
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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77 Chs

Chapter 54

As Boruto strolled out of the stadium, his eyes landed on his group of friends.

Sarada, ever observant, couldn't help but notice something amiss. "Where are your clothes?" she inquired, her hand instinctively covering her eyes, though she couldn't resist stealing a quick peek at Boruto's well-defined, ripped physique.

Chocho, usually confident and self-assured, found herself momentarily taken aback by the sight of this handsome blond man standing before her. She couldn't quite place him, unsure of who he was at first glance.

Boruto, with a nonchalant shrug, replied, "They got destroyed," his voice carrying a hint of weariness from the battles he had just endured.

Curiosity sparked in Shikadai's eyes as he asked, "Did you fight alongside the Kages against the invaders?" His voice held a mix of admiration and intrigue, eager to hear about Boruto's experiences.

"Yeah, pretty much," Boruto responded, his tone casual yet filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Iwabe, known for his straightforward nature, couldn't help but express his surprise. "How are you not injured?" he questioned, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and curiosity.

"I have regeneration," Boruto explained simply, his words revealing a newfound power he had acquired.

Iwabe nodded, understanding the source of Boruto's resilience and ability to emerge unscathed from intense battles.

Inojin, always observant and perceptive, couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "Why aren't you all weirded out that Boruto has grown taller and looks older?" he asked, genuinely intrigued.

Sarada, ever confident and composed, responded with a knowing smile. "Well, we already knew," she stated, her words hinting at a shared understanding among their group. Mitsuki, ever enigmatic, chimed in, "Me too," confirming Sarada's sentiment.

Shikadai, ever the pragmatist, added, "And you need to remember that Boruto has always been a bit weird," his words laced with a hint of playful teasing.

Boruto, with a mischievous grin, stepped forward, playfully challenging Shikadai. "Oi, are you picking a fight with me?" he asked, his voice filled with a playful edge.

"Of course," Shikadai responded, a smirk dancing on his lips, ready to engage in their usual banter.

Boruto chuckled, his laughter filled with warmth and familiarity, as he affectionately patted Shikadai's shoulder. "Good to see you again," he said, his voice carrying a genuine sense of joy and camaraderie.

"Me too," Shikadai replied, a genuine smile forming on his face, glad to have his friend back by his side.

As Metal approached Boruto, tension filled the air as the two locked eyes, their gazes filled with determination that hinted at a potential clash. Shikadai, ever the mediator, let out a weary sigh, expecting a confrontation between the two.

However, to everyone's surprise, Boruto and Metal quickly diffused the tension by engaging in a bro handshake, their hands clasping firmly, a symbol of their mutual respect and camaraderie.

"Good to see you, my brother," Boruto exclaimed, a genuine smile gracing his face, his words filled with warmth and familiarity.

A smirk tugged at Metal's lips as he retorted, "That's my line," his voice carrying a hint of playful competitiveness.

Eager to test their strength, the two friends engaged in a gripping contest, their hands tightly clasped together. After a few seconds, Metal tapped Boruto's hand, conceding defeat in the strength test.

"Damn, you've gotten stronger by a mile," Metal acknowledged, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and friendly rivalry.

Boruto simply smiled, acknowledging the compliment, and announced, "I'm going back home to get some sleep. I'm a bit tired." With that, he bid his friends farewell and departed from their company.

"Woah, Boruto has become even more handsome," Chocho remarked, her eyes widening in surprise. "But he's still not my type," she added, her tone nonchalant, causing Inojin, Shikadai, Sarada, Metal and Iwabe to exchange incredulous glances, unable to comprehend Chocho's statement.

Meanwhile, amidst the group's interactions, other onlookers observed the scene, including Shinki, the adopted son of Gaara. His eyes followed Boruto's every move, curiosity and intrigue flickering in his gaze.

Within the shattered remnants of the stadium, the Kages gathered in a huddled discussion, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. Kurotsuchi, voiced her observation, "The Otsutsuki sure have an uncanny ability to absorb chakra. They seem to heavily rely on this method."

Chojuro nodded in agreement. "Boruto's suggestion was risky, but it paid off. By using chakra in their presence but preventing them from stealing it, we managed to gain the upper hand."

Darui chimed in, acknowledging Boruto's ingenuity. "Your son is quite smart, Naruto. But what exactly is that chakra that he used?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head, a warm smile playing on his lips. "It's nothing too complicated, really. He simply attacked them out of nowhere with his chakra. It was a surprise move, but it worked, so we can't be mad at him."

Gaara addressed Darui's question about the nature of Boruto's chakra. "It's called Dark Chakra," he explained, his voice steady and composed. "Essentially, it's chakra formed from negative emotions. It acts as a counter to the Otsutsuki, who thrive on absorbing chakra. The Dark Chakra can cause corruption and poisoning, which significantly weakened the Otsutsuki as we fought."

Darui and Kurotsuchi exchanged nods, acknowledging the effectiveness of Boruto's strategy.

Sasuke directed his gaze towards Rock Lee, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Why did you follow up with his plan, Rock Lee?"

Rock Lee's expression exuded unwavering confidence as he replied, "I trust him with my life. Boruto is my student, and I have seen his growth and potential. I knew he had a plan, and I had faith that it would succeed."

Sasuke let out a sigh, his gaze shifting towards the horizon. "Regardless of our recent victory, we must remain vigilant. There are still many unknown Otsutsuki who may come to Earth. We need to be even more prepared for the battles that lie ahead."

The Kages nodded in agreement, their determination unwavering as they contemplated the challenges that awaited them in the future.

Curiosity filled the air as Darui directed a question towards Naruto, his gaze fixed on him. "I have to ask, Naruto. Why does your son possess the Sharingan?"

Naruto's eyes shifted towards Sasuke, a hint of weariness evident in his expression. He let out a sigh before responding, "He actually obtained it by stealing it from someone."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the group, their eyes widening in surprise. However, Sasuke remained unfazed, having been present during the incident.

Gaara voiced his curiosity, seeking further clarification. "So, there are still individuals who possess the Sharingan aside from Sasuke and his daughter?"

Sasuke nodded solemnly, his voice laced with a touch of sorrow. "Yes, there was another Sharingan user. He was a failed experiment of Orochimaru's, but he is no longer alive."

Kurotsuchi, couldn't help but inquire about Sasuke's feelings towards this revelation. "Sasuke, are you okay with this?"

A conflicted expression flickered across Sasuke's face as he responded, his words filled with a mix of resignation and understanding. "No, I'm not okay with it. But...he is Naruto's son, and I have learned to let certain things go."


Boruto found himself face to face with Kakashi, the former Hokage, who wore a mischievous smile. Irritation laced Boruto's voice as he addressed Kakashi, his weariness evident as he longed for some much-needed rest. "What do you want now? Can't you see I'm exhausted?"

Kakashi's response dripped with sarcasm as he playfully taunted Boruto. "Oh, so you're not thrilled to see me? How disappointing."

Boruto's retort was sharp, laced with a hint of bitterness. "Well, you are the stabber of heart, so forgive me if I'm not exactly thrilled."

Kakashi's confusion was evident, but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of insult. "You're a Genin now, right?"

Boruto's response was curt, his impatience palpable. "Yeah, what's your point?"

With a hint of determination in his voice, Kakashi revealed his purpose. "I'm here to fulfill my promise."

Boruto's dismissal was swift, his stubbornness shining through. "Forget it. I don't need your teachings anymore."

Kakashi felt a pang of annoyance at Boruto's rejection, but he maintained his composure and pressed on, still attempting to reason with him. "Why? I can still offer valuable guidance."

Tired expression on Boruto's face. "I already have the jutsu I need from you."

Kakashi's confusion deepened as he questioned Boruto's statement. "What do you mean?"

Boruto's eyes glimmered with a mix of pride and mischief as he conjured a Chidori in his hand. "This" He learned it by observing Sasuke and using my Sharingan.

The area fell into a stunned silence as Kakashi and Boruto locked eyes, the weight of Boruto's actions sinking in.

Kakashi's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but question Boruto about his possession of the Sharingan. His gaze fixated on Boruto's face, he asked, "I can't help but wonder, how did you come to possess the Sharingan?"

Boruto's response was nonchalant, almost dismissive. "I stole it. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask my father. He can fill you in on the details." With a casual wave of his hand, Boruto deactivated the Chidori, dissipating the electric energy that crackled in his palm.

As Boruto attempted to walk past Kakashi, the former Hokage placed a firm hand on his shoulder, halting his progress. Kakashi's voice carried a mix of surprise and concern as he reiterated Boruto's confession. "You stole it?"

Boruto's response was unapologetic, even callous. "Yes, he was a failed experiment. I wasn't about to let those eyes go to waste."

Kakashi couldn't help but recall the name Danzo, a figure from the past associated with such actions. The weight of Boruto's words settled heavily on Kakashi's mind, reminding him of the dark side of the shinobi world.

Concern etched into his voice, Kakashi posed a question to Boruto. "Will you steal another person's Dojutsu in the future?"

Boruto's expression shifted, a mix of determination and confidence. "There's no one here with a strong Dojutsu, except for Sasuke-san, but..." With a sudden surge of power, Boruto activated his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. "These eyes are more practical."

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a jolt of surprise at Boruto's audacious claim, his confidence in his own abilities shining through.

Kakashi's surprise was evident as he laid eyes upon the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. "Eternal Mangekyou?" The sight of those eyes, with their eternal power and unfathomable depths, left him momentarily speechless.

Boruto, unfazed by Kakashi's reaction, dismissed him with a curt request. "Yes, please don't bother me any further." With those words, he turned and left Kakashi standing there, his thoughts swirling with questions and intrigue.

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