
Chapter 1

There are some things in life that will never become possible if your not born into it. Scott, think about it carefully . Do you really deserve someone like me? Can a relationship with you bring food to the table or a nice house? Just one item of my clothes is worth more then a month of your salary. How can you say you'll give me happiness? Wake up, stop dreaming. This is reality, not a fairytale, where you can have the things your not worthy of. Please check yourself in the mirror.

Scott Ellsworth looked at the stunning Janelle Creque sitting opposite him, his lips starting to tremble.

There were two days left until he graduated from university. He had dreamed of spending the rest of his life with her, not knowing that this is why she took him out on a date.

Do you know why I brought you here today Scott? Janelle motioned for him to look around at their surroundings. It's normal for me to come here to this luxury hotel and restaurant. Look at you, those are the best clothes you have, don't you feel out of place? This is my world, your world should be miles away at the swap meet. That is more suitable for you.

Janelle's words were like a sharp knife cutting into his heart. Yet, he was unable to argue with her logic.

It's true I am from a regular family, whereas she can purchase bags worth thousands of dollars without blinking an eye.

Sitting here Janelle cool and at ease. She was full of confidence that many woman wished they had. But for him, he felt out of place, so much so he was nervous just calling the server over. Looking at the exquisite food in front of him, he didn't even know where to start.

This sense of uncomfortableness swept over him uncontrollably.

He had never been to a place like this before. Being an ordinary college student, spending $75 at a club was already a high expense.

A handsome man approached the table and motioned for Janelle, saying " it's getting late we need to head out soon."

The man was well dressed and holding a Porsche key. He helped Janelle up not even looking at Scott.

Meanwhile Scott's clothes probably cost less then $50 and looked ragged compared to the suit the guy was wearing.

A smirk appeared on Janelle's face as she looked at Scott and said, " we're done "

When she had finished speaking she leaned in and blew out the candles on the table. The little bit of romantic light there was slowly disappeared, and in the shadows Scott's face could not be seen , nor did anyone pay attention to him.

Janelle strode hand in hand out of the restaurant, the eye catching Porsche at the front of the entrance roared as it was started.

After she left Scott sat there as the music continued on in the restaurant, several gossiping servers had noticed what happened at Scott's table. After Janelle left a server came over and asked in a whisper, " Sir, should I remove this from your table?"

Janelle's words were still echoing in Scott's mind. He couldn't forget or unsee the cruel look in her eyes. What hurt the most though was the smirk on her face as she was leaving and the way she looked back at him one more time. It was as if his life had nothing to do with her at all, and his emotions did not concern her simply because they were from two different lifestyles.

See as Scott didn't respond the server looked at the cheap clothes on him and rudely said,"sir, I'm taking these away now."

While saying this she reached for the plate in front of him. Scott's head which had been lowered at the time looked up at her with his tear filled eyes. His voice was somewhat rough as he said," did I say you could?"

She was startled by his unexpected movement and stepped back immediately.

He looked at her with no emotion and said," did I say you could?" Speak, did I say anything? Is this the way you treat customers, is this your form of customer service? His voice had started getting louder and people were starting to look at the server.

Immediately she was offended, she had been serving rich people in this high end restaurant for years, which of course made her look down and judge Scott immediately.

She finally responded, why are you yelling at me, yell at the beautiful woman who dumped you instead. Since you were silent before don't act pretentious now. Look at your poor self, it's a wonder she didn't dump you sooner.

High end restaurant, this is a high end restaurant? Scott started laughing stood up and flipped the table over.

" High end my ass!!"

Everything landed on the ground with a loud sounding crash.

The server took a few steps backward in shock and screamed," go on keep breaking things, we'll see if you can afford to pay for all it! " Scott started to calm down after hearing about being charged for everything.

He stared at the mess in front of him and thought, it's always about money. This server is respectful when dealing with rich people, but looks down on me because of the clothes I wear. Janelle also said those things and got into a car with another man.

The server started yelling for someone to get security before he tried to run away.

An hour later Scott was still at the hotel and restaurant sitting in the lobby, the server looked at him from a distance and laughed.

The tableware and dishes cost at least $500 dollars, she couldn't wait to see what was going to happen.

Right then two older men walked in from the front entrance. One of them was Scott's father, Maurice Ellsworth and the other one was Jeff Moore his neighbor.

Maurice's was upset and his walk was heavy and had purpose. He was definitely holding back his anger.

Scott immediately walked over to him and lowered his head and said, "dad."

Scott was aware of his family's situation $500 dollars was not a small amount to them.

Realizing that his dad had even brought Jeff with him, he immediately figured his family couldn't afford to pay for everything themselves.

Scott was ready to get scolded seeing the look of disappointment in his father's eyes.

Destroy everything was all his dad said.

What!! Scott was stunned.

Maurice lit a cigarette, slowly exhaled and said, " I said destroy it all " since your upset today, just destroy it, I'll support what ever you want to do.

With that his dad picked up a chair and threw it out the front stained glass window that was worth thousands of dollars.

As the sound of glassed being smashed rang out, the window was now destroyed and in pieces.