
A new life in a new world

Apparently, I died while helping an old woman cross the road the old woman crossed the road but not me I died and then reincarnated into a world of magic.

Megatrix123 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

6. Special Draco

Draco's Pov

My mother, Lila, was the most beautiful dragon I had ever laid eyes on. Her scales glimmered in the sunlight like polished jewels, and her eyes sparkled with joy and love as she gazed upon me, her newborn son. She had been waiting patiently for this moment, coiling her body protectively around her precious eggs, nurturing and safeguarding them until the time was right.

As I emerged from my egg, my mother's warm embrace enveloped me. She was a gentle soul, with a heart full of love and kindness. She welcomed me into the world with open arms, and I felt an instant connection to her. As I emerged from my egg, my mother's warm embrace enveloped me. She was a beautiful dragoness, with scales shimmering in the sunlight like polished jewels. Her eyes sparkled with joy and love as she gazed upon me, her newborn son.

"Hello, little one," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "I'm so glad you're finally here. I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

I looked up at her, my eyes wide with curiosity. "Mama?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"Yes, my dear," she replied, smiling. "I'm your mama. And I love you so much already."

My mother, Lila, had been waiting patiently for this moment, coiling her body protectively around her precious eggs, nurturing and safeguarding them until the time was right. And now, as I stretched my tiny wings and opened my mouth to let out a tiny roar, she was beside herself with happiness.

"Oh, look at you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with delight. "You're so strong and healthy. I'm so proud of you already."

In the moments that followed, my mother taught me everything she knew. She showed me how to breathe fire, how to flex my wings, and how to roar with pride. She fed me delicious meals of fresh meat and fish and kept me safe and secure within the confines of our mountain lair.

As I grew stronger and more confident, my mother began to teach me about the world beyond our home. She told me stories of the dragons who had come before us, of their battles and triumphs, and of the legends that had been passed down through generations.

"One day, you'll be a great dragon too," she said, her eyes shining with pride. "You'll soar through the skies and rule over the land. And I'll be right there with you, cheering you on every step of the way."

But alas, our peaceful existence was not meant to last. On that fateful day, the day that I was born, my mother's life was taken from her in a brutal and senseless act of violence. The hunters had come, seeking to claim my mother's eggs for themselves, and they showed no mercy.

"Mama, what's happening?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear as I heard the sound of their footsteps echoing through the cavern.

"Shh, little one," she said, her voice soft and reassuring. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you."

But despite her bravery, my mother was no match for the hunters. I watched in horror as they attacked her, their weapons flashing in the light of the setting sun. I heard her terrified cries as she fought to defend herself and her unborn young. And I felt a cold dread creeping over me as I realized that she was gone, her lifeless body lying motionless on the ground.

The hunters had killed my mother and left me alone and vulnerable in the world. But they had not counted on the strength and determination of a mother's love. For even in death, my mother's spirit lived on, guiding and protecting me as I grew and learned to navigate the harsh and unforgiving world outside our mountain lair.

"Mama, I miss you so much," I said, my voice trembling with grief as I looked up at the sky. "Why did they have to take you away from me?"

"I know, little one," she said, her voice soft and gentle in my mind. "But I'm still with you, always. And I'll always be proud of the strong and brave dragon that you're becoming."

As I grew older, I began to realize that my mother's legacy lived on through me. I could feel her presence in every breath I took, every flame I lit, and every battle I fought. And though I missed her every day, I knew that she would always be with me, watching over me from the skies above, proud of the strong and brave dragon that I was becoming.

"Mama, I think I see you," I said, my voice filled with wonder as I looked up at the sky. "You're flying with the other dragons, aren't you? You're still with me, even after all these years."

"Yes, little one," she replied, her voice soft and gentle in my mind. "I'm always with you, guiding and protecting you. And I couldn't be prouder of the dragon you've become."

As I grew stronger and more confident, I began to explore the world beyond our mountain lair. I ventured into the nearby forest, marveling at the towering trees and the diverse wildlife that inhabited it. I encountered other dragons, some friendly and some not, and I learned how to communicate with them using their language.

But despite the wonders of the dragon world, I couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. Something was missing, something that I couldn't quite put my claw on. It wasn't until I stumbled upon a hidden cave deep within the mountains that I discovered what it was.

The cave was filled with strange objects and artifacts that seemed to hold secrets and mysteries beyond my comprehension. Among them, I found a small, intricately carved stone that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy. As I picked it up, I felt a sudden surge of power coursing through my veins.

It was then that I realized what had been missing all along - my destiny. I was meant to leave my mark on the world, to make a difference beyond the boundaries of our mountain lair. And with the stone in hand, I knew exactly where I needed to go.

The journey was long and arduous, filled with perilous obstacles and treacherous terrain. But with my mother's guidance and protection, I navigated the challenges with ease. I crossed vast oceans, traversed endless deserts, and climbed treacherous mountains. Finally, I reached the place that had been calling to me all along - the land of humans.

At first, I was struck by the sheer magnitude of the human settlements. Towering cities stretched towards the sky, their streets teeming with people going about their daily lives. It was both exhilarating and intimidating, and for a moment, I hesitated.

But my mother's voice in my head urged me forward. "Don't be afraid, little one," she said. "You are a dragon, and you have a purpose. Go forth and fulfill your destiny."

With renewed courage, I stepped forward, my scales glinting in the sunlight. I made my way through the city, my eyes taking in the sights and sounds of a world so different from my own. Humans stopped and stared as I passed, some in awe, others in fear. But I paid them no mind, my focus fixed on my goal.

Finally, I arrived at the center of the city, where a grand palace stood tall and proud. It was there that I found the ruler of the land, a wise and just king who listened intently as I spoke.

I tried to speak with humans, but they thought I was scary. They kicked me again and again as I ran for my life. I could have killed them, but I never wanted to hurt them. I ran and ran to protect myself.

To escape the danger, I created an egg around myself. I traveled far and wide in the egg, hiding from the humans who wanted to harm me.

One day, as I lay inside the egg, I heard a voice. It was a boy, speaking to me in a gentle tone.

"Hello?" he said. "Are you okay in there?"

I cracked open the egg and saw the boy standing over me. He looked curious, but not frightened. he started to touch me for a second it felt like my mom was touching but then I snapped out of it

"Hey, human, stop touching me!" I tried to shout but my voice was barely above a whisper the human took a step back he looked startled and amused at the same time 

"Wait, what, you're already taking?" his voice was very shaky 

"Yeah I am," I said while trying to sound sarcastic "I'm not just some dumb animal you know I have thoughts and feelings you know"

at first, I was on my guard but then the kid told me his name was Ember after a few minutes of talking we became friends and I made a contract with him I had a hole in my stomach from adventuring so much but he saved me from his blood so I agreed to become his dragon pet as a token of gratitude

(A/N: Hello readers thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed the book and see you in the next one byeeeeeeee

Word Count: 1511

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