
A new life in a new world

Apparently, I died while helping an old woman cross the road the old woman crossed the road but not me I died and then reincarnated into a world of magic.

Megatrix123 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

5. Draco The Dragon

My father's voice echoed throughout the estate, growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment. "Ember! Ember, where are you!" he shouted, his words reverberating off the stone walls and high ceilings. Every servant in the castle was in a state of panic, frantically searching for me. They scoured every corner of the castle, from the darkest dungeons to the highest towers, desperate to find any trace of me.

My mother, joined in the search, her voice trembling with worry. "Ember, sweetheart, please come out! We need to talk to you!" she called out, her words tinged with desperation.

The servants searched every room, every corridor, every hidden passageway. They checked under beds, in closets, and behind curtains. They even searched the stables, the gardens, and the moat. But no matter where they looked, they couldn't find me.

As the minutes ticked by, my father's anger grew. "Why can't anyone find him?"

he demanded, his voice thundering through the Estate. "he's just a child, for crying out loud! How could he disappear without a trace?"

The servants exchanged worried glances, unsure of what to do next. Some of them whispered among themselves, speculating about my disappearance. Had I run away? Was I kidnapped? Or worse, had something terrible happened to me?

I, Ember, watched from a distance, hiding behind a large bush in the garden. I had been there for hours, making a contract with a dragon. My heart raced as I saw my father and the servants searching for me, calling out my name and pleading for me to come out.

"Oh oh, I think I might've caused a bit of trouble," I said, sheepishly, as I emerged from the bush. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty, knowing that my dad had probably been frantic with worry.

"Dad! Dad, it's okay, I'm here!" I called out, trying to calm myself down. But my dad was already running towards me, his face contorted with anxiety.

"Ember, thank goodness you're safe! We've been looking everywhere for you!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I could feel his heart pounding against mine, and I knew that he had been terrified.

"can't br-breath! N-Nee-d a-ir I managed to squeak out 

"Sorry, Ember I just" he went in for round 2 No! no, nooooooooo!




10 Minutes Later




"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to cause any trouble," I tried to sound remorseful, but my dad wasn't having it.

"Wait, son, is that a dragon?" he asked, his mouth wide open in shock. His eyes were almost popping out of his head as he stared at the baby dragon standing in front of us.

"Uhh, yeah, Dad. I can explain," I stammered, trying to think of a way to justify my actions.

"It's okay, son. I get it. You can explain it later. It's okay," my dad said, his voice filled with a mixture of confusion and amusement. He was trying to process the situation, but he was also excited to see the dragon up close.

I led my dad into his office, trying to compose myself after the exciting events that had just transpired. As we entered the room, I noticed that my dad's eyes were fixed on the baby dragon that was still perched on my shoulder.

"Dad, this is Draco," I said, introducing them formally. "He's a baby dragon, and he's agreed to be my pet My dad's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure. "It's nice to meet you, Draco," he said, extending a hand for the dragon to sniff. Draco happily obliged, nuzzling my dad's hand with his snout.

"I see," my dad said, stroking Draco's scales. "Well, I suppose it's not every day that a dragon offers to protect one's child. I accept your offer, Draco. Thank you for watching over my son."

I smiled, relieved that my dad was understanding. "Thanks, Dad. I know Draco will keep me safe."

My dad nodded, then turned to me. "Now, why don't you tell me exactly what happened today? I want to hear everything."

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the long explanation that was ahead.




30 Minutes Later




So for the past 30 Minutes, I have been explaining to my dad what happened and he seems to understand pretty much so that's good but I didn't realize that no one knows dragons can talk I thought that dragons could since Draco was can but humans don't know it so that's gonna have to be a secret between us I can't imagine what humans would do to the dragons if they realized that they could talk they would go on a way higher price so more people would go after them of course dragons are very strong but still If at least 6 or more A rank adventurers to take one down which is near impossible and that's just for common dragons there are some dragons that you will need an SSS+ Ranks adventurer, of course, that dragon was evil but it was killed by the first hero. The first hero was not an SSS+ Adventurer he was an Unkown rank which is technically to op that they can even defeat hundreds if not thousands of SSS monsters here is a graph of the ranks

1. Unknown (?) - The highest rank, reserved for adventurers whose abilities and achievements are shrouded in mystery. Their true power and potential are unknown, and they are often sought after by powerful organizations and individuals seeking to utilize their skills.

2. SSS (Super Superior) - Adventurers who have demonstrated exceptional skill and strength, surpassing even the greatest heroes. They possess abilities that are considered godlike, and their names are known throughout the land.

3.SS (Superior) - Adventurers who have proven themselves to be among the strongest and most skilled in the land. They possess abilities that are considered extraordinary, and they are often called upon to undertake dangerous missions and defeat formidable foes

4. S (Skilled) - Adventurers who have honed their abilities through rigorous training and experience. They possess skills that are considered impressive, and they are often sought after by powerful organizations and individuals seeking to utilize their talents

5. A (Advanced) - Adventurers who have demonstrated a high level of ability and skill, surpassing that of ordinary adventurers. They possess abilities that are considered advanced, and they are often tasked with completing complex and challenging missions.

6. B (Basic) - Adventurers who have completed basic training and have demonstrated a solid foundation in combat and survival skills. They are capable of completing simple missions and tasks but may require guidance and support from more experienced adventurers.

7. C (Common) - Adventurers who have minimal training and experience. They possess basic combat and survival skills but may struggle with more complex tasks and missions.

8. D (Developing) - Adventurers who are in the process of developing their skills and abilities. They may have recently completed training or have limited experience, but show great potential for growth and improvement.

9. E (Established) - Adventurers who have established themselves as reliable and capable members of society. They possess a wide range of skills and abilities and are often called upon to assist with various tasks and missions. but are weak

10. F (Fledgling) - Adventurers who are just beginning their journey. They may have limited skills and experience but show great enthusiasm and potential for growth and development.

11. G (Gifted) - Adventurers who possess a natural talent and aptitude. They may have limited training or experience, but demonstrate exceptional ability and potential.

12. H (Heroic) - Adventurers who have demonstrated exceptional bravery and selflessness in the face of danger. They may have sacrificed their interests or safety to protect others, and are often hailed as heroes by the public. but are extremely weak

"Okay then Draco protect my son Ember for me will ya?" Draco nodded while flying freely in the air

"anyways Ember Your birthday will be coming soon you'll be four years old you know what that means right?" he asked

"yeah, I'm gonna get my magic right?" 

"well you are half right half wrong yes you will get your magic but there will also be your debut in the society you will go to the capital and you will be tested for any signs of magic and you will meet the kind and queen the king is my friend we were friends when we were kids when my dad was the duke and his dad was the father

I will debut in the society yes! I will finally get my magic but I wonder what will the king look like i expect kids to be old and stuff but if my dad is his friend and they're about the same age what should I even expect

"and son try to get along with their daughter and son you will work with them when you grow up"

"Okay, Dad" Hmm I wonder how the prince and the princess will be or will they even become friends of mine?

Thank you for reading tell me your thoughts on how the prince and princess be bye.

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