
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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77 Chs

Chapter 13: Tiredness

Hello guys author here, I just did change the scene with Sumire in the previous chapter as I listen to your guys complain and you guys are right. So, enjoy this chapter.


Without wasting a moment, Boruto took off in a sprint, his feet pounding against the familiar streets of Konoha. As he raced through the village, he could feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his mind slowly easing as he focused on the physical exertion. The wind brushed against his face, carrying away his worries and insecurities, if only for a brief moment.

With each stride, Boruto pushed himself further, his muscles working in harmony as he weaved through the bustling streets. The sights and sounds of Konoha blurred together, the vibrant colors and familiar faces becoming a mere backdrop to his determined pursuit of distraction.

Hours passed as Boruto tirelessly pushed himself, his body drenched in sweat, but his mind finally finding respite. The physical exhaustion became a welcome distraction, temporarily overshadowing the questions and uncertainties that had plagued him earlier.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the village, Boruto gradually slowed his pace. Panting heavily, he came to a halt, his hands resting on his knees as he caught his breath.

Feeling overwhelmed by his thoughts and emotions, Boruto quietly muttered to himself, "Let's go back home." With a heavy heart, he made his way back to the familiar comfort of his own house, seeking solace in the familiarity of his surroundings.

As Boruto stepped through the front door, his mother, Hinata, immediately noticed a change in his demeanor. Concern etched across her face, she approached him with a gentle touch. "Are you okay, Boruto? Did something happen? Is it about a woman?" she inquired, her intuition honed by years of motherly wisdom.

Boruto couldn't help but feel a slight shiver run down his spine at the accuracy of his mother's guess. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much he should reveal. "I'm fine, Mom," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of weariness. "I just need a little rest and maybe some time for training to clear my head."

Sensing her son's need for space, Hinata nodded understandingly, though a subtle smile played at the corners of her lips. 

As Boruto hurriedly made his way to the bathroom, Hinata couldn't help but chuckle softly to herself.

"Looks like my son has found himself a crush," she mused, a mix of amusement and fondness evident in her voice.

The Next Day,

As Boruto sat at his desk, his head resting on his arms which served as a makeshift pillow, Shikadai couldn't help but notice his friend's weary demeanor. Concerned, he leaned over and asked, "You good, Boruto?"

Boruto mustered a half-hearted response, raising his hand and giving a thumbs-up. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice lacking its usual energy.

Metal, ever observant, chimed in with his own inquiry. "Did you overtrain?" he asked, his brow furrowing with worry.

Boruto nodded, acknowledging the truth in Metal's words. "Kinda," he admitted, his exhaustion evident in his voice.

Metal, always eager to share his knowledge, offered some advice. "You need some rest to let your muscles build up," he suggested, his concern for his friend shining through.

Boruto sighed, realizing the wisdom in Metal's words. "I know," he muttered, a hint of frustration lacing his voice.

Meanwhile, Sarada and Chocho their worry for Sumire is evident. They had noticed a tiredness in Sumire's expression, something they had never seen before. Their concern was shared by other girls in the class, including Suzumeno Namida, Izuno Wasabi, Enko Onikuma, and Tsuru Ittoi.

Sumire, sensing their worry, reassured them with a tired smile. "I'm fine, guys," she reassured them. "I just haven't been able to sleep well last night."

Despite the lingering fatigue, the class carried on with their usual routine. Lessons began and ended as usual, with Iwabe showing a newfound focus and determination after a recent humiliation. Kaminarimon Denki, always eager to help others, lent a helping hand to Iwabe with his studies, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support within the group.

As the school day came to an end, Boruto walked alongside his friends, enjoying their company and the familiar chatter that filled the air. Suddenly, his gaze fell upon Kakashi, who was engrossed in a book with a distinct green cover. Without a moment's hesitation, Boruto activated his Body Flicker technique, disappearing from his friends' sight and reappearing right in front of Kakashi.

The sudden disappearance and reappearance left his friends, particularly Shikadai, bewildered. "Did you see Boruto, Metal?" Shikadai asked, his confusion evident.

Metal scratched his head, pondering the question. "No, maybe he went to the restroom?" he suggested, unsure of Boruto's sudden vanishing act.

"Probably," Shikadai replied with a shrug, accepting Metal's explanation.

Just as their conversation continued, another familiar face joined the group. It was Yamanaka Inojin, his blonde hair catching the light. Inojin couldn't help but express his disappointment. "It's been a while, Shikadai, and you haven't even bothered to talk to me," he remarked with a hint of annoyance.

Shikadai, never one to hold back his thoughts, replied bluntly, "It's because of your mouth, Inojin. That's why I don't particularly enjoy talking to you. Boruto was right, people like you need a reality check."

Inojin couldn't resist mocking Shikadai's trust in Boruto. "You trust that son of the Hokage?" he taunted, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Before Inojin could continue his provocation, Metal swiftly intervened, delivering a punch to Inojin's face. The impact sent Inojin sprawling to the ground, his taunting words silenced.

"Next time, watch your mouth. Boruto is my rival," Metal asserted, his voice filled with determination. "You should be grateful that I'm the one standing here. If Boruto were here, I'm sure he would have broken your arm."

Metal then turned to Shikadai, a determined look in his eyes. "Let's go. Leave this doofus," he suggested, urging Shikadai to move on from the confrontation. Together, they walked away, leaving Inojin on the ground, nursing his bruised ego.

Inojin, still reeling from the unexpected punch, felt a mix of bewilderment and annoyance. He couldn't believe that Metal had struck him, and he was determined to make sure Metal received a punch in return.

Meanwhile, Boruto's search for Kakashi had finally come to an end. He stood in front of Kakashi, a sense of relief washing over him. "Finally, found you," Boruto exclaimed, a hint of triumph in his voice.

However, in the blink of an eye, Kakashi vanished, leaving Boruto standing there in confusion. In Kakashi's absence, a small piece of paper caught Boruto's attention. It was a message from Kakashi, instructing him to become a Genin first before seeking him out. Boruto crumpled the paper in frustration, veins popping on his forehead.

"This fucker!" Boruto muttered, his annoyance evident. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down. "Fine, let's just train with Might Guy. YOUTH!" he declared, mustering his determination.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Boruto quickly made his way towards Might Guy's house, eager to engage in intense Taijutsu training. The thought of channeling his frustrations into his training fueled his determination, and he ran with a newfound energy and focus.

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