
A new life (Highschool Dxd x Naruto) ( Itachi Uchiha )

What if ... after he died for his brother and the village. Itachi Uchiha would be reincarnated in Highschool DxD ?

Lukas_Blast · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

A fight to remember

So guys before i start the new chapter i want to mention something , when i am going to use these :

" - it means that they are talking , like having a conversation or that they are mentioning something ( when i do the normal talk like ... Itachi - Yes "Loser" . )

** - and these means that they are thinking .. i think it would me more easy for you to understand

() - is when i start to explain things like the action wich is happening

The land before his eyes was a ruin , buildings destroyed , dead youkais , others screaming for their life and if that was not bad enough , a freaking Giant is standing right before him , he heard stories about him . Tsuchigumo known as "an ayakashi one must never encounter" .

Itachi : Tell me as quick as you can , anything you know about him Fate ! " He said while he avoided another fist from him , leaving a hole in the ground where Itachi body was .

Fate : Well .. amm .. ok , so .... ammm " He quicly started to change words and to panic , he was starting to piss off The Susanoo

Susanoo : Would you stop whimpering like a women and tell us already ?!!! " more screan than asking nicely , but hey .. the situation was not a really good one .

Fate : All right chill ( One of the monster legs , almost crush Itachi who is quicly throwing a set of paper bombs and then jump a bit in the back to take some distance . ) Damnn that was closeeee , too fucking closee !! All right , where was i ? Oh right .. i didn't meet with him in the past but i've heard stories about him and they are something like this . He is Tsuchigumo known as "an ayakashi one must never encounter" (we already know that ) ,he is a Kyoto yokai who holds no real alliance to anyone . He is often likened to natural disasters like typhoons, earthquakes and plague. He seeks a good fight and a strong opponent, regardless of race, size, or gender. Finding a worthy adversary drives him into a frenzy, and those who can best him in battle (or even just significantly wound him) earn his respect. He treats potential opponents as fodder until they prove themselves, but once he gets serious, he is an abominable force. So yeah... we are .. how should i put it ...

Susanoo : We are fucked ..

Fate : Yep that it is ..

**I need to put some distance between him and me ** moving quicly through the trees and looking back he saw Tsuchigumo still following him . **I need to get him out of there , need to find some land without anyone , but what is it with the others aura ** there were others more shadows following them , one of a dear Kitsune .. two in fact . After a few minutes he found a clearing and he stopped , waiting for the others to arrive . The first one who arrives ( More like landing ) is Tsuchigumo who was quickly followed by the others Youkais . In front of them was Jukan with someone small in his back , it was Kunou , Yasaka daughter . He started to walk , until he reached Tsuchigumo and then he said "For someone like me , to be present here , where you stand .. a God among Gods .. it's a honor for me to be in your presence" said Jukan while bowin his head with his followers , a few seconds later the monster known as Tsuchigumo answered " Who are you insects , why so much fuss ? And why is a devil here ( Pointing a finger towards Itachi )." then , Jukan said " We have released you , because we need your help , the world is not as you know it anymore , our race has fallen , the 9 tailed fox is not doing her job and she is working with the devils , a race who killed our kin for hundreds of years .. i can't let that happen ! I will not , and so .. i need your help " after a few seconds Tsuchigumo started to laugh , even the ground started to shake from the vibration "who do you think you are to tell me what to do , small man , if you want my help , you must to give something in exchange of my service " said the bigger youkai towards the smaller one , while taking a puf from his pipe ( who made that thing ?! ) .

Jukan - Of course , i can give you this ( He said while pushing kunou in the face of his group ) she is Yasaka daughter blessed with the 9 Tails blood , i am sure she can make some a great snack for you ( he said while smirking ) . **If i get Tsuchigumo on my side , no one can stop me , i will be know as the saviour of al youkais HEHEHE**

Tsuchigumo - Hmm , what is this ... a litlle fox who got lost , maybe i can find you a new home HAHAHA ( the little girl started to cry and beg for help but all of them started to laugh ) . All right , i will help you against the 9 tailed fox , but first ... i must to have a snack ( after finishing those words his hand started to move towards Kunou , grabbing her and then going with her in the direction of his mouth , wide opened and ready to eat ( while the small girl screamed for help , none came , all those around Jukan where once her mother loyal servants , but it seems that loyalty was something expensive in those days . )

Fate & Susanoo : Itachii !!!!

Itachi : Got it ! ( He quicly dashed towards them , bringing out two kunais with paper bomb attached to them , throwing the in unison at bigger youkai , who both exploded right in his chest , creating a lot of smoke around , he got Kunou save on his back and now he was taking himself some ground . )

Tsuchigumo - Hmm ... what was that ... ehhhh ?!! where is my snack ?!! ( he started to scream and act like a kid who got his toy stolen )

Jukan - Not you again ! I will not let you do this ! ( He said while dashing towards Itachi , his sword rised high ready to hit ... if only ... Monkey King : Fist of Strength - right after he said those words , Itachi fist started to get covered by Ki and Chakra , waiting for the perfect moment he avoided the hit and hitted Jukan as hard as he could making him fly in the forest , destroying everything on an area of 100 meters , after the smoke was cleared Jukan could be seen standing with blood droping from his mouth )

Jukan - Do you really think that you can do as you want ? Guys ! Attack him !! ( Right after he said that , 5 members of the Youkai faction jumped on Itachi , ready to hit him and to take the young girl , but something got them first and they all became tortilla after Tsuchigumo fist smahed them , leaving a huge crater and rests of their corpses ) w-what are you doing Tshuchigumo ? i thought we are allies ( said Jukan , shocked by the sudden attack )

Tsuchigumo - This litlle insect is mine , if anyone is going to interfere in this , i am going to smash them like potatoes ( His eyes were red , smoke started to get out from his mouth , he was standing face to face with Itachi , who was not looking , like he was afraid , it was more like ... he was challenging Tsuchigumo and that was making his blood boil with excitement and adrenaline . )

Susanoo - If you want to do it , do it right now Itachi , we can't let her be caught in the crossfire again ( At that Itachi nodded and started to do a few sign jutsu , which made his enemies more confused than before )

Itachi - Kunou , i need you to be Brave , you are going to meet with your mother soon , ok ? ( He told her with a smile , which made the litlle girl quite embarrassed but she still nodded her head a sign that she understood ) Good now ... Body Flicker Technique - Teleportation Jutsu ( a puf of smoke appeared in Kunou place and when the smoke was wiped , she was no longer there ) **That should buy me some time , before anyone gets here , i can already feel more presence coming this way**

Jukan : Hahahaha , i really can't belive that you have done this , well .. it doesn't matter anymore Tsuchigumo here is going to kill you aniway and our enforcements already arrived ( more Youkais started to show around Jukan , most likely 150 Youkais were present ) there is no way you are going to make it out Alive HAHAHAHAHA

Tsuchigumo - I am not fighting him , my snack is gone , that means our deal is gone ( said Tsuchigumo while he sat on the ground with his arms and legs crossing )

To say that Jukan was angry ... it was a small word for his feeling in that momment " Fine then !! I will take care of him by myself ! " Itachi and Jukan stood face to face, their eyes narrowed, a gush of wind blowing through the field blowing some dust between them. Jukan wasted no time and instantly charged head forwards at Itachi whom got into fighting stance while forming a magic circle in his right palm. As Jukan was right in front of Itachi with his powerful fist raised, Itachi swung his arm to the side sending a wave of water crashing into Jukan. Then through the water came a fist and Itachi widened his eyes as he caught the fist, and next Jukan's whole body came through and swung his leg towards Itachi's head and Itachi blocked it with his arm as he moved backwards. Jukan kept throwing a barrage of punches at Itachi whom blocked them all, but each time Jukan's fist connected it felt like he was being punched by solid rock. Itachi quickly jumped back to gain some distance from him and Jukan. " He is strong " said Susanoo , "Most likely he is using Ki and his Sage form is giving him a lot of strenght too " said Fate " if he wants to fight like this against you Itachi , i think that you should activate your Touki " said Susanoo and Itachi only nodded , activating his inner Touki he could already feel his body becoming more stronger , faster , flexible , it seems that all of this training was worth after all .

Jukan jumped up in the air, and flew down like a meteorite towards Itachi with his fist raised. Itachi jumped back as Jukan's fist connected with the ground on the spot where Itachi once stood, and the ground got torn up forming a small crater. Itachi raised his right hand and a magic circle formed at his palm.

Fire Magic: Fire Shot!

Itachi shot out a ball of fire that crashed into Jukan sending him skidding back a bit. Jukan then punched in the air sending a shockwave towards Itachi, Itachi brought out his devil bat wings and flew to the side dodging the shockwave, at high speed he flew towards Jukan. Once he arrived behind Jukan, the Youkai turned his body around and swung his arm to the side, Itachi ducked and dodged the blow and quickly delivered a kick to Jukan's chin, spun his body around and delivered another kick to his chest sending him flying back a bit. Itachi narrowed his eyes as he felt like he had just kicked a wall made out of iron.

Itachi - What is wrong with this Youkai and their bodies made of steel ? ( said an annoyed Itachi )

Fate - They learn since they are young to use Ki , is a tehnique close to Touki but if you learn it from a young age and become a monster , your body can become as solid as a rock , as fast as an arrow and more flexible than a bamboo stick

Itachi - I already know that ! Damn it !

Jukan then quickly recovered and gained his balance, he then looked at Itachi with a smirk as the young Devil retracted his wings back into his body. "I was right when I knew you would be strong, now this is getting fun." Jukan said as he truly lived up to what Yasaka would call him, a battle maniac. Jukan then stomped his foot down hard as the stone ground shattered and rocks flew up around him, he then punched and kicked those rocks sending them flying towards Itachi like bullets. Itachi widened his eyes as they flared up bright red into the three tomoe sharingan, Itachi then with his superior speed and reflexes dodged each of the rocks that came flying towards him. But then suddenly Jukan was in front of him and delivered a powerful punch at Itachi, whom blocked it with his arms brought in an x-formation, and was sent flying into a stone wall making cracks in it upon impact.

Fate - I think that hurt ...

Susanoo - You think !!??

Itachi stretched his arms out to the side forming two massive spheres of wind, Itachi gave Jukan a look that said "come and get it" and Jukan noticed it and simply smirked in excitement. The Youkai then charged head on towards Itachi at super high speed, thanks to his sharingan however Itachi was able to see Jukan's moves clear as day. 'Now.' Itachi thought and swung his arms into an x-formation, he then clenched his fists. And the two wind spheres turned into massive wind fists. Just as Jukan was close Itachi punched in the air and the wind fists mimicked his movements.The wind fists clashed into Jukan making the Yokai head turn to the side as blood spilled out from his mouth. The second wind fist delivered an upper cut punch sending Jukan flying into the air, the first fist then flew up after him along with the second one and they kept throwing a barrage of powerful punches. For a moment it looked like Jukan was trapped in an endless barrage of punches from the wind fists and the others watchers gasped in surprise.

Fate - Haha you got him good my boiii !!!!!! Show the bastard how are we doing bussinessss !!!!

Susanoo - I don't think that you should enjoy so fast ...

Fate - Ha ? Why ?

Then Itachi widened his eyes a little as Jukan let out a strange aura around him, and just about as a wind fist was about to hit him, he grabbed it and crushed it with his hand, and when the other was about to hit him, he swung his fist at it and the other wind fist exploded. 'What is that aura? Suddenly his speed and physical strength has increased...' Itachi thought and kept his guard up. Jukan then crashed into the ground and a small crater formed beneath his feet.

Jukan - I think i am done , playing around , this is going to end ... ( He said while taking his sword from her sheath and pointed it at Itachi ) once i defeat you , there would be no one to stay against me ! I have Tsuchigumo , i don't need to worry about you Master or Yasaka anymore with him and after i become a complete 9 tailed fox , i will rule the Youkai faction to a new era ! And i don't need to worry about that sword of your anymore , my red widow can keep her grounds.

Itachi - I am sorry , but i can't let that happend , i was entrusted this mission by Yasaka , to bring you down , i made a promise and for that promise to become fullfiled , you must to fall ( said Itachi while un-sheathing Faith , much to the excitement of the sword )

Fate - Helll yeahh !!! I will show him , what a real sword is a like and when his soul is going to be mine , he is going to wish to go in Hell instead ! HAHAHAAHA

Susanoo - Damnn bro...easy now ... ( said a quite disturbed Susanoo )

Fate - Oopss ... sorry ...

Susanoo - *sigh* you are without any hope ...

None of them were moving each one of them were looking after each other , to see if they would do any mistake and after one momment they both dissapeared and appeared again a second later **CLANG** , their swords locked with eachother . Seeing that this is not going anywhere they both backed up a bit , until Jukan dashed in front of Itachi his sword raised high , going for a hit to the chest which was easily parried by Itachi , who lunged his Katana in Jukan arm , stabbing him and drawning some blood , he quickly took out his sword and backed up a litlle , in that momment Jukan looked at his wounded arm and started to laugh " Hahahaha , you've stabbed me mhhh you stabbed me pretty good , but i am not done playing around with you , not yet " in that momment he raised hand high in the air and white flames started to form around it , they became bigger and bigger each momment " Behold !! The Great White Flames Of Heaven !! " the flames were growing and growing until they formed themselves in a ball in his hand .

Fate - Hmm ... so he has this ability , well now .. let's hope that your Amaterasu can do the job ... or we are ...

Susanoo - Don't fucking say it ! Don't say it again !

"The time has come my dear Itachi , in the end you were no match for me ! Hahaha , now die like a devil dog you are !! " and he throwed the ball toward Itachi , everything in the ball way started to burn , grass , trees , even a deer was caught by it and made barbecue . In that momment Itachi closed his eyes making Jukan laughing even more "It seems that he finally gave up guys ! Hahaha ! This is what you get for messing with us ! " and he started to laugh with the other Youkais , the only one who didn't join was Tsuchigumo , who felt something was wrong by the way Itachi eye started to bleed . **AMATERASU - INFERNAL FLAMES!!** "Hell yeah !!!" screamed Fate . Those black flames started to engulf on the white flames , slowly eating eachother , until the black flames devoured the white ones and Jukan started to tremble in fear " W-what ... h-h-how is that possible ? That shouldn't be possible !!!!!! Hyaaaaa !! " And he charged towards Itachi who revealed his Sharingan to him , the last words of Jukan until he fell to the ground were : Damn you Dev--- ... and down he was . Jukan the Kitsune , keeper of White Flames was down , defeated , that only made his people to look at eachother until they started to run , not giving a single shit about their boss anymore " Yeah you better run or you are next ! " said Fate while laughing , but the fun was not over yet Tsuchigumo was there , watching on Itachi , it was like he is analyzing him , until he stand and he moves to the other side " We are going to meet one day , you better become stronger , i want out match to be Legendary " in that momment he was surprised , until he nodded and said " I will , i am waiting for that day to come " they both nodded at eachother and then Tsuchigumo took off .

Fate - Well , this was quite something ...

Susanoo - For once ... you are right

Fate - Hey , what do you mean by that , why do you always must to be so mean

But before they could start , they've heard a thud and they saw Itachi down

Fate - Pff it seems that he is Tired , we should wait or something ?

Susanoo - I don't know , but something is happening with his sharingan ... something i was hoping that it would not happen again ...

A few days later

" Hmm " he felt dizzy , looking around he was in his room , his vision was not really the best one but it was far better than after the fight , when he was almost blind again like in his old life , right then a familliar voice hitted him in the ears and then something came and hugged him , something small

Kunou - You woke up , you finally woke up , see mama ?

Yasaka - Yes , yes , give him some space sweetheart , he is tired ( said Yasaka with a smile on her face [ Fate - Damnnn she is hot , you better make my boy hit that !!! ] )

Yasaka - You've done quite well Itachi , to fight against Jukan and to defeat him without killing him was quite a feat and especially defeating his White Flames , and to stand against Tsuchigumo too , i must to thank you Itachi , for all what you have ( she said with a bow from her head ) and thank you for saving my daughter she is everything for me

Itachi - No problem .. i promised that i will help , i always keep my promises , but how do you know about our fight ? Did he tell or ?

Yasaka - I don't think it matters anymore , but in this days , everyone knows , norse , devils , angels , most of the mythologies , you've made quite a name for you Itachi-kun , now is better if you rest . Sun Wukong is going to come later , he want to speak something important with you , sleep well and thank you again ( she said while kissing him on his forehead and the small girl only waved "GoodBye " which he returned of course and off they was )

Fate - Damnnn she is hot ! Have you seen those boobs ? I think that they are bigger than her head , even yours !!

Itachi : I've should name you Jiraya said with a deadpan expression

Susanoo : Hahahahahahaha !!!!!

Fate - Why are you laughing , who is Jiraya , he was cool right ? Right ? ( at that both Itachi and Susanoo started to laugh even more ) stop you both !!! Don't laugh , why are you laughing ? !! IS NOT FUNNY !!!!

This chapter ... i think that it was mhh ok .. in my opinion , i don't know i think that i've should made the battle with TSUCHIGUMO and i am sure that many of you wanted to see it , but i have other plans for him , from the next chapter i think that i will not make many fights , i will mostly make character developement and yeah .. that's it guys .

Thank you for watching . Review the story , Follow the story and Vote the story , It would help me a lot .

Lukas_Blastcreators' thoughts