%, I have not yet managed to decipher the 4% left, it is quite dangerous, to be honest"

Although he said that, Lilith and Liana smiled satisfied, with this power he didn't have to worry about inferior beings now

As for Scaron, he was choked, Yukio's power was beyond his, he could only smile ironically when remembering when he met this boy

Soon the four began to chat about everything that was happening outside, Yukio told them in detail and even showed them his ability to make it easier

Lilith and Liana had no problem knowing that their 'lover' had many wives outside, from beginning to end they only consider themselves as lovers or concubines

As for the presence of a daughter, they only rejoiced because they had known for a long time that this was the wish of Yukio

They spent about four hours chatting, which in the real world was just one hour


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